
Tokyo, Japan – Tokyo Physio is the premiere destination for Pilates in Tokyo , serving the city’s English speaking population and featuring instruction by prima ballerina, Haruno Yamazaki. The world famous dancer is a certified expert in clinical Pilates and yoga.

Clinical Pilates sessions at Tokyo Physio are conducted in small groups in the clinic’s private, fully equipped studio to ensure each client receives the individualized attention they deserve. Yamazaki works closely with each patient and the practice’s physiotherapists to provide the clinical Pilates program that best fits the needs of the individual.

Clinical Pilates has an emphasis on strengthening the spine, torso, core and pelvic floor. The technique is beneficial for preventing injuries, in rehabilitation, and to maintain health. Pilates in Tokyo offers one of the most extensive ranges of clinical Pilates programs available. Sessions are beneficial for relieving pain and may offer an alternative to prescription medications, depending upon the patient.

Clinical Pilates at Tokyo Physio has a multitude of therapeutic uses. Evidence based clinical Pilates is advantageous for rehabilitation in an extensive array of injuries and following surgery for quicker results that return patients to their normal range of activities as quickly as possible.

Multiple therapeutic methods can be combined with clinical Pilates for rehabilitation, to maintain functionality, and address chronic conditions. By building strength within the core, clinical Pilates provides patients with greater stability and balance that helps in minimizing the risk of injuries. Individuals gain improved range of motion, coordination and endurance.

Tokyo Physio’s clinical Pilates sessions promotes better breathing, flexibility, and is beneficial for enhancing sports performance on the field and on the stage for those in the performing arts.

The clinical Pilates in Tokyo provided at Tokyo Physio provides individuals with a means of relieving pain, rehabilitating injuries, and addressing chronic disease. The sessions are conducted by Yamazaki, who combines her expertise in dance, yoga and clinical Pilates with the experience of the practice’s physiotherapists to promote health, mobility and enhanced quality of life.

About Tokyo Physio

Launched in 2002, Tokyo Physio addresses the needs of the English speaking population in Tokyo, specialising in sports injuries, endurance sports, post-operative care, clinical Pilates, sports massage and women’s health with Australian trained physiotherapists. The practice has offices in Tokyo, Niseko, Hakuba, Nazawa and Singapore for convenience. The clinic maintains a presence on Facebook

Media Contact

Tokyo Physio

Phone: 03 3443 6769

Email: info@tokyophysio.com

Website: www.tokyophysio.com

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