OMICS International welcomes you to attend the “International Conference on Oncology Nursing and Cancer Care” which is going to be held on September 19-21, 2016 at Las Vegas, USA which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.
Oncology Nursing 2016 is a global platform to discuss and learn about Cancer Prognosis, General Issues in Cancer Care, Cancer-Basic and Applied Research, Clinical Oncology & Tumor Specific Cancers, Advances in Cancer Therapy, Companion Diagnostics in oncology, Cancer Immunotherapy & Stem Cell Therapy, Cancer Treatment & Advancements in Cancer Therapies, Drug Discovery & Anti-Cancer Vaccines/drugs, Novel Approaches to Cancer Therapeutics and metabolomics, Breast Cancer & Treatment, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), Pediatric Oncology, Cancer Pain Management, Supportive Care Services & Lifestyle Connection, Gynecologic Oncology & Endocrine Oncology, Radiation Oncology.Oncology has become one of the major focus areas for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies because of the high unmet need for improved treatments for multiple types of cancer.For an oncologist or an oncology nurse, finding the appropriate words to comfort a family who is facing the loss of a loved one can be difficult. This section addresses how different groups—oncologists, patients, and Nurses—think about end-of-life care issues. This section discusses an oncologist’s responsibility and perspective when it comes to difficult subjects such as advanced cancer, hospice, do not resuscitate orders, cytotoxic therapy, supportive care, maintaining a patient’s dignity, and imminent death. Articles in this series also discuss the role of spirituality and religion at the time of death, and the importance of good communication between the oncologist and family members throughout the dying process.Oncology nurses practice in a variety of settings including acute care hospitals, ambulatory care clinics, private oncologists’ offices, radiation therapy facilities, home healthcare agencies, and community agencies. The roles of the oncology nurses vary from the intensive care focus of bone marrow transplantation to the community focus of cancer screening, detection, and prevention. Health promotion includes motivating people to embrace behaviors that both improve their emotional and physical quality of life and reduce their risk for premature morbidity and mortality. Although the majority of adults treated for cancer in the United States live free of disease for many years, many survivors experience lasting side effects and complications of treatment. Others encounter recurrences or new cancers that require additional treatment. Late effects vary from one cancer survivor to the next.