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Hello there! If you don't know who i am, i totally understand! I am MetaMachine. a new user on the ERB wiki and i was thinking that since ERB season 5 has just ended, (Possibly the series but we still don't have the details about it) i can talk about ERB and maybe even other rap battles if you guys want me too. i do take suggestions you know, but today i am going to talk about my Top 10 Unpopular ERB opinions! Why? Because i have a somewhat different opinion on alot of things ERB-related and because this is my first main thing on the wiki and if you don't kill me for liking your least favourite battle and disliking your favourite i think we can really get along! (Please be nice in the comments about what i think. Don't be a opinion nazi like this guy)
But enough side-tracking. let's get to the countdown!
<u>'''Number #10 Ruth vs Armstrong & Sinatra vs Mercury'''</u>
Okay so most of what's on this list should be pretty easy to figure out what my opinion is if a say a popular or unpopular choice. But why would i put these two random battles that no one really talks about? Well... that's why. allow me to elaborate. I really like both of these battle a lot but for some reason, they are not really talked about very much. Like, at all. Both battles are the least viewed in there respected 6-battle storm. Sinatra vs Mercury was sandwiched between Jobs vs Gates and Romney vs Obama which are the two most viewed battles on the channel. And on the other side of this right after Ruth vs Armstrong was Mozart vs Skrillex. Another very popular battle but even still. these two battles. in my opinion at least, are some the best in there storm! Sinatra and Mercury has some really good visuals like the smoke, blue-green clones, and "the Guinea dago" efffects . Not to mention a awesome instrumental remix of "We Will Rock You" by Queen! Meanwhile Ruth vs Armstrong has a very Sportsy (is that a word? Sportsy?) Beat like all of the sport battles, a cool effect with Babe Ruth playing baseball with another Babe Ruth, and really funny lines like the "Batter fatter rapper" and the "Three strikes one ball" line. This spot could of gone to any underrated battle really but these two mainly are the ones that i think should be talked about much more and not be some of the most untalked about ERB's
<u>'''<span style="font-weight:normal;">Number #9 Ghostbusters vs MythBusters</span>'''</u><span style="font-weight:normal;"> </span>
So when season 3 of ERB ended on July 14, 2014 everybody was excited for season 4 and had know idea what there were going to do for the premiere because up to this point, 2/3's of premieres have been Hitler Vader sequels and people have been getting pretty bored of that, which i get. but then on September 30, 2014. Out of NOWHERE! ERB makes a trailer of ghost Hitler and which i could only assume some people were like " Ugh. Another Hitler Vader' but then! Hitler gets trapped in the ghost trap from Ghostbusters and we see the Mythbuster. ERB Season 4 was going to open with Ghostbusters vs Mythbusters one of the most popular erb suggestion at the time! Now, i get excited for any erb because. Well. if you know me. Hi i'm MetaMachine nice to meet you. i always give the battle a fair chance. But i've never really been that big of a fan of the idea of Ghost vs Myth. I mean, i get it. Teams of Scientist that are Busters of some kind but i don't pick the battles. ERB does. And when i battle came out. Well... To be honest. I'm not crazy about the battle. don't get your torchs out on me it starts as a pretty good battle i like both of the teams chemistry that they have but you kinda start to lose me when you get the B-Team for like, four bars? and then after that we get the Stay Puft Marshmallow? And he raps like Biggie Small?! because... resemblance?
(Is there something that i'm just missing here or something?)
Look. I don't hate the battle but to me at least this battle bites of more then it can chew. This battle has 10 Rappers and the battle is about 1:53 not counting announcer and the "who won? who next?" bit. if the battle was longer like Ivan vs Alexender i don't think i would have this problem but as it stands it's just a bit too much. Although, this battle does give me the perfect caption for when i say the wrong thing at the wrong time.[[File:Uh-oh.png|thumb|670px]]
(This might have to be my new proflie pic) <u>'''Number #8 Goku vs Superman'''</u> Okay. This battle. So if ask me about my opinions on Goku vs Superman you would get very mixed thoughts. What do i mean? Well, there is alot to like about the battle. it brings alot of fan appeal of characters that a lot of people know about, Visuals are lit, (please don't kill me for the use of the word "lit" ) this battle has some of the hardest hitting lines ever, and this was the very first ERB that i've ever seen! So why is it on my list? Two reasons. One, Its the portrayal of Goku. I have seen Dragon Ball for like, 5-10 years now at this point. And the way Goku was portray just does not feel right. as you see in the video, Goku is very angry as soon as he starts rapping and that just doesn't feel like the iconic Goku that a whole generation has looked up to. I know that they try to do a new interpretation of Goku probably because if they tryed to do the normal Goku they would messed it up. but it does feel weird. Also the battle is pretty short. Coming in at 1:27 count announcer and for charactors that they series have been going on for as long as there's . (Superman started in the 30's and Goku started in the 80's) they don't have that many lines. Superman with 16 and Goku with 14. I know that they can't mention everything from both charactors because of how much there is. but it would have been nice to have a little more from both sides. but the battle is good for what is is . But if it had just a little more. it could be one of the best ERB's but as it stands, it's just good. i'd say like a, i don't know. 7? maybe a 7.4? ... please don't hurt me. <u>'''Number #7 Harry Houdini vs David Copperfield'''</u> So when this battle first came out. There was a ton and i mean A TON of people who didn't like this battle. they was some people who thought it was good, me included don't give me wrong. This battle is kinda flawed. but i think the goods output the bads. This battle is a pretty interesting idea of two of some of the most known magicians, with Houdini being a big inspiration on Copperfield. It also has a very cool and fast instrumentul made even cooler with the heartmoniter sound in Copperfield. and has one of the funnest cameos with Criss Angel! (that sounds like a fun idea, "Top 5 cameos in ERB?) and the effects! Oh the effects! in my opinion this battle is the start of a Huge jump for ERB and the cool effects that they can pull off in the battles. Stuff like the missile in Robocop vs Terminator and the Skateboard tricks in Tony Hawk vs Wayne Gretzky. i know this battle is not perfect. some of the lines could have had a bit more meaning and did not make a whole lot of sense. Watch Mat4yo's Chisel This! episode on it if you don't know what i mean. he does a very good job of explaning it and he is a very big inspiration for these reviews. Also, the battle is shorting then i would like. 1:37 although the fast rapping does help make up for that using the little time that they do have with the battle. Overall, i think that this battle is pretty good. has some really good effects but could of inproved a bit on some of the lines. Kinda wish they did a little bit more with Criss Angel though. maybe he could be in another battle?[[File:No_No.png|thumb|670px]]
<u>'''Number #6 Ellen Degeneres vs Oprah Winfrey'''</u>
Now here is where i start to get really into controversial choices. So alot of people don't like this battle and i don't see any reason to hate it. this battle i'd say is just average. both charactors are what you would expect in the battle with Ellen's optimistic and fun-loving-nest (idk) personality clashing with the seriousness of Oprah who to me always looks like she really wants to just slap Ellen so hard that i get kinda scared. being around. her... [[File:Intimidation.png|thumb|670px]]
(you get away from me)
something that if you weren't on the wiki before this battle came out is that with the hints given that Lauren Flans, the Actress of Ellen was going to be in the battle and that her character would "Have a way with words." Alot of people that that it would be J.K Rowling vs Jane Austen which is a pretty popular suggestion. and some people might have been disappointed because of what we got. Like if you thoght you were getting a Xbox 1 for your birthday and in reality, you got a Wii U. (No offense if you have a Wii U.) And like Mercury vs Sinatra and Armstrong vs Ruth this battle was also sandwiched between Jack the Ripper vs Hannibal Lecter and Spielberg vs Hitchcock some of the most popular battles of the half-season. Now i'm not saying that is the case and keep in mind. This battle is not like the best battle in ERB history or anything this battle is kinda just a breather with all of the cool shizz that ERB has done in season 4 A with the Lego animation in Zeus vs Thor, 10 Rappers in Ghost vs Myth, and the upcoming royale in Spielberg vs Hitchcock i just like it more then most and most seem to dislike this battle that's all.
Okay i hate to stop us but this review is getting pretty long. I'm only half way done with my list and we are almost at 2,000 words so stay tuned for part of my Top 10 Unpopular ERB Opinions! I hope you like this review and please leave your thoughts, suggestions for other reviews that i could do, and your criticism in the comments just keep in mind that this is the first time i have ever done anything like this. I want to give thanks to everyone on the wiki for being so welcoming to me joining the Wikia family. as mentioned in the list i want to give thanks for Mat4yo and his Chisel This! series. His critical thinking about ERB and music has inspire me to talk about ERB in a critical way. i also want to thank my older brother for getting me into ERB in the first place and the type of humor in the review i've got from him and if you want to check him out. He has a deviantart account in which he makes webcomics and cartoon reviews. I highly suggest you check him out link to his deviantart account [ here ] and of course thanks to everyone on the ERB team if it was not for them i would not even be here to talk to you all. Okay! that was alot to thank so untill part 2. See ya![[File:Bye.png|thumb|670px]]
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