A few years ago, it seemed like every tenth person was a “social media manager.” All you needed was a Twitter account, a Facebook login, and the ability to convince companies you could run their social media accounts.
Now, the quality of those campaigns was probably a little … questionable … but fortunately those days are behind us. Time, expertise and a changing social media landscape have allowed the best social media marketers to thrive.
Here are 50 of the best agencies, freelancers and social media managers out there.
Some are niche, and others are wide-ranging in scope, but they all have in common a proven track record, good clients, and the ability to get your message across.
HelloSociety, @Hello_Society
Marketme.co.uk, @marketme
CP+B, @cpbgroup
Laura Pence Atencio, @SocialSavvyGeek
Nicole Harrison, @SocialNicole
Mat Morison, @mediaczar
JSUSolutions, @JSUSolutions
Spring Creek Group, @SpringCreekGrp
Duncan Alney, @firebelly
6S Marketing, @6s_marketing
Social Fulcrum, @socialfulcrum
Social Media 101, @social_mediaSA
Matchstick, @Matchstick
SOCIALFLY, @Socialfly
MiamiSocialMarketing, @MiSoMarketing
Tyler Anderson, @tylerjanderson
TechMoran Magazine, @TechMoranLtd
Dapper Goat Social, @Dapper_Goat
Social Buzz, @SocialBuzzInc
ComboApp, @ComboApp
SocialRadius, @SocialRadius
Katrina Padron, @PadronSocial
WeAreBuzz, @BuzzinSocial
Uptown Treehouse, @UptownTreehouse
MediaMarketingCo, @MediaMktgCo
Talking Finger, @talkingfinger
Snap Agency, @snapsocial
Atlantic Webworks, @atlanticwebworx
Gumption Agency, @GumptionSocial
Midas Media, @Midas_UK
Social Chain, @TheSocialChain
Huge, @hugeinc
Social Ally, @SocialAlly_USA
Upwardly Social, @UpwardlySocial
Qubemedia, @qubemedia
Room 214, @Room_214
Bumbl., @wearebumbl
Socialtap, @mysocialtap
Likeable Media, @LikeableMedia
Ignite Social Media, @ignitesma
Andréa Jones, @OnlineDrea
Bearly Marketing, @bearlymarketing
Scott Levy, @FuelOnline
Social Media Beast, @soc_media_beast
Socialfly, @socialfly
Laundry Service, @247ls
Our Social Times, @oursocialtimes
Image by: Alessio Lin
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