
How to get started right NEW BEACHBODY COACH

What’s up everybody it’s Coach Caleb from EpicEveryRep.com and welcome to Beachbody Coaching! Ahhhh!!!!! I bet you are just SO stinkin’ excited! And I’m excited for you. Welcome to the family! Today’s video is all about how to get started right as a brand spankin’ new Team Beachbody Coach, but, it’s gonna take a different approach than what I’ve seen most other leaders take with this kind of video.

Now, there are literally a BAJILLION things I could throw in this video to help you get started “right” as a brand new Beachbody Coach, and if you do a quick google search, you can find ALL of them with the title “How to Get Started Right” above it. I mean I could make this video about the three vital behaviors, invite invite invite, be proof the products work, read personal development, recognition, how to run challenge groups, how to share the business opportunity, setting up your back office, customizing your websites, I could give you invitation scripts, product lists, talk about success club points, challenge packs, Shakeology, home direct summit and AHHHHH!!!!

But rather than overwhelming more than you already and and starting you off with any of that kind of training, I just want to touch on a really important thought that almost EVERY new coach forgets and struggles because of it.

If you want to get started right, think about, and REMEMBER the person you were and the excitement you had about Beachbody BEFORE you became a coach.

I mean, chances are good that you were NATURALLY doing a program and participating in a challenge group and crushin’ goals and loved it and getting results and you were telling everybody how great you felt. And posting about it on facebook. And even inviting your friends at work to do the workouts with you. And it was amazing and you felt great and positive and you shouted from the rooftops and it was only logical that you become a coach….

But for some reason, for so many of those new coaches, all of that changes the moment they sign up. They immediately FORGET ALL of that excitement and psych themselves out and started to put so much pressure on themselves to “succeed” as a coach and learn everything and get through all this training and eventually… FEAR replaced all of the amazing excitement and passion they once had about this company, and before they can even get started, much less started RIGHT, another coach bites the dust because they LOSE the mental battle.

In my humble opinion, the BEST way to get started RIGHT as a brand new Beachbody Coach, is all in your mind: remember and focus on the excited and passionate and willing person you were BEFORE you became a beachbody coach.

You have an amazing opportunity you could do so much with now, there’s no doubt about it, but as a brand new coach, FIGHT the stupid tendency to feel the need to change and pressure yourself into somebody that you never were meant to be. Work hard and learn and train, yes, but above all else, stay fundamentally passionate and deeply in love with these products and the life changing process of using them and sharing it all openly with the world…and if all THAT continues to come first, I believe you will be the kind of coach that can figure out how to make everything else fall into place.

THAT is how you get started right as a brand new Beachbody Coach. EVERYTHING comes second to THAT.

That’s all for today! I hope this video helped you guys out! If it did, give me some great feedback, and hey just remember- I’m constantly searching for people that want to get started and become coaches. If that’s you, and you dig my videos and how I teach, let’s connect and we’ll work one on one to make that happen!

Love you guys, peace!
Coach Caleb

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