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Deals for professional creatives!

On this page we collect all deals for web professionals and creatives which are currently available on Mighty Deals.

Mighty Deals is a website aimed at creative professionals. They offer deals on quality fonts, templates, apps, ebooks, icons and much more.

HINT: Take a loot at the "Pay What You Want" bundles too!

Featured bundle & deals

WordPress Plugin Bundle

A simple WordPress plugin can turn your basic site into a fun site. Now add 80 great WP plugins to your site and you've pushed the ceiling to new heights. That's exactly what you get with this Ultra Mega WordPress Plugin Bundle from PopNet Media, full of

GET it NOW for $27

Bundles & deals

The Creative Bundle

Stock up on a ton of creative items NOW with Ultrashock's latest Creative Bundle which contains an incredible assortment of brand new exclusive content including HDR scenic nature photos, vector patterns created from authentic antique Japanese kimono

GET it NOW for $27

Graphic Design Magazine Templates

Now you can whip up breathtaking magazine layouts with ease, thanks to this Mighty Deal from Love Graphic Design. Take advantage of the 8 professional hi-res templates in this bundle that sport more than 350 different pages to work with. Simple to edit

GET it NOW for $17

The Web Designer's eBook Bundle

You've heard the buzz words: Responsive design; HTML5; social media. They're all hot industry terms, but it's tough to keep up with the technology they're tied to. You can bounce around the Internet, reading an article here or a blog post there, or you

GET it NOW for $6

Smashing Web & Graphics eBook Bundle

Mastering Web design techniques and design applications is the key to a bulletproof foundation. This incredible Mighty Deal from Smashing Magazine offers all the tools you'll need to get things going. This bundle of 7 popular eBooks covers some serious

GET it NOW for $18

Smashing Bundle! Usability and UX for Web Design

Usability and User Experience are two things you may not normally think about when building a website. But you should. Learning the patterns and techniques that appeal to users and enhance their experience can make a huge difference in the success of

GET it NOW for $19

Smashing Bundle: The Essential Coding for Web Design

One of the neatest parts about programming is that there's always something new to learn. And with so much knowledge to absorb you'd literally need a computer chip in your head to remember it all. That's why it's a great idea to build up a library of

GET it NOW for $24

Ultimate Web Designer's Bundle

Resources are a web designer's best friend. From icons to wireframes to UI sets, having pre-built pieces of a website can truly save time and effort. With this Ultimate Web Designer Bundle from Vandelay Premier, you'll get everything you need to create

GET it NOW for $39

Read full article: http://www.epicbundle.com/bundle/bundles-mighty-deals

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