Green Man Gaming - How to use the voucher for game deals? View full article on Epic Bundle ยป
This tutorial shows how to apply coupon codes on Green Man Gaming. Use these discount codes and you'll save money - sometimes up to 20% - with your next game deal purchase. Visit our updated game deals & voucher page for the latest GMG coupons & promo codes.
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Where can I get latest Green Man Gaming voucher codes?
Green Man Gaming, also known as GMG, is one of the biggest digital game distribution platforms for PC games. Green Man Gaming is an official and trustworthy reseller for Steam games!
The Green Man Gaming Store is already well known for the low prices and high discounts on digital PC game deals ...but with the voucher codes these games are even cheaper.
You can find all voucher codes by Green Man Gaming here in our game deals and voucher list.
Applying a GMG discount code is indeed really easy. Just follow the steps below.
How to apply the voucher code?
Follow this Step-by-Step tutorial to apply the code. (Don't miss to take a look at the image below).
1.) Get a working voucher code for Green Man Gaming.
You can find the latest working voucher codes for Green Man Gaming here. (Updated)
The voucher code is easy to find on the page. (see image 1.)
2.) Visit Green Man Gaming's store and add a game to the basket.
Visit the website of Green Man Gaming and find the game of your choice. Click the "ADD TO BASKET" button (see image 2.) in order to add the game to your "Shopping Cart". If you want purchase more than one game, repeat this step.
3.) Open the Shopping Cart
On Green Man Gaming's website, click the "Shopping Cart" icon in the top right corner. Click the button "VIEW CART" (see image 3.) in order to see the games you've added in the last step. This will open up the "Your cart" page which shows the games you've added before. Use the small green "Plus Sign" to purchase more than one copy of the same game.
4.) Enter the Voucher Code
On the "Shopping Cart" page, scroll down and locate the tabbed "Vouchers" section. Attention: Select the Tab "Vouchers". Paste the voucher code into the text field (see image 4.) and click "APPLY". If you haven't got a voucher code yet, get the latest code here.
If the voucher has been applied successfully, you will now find a "Your Applied Vouchers" box on the page. Also the total price in your "Cart Summary" has been updated.
Sometimes, the voucher code has expired or just can't be used for a special game. You'll than see a message like this: "The voucher code entered appears to be invalid, please copy and paste the code exactly". In this case, simply search for another voucher code.
5.) Purchase the game
Click the button "PROCEED TO PAYMENTS" (see image 5.) in order to purchase the game.
Green Man Gaming accept many payment providers like Paypal, Master Card, Visa, paysafe and more. Choose the one that fits you best.
You've purchased a game using a voucher code and saved even more money. Have fun with your new game.
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Extras: Useful infos
Get the game from Green Man Gaming's "My Purchases" list
After you've purchase a game on GMG, you'll receive an email with your game key. You can wait for this email or just click the "green head" image (My Account) in the top right corner of Green Man Gaming's store and select the "My Purchases" menu entry. (see image 3.) This page lists all of the games and game keys you've purchased via Green Man Gaming.
Redeem a Steam key
If you've purchase a game for Steam, you've recieved an Steam product code. If you don't know how to activate this Steam key, you can read our How to activate a Game / redeem a Steam key? step-by-step tutorial.
Where can I find more game deals & voucher codes?
If you're searching more great deals you should visit our hand-picked
List of Daily Game Deals! (+ voucher codes)
Hint: You can also receive game deal updates via RSS Feed.
It doesn't work?
If you've any question or problem with this step by step guide, then just take a look at the comments! Feel free to ask a question, or just add a note!
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