
To mark World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Day 2013, the European COPD Coalition (ECC) , and the European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients' Associations (EFA) are organising an event under the auspices of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU).

The conference entitled “What role for diseases and patients in shaping Horizon 2020? A COPD case study of patient involvement” will take place in the Residence Palace (Polak room) in Brussels on Thursday, 28th November, 2013. The objective of the conference is to discuss the newly adopted EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation – Horizon 2020, and standards of care for COPD, with a patient's perspective.
Three main sessions will follow:

1. Is Horizon 2020 fit to accommodate disease specific research? Is it too late to make it fit for disease purpose?

2. What is the best care for COPD and how can research improve standards of care for COPD?

3. Patients working with academia and policy makers to inform research.

COPD was taken as a case study, since this chronic disease is marked by increasing prevalence among the European population and as one of the leading causes of premature deaths worldwide. Despite these facts, the awareness of the COPD is largely insufficient. Therefore, this event emphasises the role of patients in both research, through their integration in EU projects, and establishing adequate standards of COPD care.

EFA's newest book on Minimum Standards of Care for COPD Patients in Europe will be presented during the conference. This publication is the outcome of a unique survey results of 16 EFA patients associations from different European countries; it also include the newest data from the ERS White Book published earlier this year highlighting major disparities in the standards of care within Europe.

The event will include a wide range of speakers, who join as Members of European Parliament, policy makers, researchers, health care specialists, COPD patients as well as other stakeholders. Such a diversity of perspectives will allow a comprehensive approach of the topics discussed during the conference.

Throughout the whole day, all the event participants will have a unique opportunity to undergo lung testing (spirometry) for free at the venue. This test takes approximately 10 minutes and provides an accurate assessment of an individual's lung capacity.

To download the programme or register for the event, please visit EFA's event webpage or contact info@efanet.org

You can follow the conversation around this event in Twitter via #EUCOPDBrx13

[Save the date] What role for diseases and patients in shaping Horizon 2020? – A COPD case study of patient involvement

The European COPD Coalition (ECC)

The European COPD Coalition works with all parties interested in fighting COPD and public health officials to boost awareness of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and decrease the morbidity and mortality caused by this respiratory illness, through advocacy and policy development.

ECC is a not-for-profit association under Belgian law, based in Brussels, whose role is to advocate for political action to be taken at the European level to reduce the burden of the disease through collective action and campaigns, seeking the development and implementation of a comprehensive EU public health policy on COPD. ECC aims to be a key facilitator of COPD health policy initiatives at European level.

www.copdcoalition.eu |info@copdcoalition.eu
| 02 230 59 33 | Catherine Hartmann, Secretary General

The European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients' Associations (EFA)

EFA is a non-profit network of allergy, asthma and COPD patients organisations, representing 35 national associations in 22 countries and over 400,000 patients. EFA is dedicated to making Europe a place where people with allergies, asthma and COPD have the right to best quality of care and safe environment, live uncompromised lives and are actively involved in all decisions influencing their health. www.efanet.org

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