
Stress Relief, lowers “stress” chemical
Meditation reduces the Cortisol hormone. This hormone does lot damage to the body. High levels of this stress hormone do increase heart attacks, blood pressure, undesirable cholesterol and also low bone density. Also has led to hyperglycemia and low immunity. Regular meditation lowers the Cortisol hormone levels and due to this it reduces risk of all these diseases.

Both Anxiety and Depression are Eliminated.
Meditation surges the levels of neurotransmitters, GABA and SEROTONIN. Low levels of GABA have been associated with anxiety, insomnia and tension. Also lowered SEROTONIN leads to depression. Today, many people use anti- depressants in order to increase serotonin levels. In my opinion, meditation can be used to increase serotonin levels significantly thus reducing depression.

Improved Well Being
Increasing endorphin levels in the human body is one of the benefits of meditation.

Meditation quiets the Mind
When the human brain is in a meditative stage/ state, one benefit of meditation is that the human brain has already shifted gears. The brain shifts gear from a busy mind “Beta frequency” to a relaxed mind “Alpha frequency” or even to a deep meditation “Delta frequency”. The human body responds differently depending on the different brainwave frequencies.

Beta Frequency- the body becomes nervous or even anxious

Alpha Frequency- the body becomes relaxed and calm

Brain wave meditation puts the brain in different states. This helps the human body to be able to respond accordingly and also be able to produce the appropriate chemicals

Leads to emotional Maturity
Meditation is used to increase self awareness. Through this, people are able to realize themselves and also make them make the necessary changes in their lives.

Spiritual Insight
Another benefit of meditation is that, it makes many people get in touch with the higher power. This leads to increased intuition and also purpose in life.

There is emotional connection between you and people surrounding you
Can regular meditation improve relationships at all? Yes. This is so because when the chemicals from the brain and the body work well during meditations, people do find patience and composure on how to handle their relationships. When one has a better connection with himself/ herself, there one is able to accommodate other people in their lives more easily because you have accepted yourself the way you are and hence there is emotional connections with people surrounding you.

Anti –Aging
Meditation improves chemicals i.e. DHEA and Melatonin which helps the human body fight aging.

Improved Immune System
Meditation has significant health benefits. And it has a great impact in the functioning of the immune system. People who meditate regularly sleep better. Deep and Better sleep, rejuvenates the functioning of the immune system

Sleep Replacement
A truly benefit of meditation is that, the human brain, can be placed in a brain frequency that replaces sleep using the brainwave meditation mp3. I.e. Two to Three hours of human sleep, can be replaced if the brain is placed in a meditation frequency for 30 minutes.

Summary: For beginners some of the best meditation techniques you can try out are :

Breathing Mediation

Brainwave Meditation

Meditation audio is a very simple way to be able to obtain meditation benefits discussed above in this article.

By Dennis Kariuki

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