Envision plays host to a variety of incredible workshops and seminars. There are so many presentations that you are sure to find something that will pique your interest. You will learn things about yourself and your environment that will leave you wanting more. Envision places a major emphasis on the importance of community and how we can help one another create a world worth living in. Before you can start helping others, you have to empower yourself – the workshops at Envision will give you the tools to do just that. Below is just a taste of the many instructors at Envision who are dedicated to empowering the individual and creating a sustainable global community.
Dave Grillot
Dave Grillot is the creator of Karma Tribe, an online gifting economy that connects people through kindness. In his workshop, The Power of Generosity, festival goers will learn how to step out of their comfort zones and listen to their hearts. Dave believes that when you lend someone a helping hand, or are willing to ask another person for help, amazing things can happen. These deep themes of generosity and graciousness will be covered in detail during this workshop. Participants will share stories and see if there are any ways in which they can help one another.
Dave thinks that there is a vast potential for human collaboration that is still mostly untapped. With the technology available to humanity, we have the special opportunity to connect the “haves” with the “have-nots.” To bring people together who have special skills and connect them with people who have certain needs in a mutually beneficial way. What’s difficult for one person might be easy for another, so let’s help each other out.
For more information visit www.karmatribe.com
Francisco Grau
Global issues won’t be solved through violence, confrontational activism or letting the system crash and rebuilding it. These strategies only separate us further. Francisco Grau believes that celebration might be an important key in the great unravelling of our time. After studying Economics for Transition at Schumacher College Francisco realized that celebration holds the power to tear down the walls of separation, create pockets of utopia and reveal our collective potential to create a more beautiful world. In his workshop, The Power of Celebration, you will learn about the great potential that celebration has. According to Francisco it has the power to bring about a paradigm shift and it can be used to bring us closer to a thriving, fun and abundant planet worth living on.
Inspired at an organic farmer’s market in Costa Rica Francisco saw the power that celebration has to bring people together. He witnessed how celebration can nourish community, shift paradigms and build seemingly impossible bridges between people. He is convinced that celebration is a key resource for bringing people together and he would like to share his research with the people of Envision.
For more information visit www.facebook.com/FeriaVerde
Max Solano
If everyone started growing their own food in a sustainable manner at home thousands of acres of land could be spared from industrial farming. In Max Solano’s workshop, How to start your Organic Garden at Home, people will be given an introduction on how to develop their own organic garden or orchard using the bio-intensive method. This method of organic agriculture is the best way to grow plants in a sustainable and eco-friendly fashion. Conventional agriculture uses agrochemicals that destroy the soil and poison our food supply. With a little initiative and hard work we could all grow our own food in a sustainable way. We could take unused land inside of cities and regenerate it to be used for food production.
Max believes that in order to change the world from its current state, a state in which mother nature is undermined and destroyed by industrial agriculture, we as a global society need to change our relationship with food. Globally we need to start growing our own food in a sustainable way. We need to start producing food responsibly and in ways that are in harmony with nature instead of working against it.
For more information visit www.facebook.com/currihuertas/
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