
The use of advanced technology and cutting-edge tools has completely changed the furniture making industry. Homeowners are no longer fond of conventional models because their dying wish is to have a modern and genuine living space. Handmade furniture is often compared to a green revolution in furniture design. Apart from its clear qualities in material type, model, and craftsmanship, handmade pieces are unique and manufactured after the wish of the customer. Simply put, it’s matchless!

Handmade furniture brings originality to your home

Unlike mass-produced furniture, hand-crafted pieces come in limited numbers. Contractors work independently, and they usually use recycled furniture to make their works of art. Believe it or not, furniture can be sustainable, which means the way it is produced doesn’t have a major impact on the environment. Assuming that you’ve decided to redecorate your home (or at least one of the rooms), what would you buy – furniture produced in factories or hand-crafted furniture?

It’s definitely a tough decision, considering that mass-produced items are cheaper. Still, if you care for the environment and you want to make a difference, considering handmade over mass-produced will make you feel better. The benefits of handmade furniture are endless, and some allegations such as an increased price are usually unfounded.

Green furniture is the new trend

The new trend in home design is to invest in green furniture. Items made of recycled materials are the newest buzz, and the good news is that they’re not as pricey as you might think. Some people can always buy antique furniture to support and help the environment, while others would rather have their pieces handcrafted from an old furniture items they’ve been storing in their basements for ages.

Prior to starting to invest your money in handmade furniture pieces, try to find a competent contractor. Interview more than one individual, check their portfolios and past project to make sure their work is impeccable. This new trend of green furniture has revolutionized the interior home décor industry. People want their items to look fresh, new, and chic but they also them to be practical and complement their homes in the most original way.

Green furniture vs. mass-produced furniture

Companies that make furniture on a mass-produced scale have their items shipped from thousands of miles away. The process is not just deteriorating the furniture but it’s also damaging the environment. Bringing tons of furniture pieces all the way from China to the U.S, by sea, means polluting the ocean and destroying the natural habitat. Buying local is not just a trend; it’s also a lot more practical. You get to see the manufacturer in person, you can make sure he uses the right materials, and you can even pitch in with personal ideas.

Handmade furniture is a lot more durable than mass-produced pieces. The materials are of the highest quality, so the buyer is 100% sure that he will receive at home exactly what he ordered. Buying from international retailers doesn’t ensure you that the item you saw in a store or in a magazine is the same as the one arriving at your door.


Handmade furniture is art

Leaving aside the green aspect of handmade furniture, the mere fact that these pieces are so attentively crafted will leave buyers speechless. Behind every handcrafted chair, table, nightstand, or countertop, there’s a talented craftsman who worked weeks to make sure the client was satisfied with the result. Handmade furniture is pure art and it can’t be replaced by mass-produced items that look the same.

A machine doesn’t have the skill nor the talent to copy the astounding texture, design, shape, and model of handmade pieces; the chic design of hardwood table attentively remodeled and shaped to fit your vintage dining room can’t be replaced with the dullest, most plain table you can find at IKEA. Is there’s one thing you can’t find in stores that make mass-produced furniture is talent.

Are you convinced that handmade furniture has greater benefits that items produced in a factory? Rather than pay $500 on a bookshelf that doesn’t match with your home décor and that will probably start decomposing in a couple of months, it might be wiser to invest $1,000 on a handcrafted item you’ll have for decades.

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