With us today, is Julia Stege, who is known as The Magical Marketer because she helps spiritual business women and conscious entrepreneurs to clarify and express their purpose through branding and marketing that attracts their perfect customers online… magically! Julia is the creator of the Branding from the Heart™ System and the author of Branding from the Heart: How to Share Your Purpose through Marketing that Attracts Your Tribe and Inspires a Revolution.
Julia is an award-winning branding artist and visionary who has worked for noted clients such as the Museum of Modern Art, Carnegie Hall, the U.S. Postal Service, Birkenstock Shoes, 6-time NYT Best-Selling Author Iyanla Vanzant, environmentalist Julia “Butterfly” Hill, and raw food restaurant franchise Cafe Gratitude.
In this magically igniting episode, Julia will share with us:
2:47 – The exciting path towards her entrepreneurial success and how she conquered the odds that came her way.
15:22 – How marketing for Changemakers is different from traditional marketing.
19:21 – What exactly is Authentic Marketing? And how is this different from Targeted Marketing?
20:22 – Some tips and strategies for entrepreneurs to authentically attract your clients.
22:58 – How free webinars helped Julia build her email list.
36:18 – Julia’s opinion on how to effectively change the world.
And much, much more
Download the Audio Master Class
Many wisdompreneurs – entrepreneurs whose business is based on sharing paradigm shifting information – find that webinar marketing is a way to reach greater & greater audiences. In today’s masterclass that can be downloaded in entrepreneursforachange.com/60, Julia will be teaching us how to create and promote magically attractive webinars.
In this informative class, you will learn:
1:55 – How webinar marketing brought success to Julia’s very lucrative business.
8:40 – Does webinar marketing only work for service based professionals or can this be also leveraged by e-commerce business owners or manufacturers of hard goods?
11:45 – What are the initial steps towards creating a webinar?
21:50 – How to get people to sign up for your event.
24:28 – The webinar “blueprint”.
30:18 – How to get referral partners to promote your webinar to their list if you are just getting started & don’t have conversion stats yet?
33:41 – Common mistakes that a newbie marketer makes and how to avoid them.
Mentioned in this interview
Branding from the Heart: How to Share Your Purpose through Marketing That Attracts Your Tribe and Inspires a Revolution.
Where to Find Julia
Magical Strategy Session with Julia
Get Julia’s Free Magical Marketing Toolkit
Visit Julia’s Website
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Full Episode Transcript
0:55 Lorna: Hello magical changemakers! This is Lorna Li, host of Entrepreneurs for A Change, and welcome to Episode 60 where we are joined today by Julia Stege. Now, Julia is known as the magical marketer because she helps spiritual business women and conscious entrepreneurs clarify and express their purpose through branding and marketing that attracts their perfect customers online, magically.
She is the creator of the Branding from the Heart System and the author of “Branding from the Heart: How to Share Your Purpose Through Marketing That Attracts Your Tribe and Inspires a Revolution,” which is exactly what we love to do as professional change makers.
So Julia is also an award winning branding artist and visionary who has worked for notable clients such as The Museum of Modern Art, Carnegie Hall, the U.S. Postal Service, Birkenstock Shoes, six-time New York Times best-selling author Iyanla Vanzant, and the environmentalist Julia Butterfly Hill, as well as the raw food restaurant franchise Café Gratitude which I used to dine at quite regularly in the bay area. So thank you so much for joining us today, Julia.
2:26 Julia Thank you. Yey!
2:28 So I’d love to hear just kind of like the overview of what your business is. Your program sound very compelling and so does your book. But can you just simplify for us: who are you, what do you do, and what is your business?
2:47 Julia: Well, I started as a graphic designer. So way back in the 80’s, I went to school and got my Bachelor of Fine Arts and Graphic Design and set out on my career to go to Manhattan and design posters, and advertisements, and logos, and catalogues and things like that. And I thought I was going to save the world through beautiful design. That was where I was at at that point. And what I discovered was that traditional marketing world is all about brainwashing, hyping, and lying. And all my friends that had been actually Grateful Dead fans, and hippies decided that they were going to sell their souls to the big, big corporation and big pharma and sell cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol for many hundreds of thousands of dollars and be fine with it. And I just couldn’t take it, so I left. I completely left and I thought of never going to do marketing.
3:52 But what happened was I fell in with the change makers. So I went to go live with a friend of mine in Illinois. This is in my mid-20’s. She hooked me up with all these activists and this is when I became a real activist. We’re impacting their environment. I have never met anyone that is actually doing something, rather than just going, “Oh, wow!” or “That’s awful,” oh, well, you know, pass the mashed potatoes or something like that. They were actually doing something about it.
4:31 And so, I fell in with these people and, of course, started doing all of the marketing for these causes that we were divesting from South Africa. This is how long ago that was. We did divest that University, Northern Illinois University, from South Africa. We stopped drug testing because it was non-constitutional for a while. We were able to stop that of the athletes. And so, I learned how to do marketing that encourages and inspires isolated change makers to come out of isolation and get into a group where we’re going to make change.
5:17 After a while I needed to get out of the mid-West and I was following the Grateful Dead around selling T-shirts and just being free. I just had to be free and I wasn’t going to like it married and have kids and all that kind of things. So, I was going to travel around and learn about how to make change happen and how to attract people. And so, long story short, after a while I had created a way to help actual entrepreneurs. And I was excited about, especially, women change maker entrepreneurs who are powerful enough to be free from, let’s say, the boss or whatever, and wanted to integrate their activism or their message, their vision, into their marketing.
6:11 And so, I also became very interested in law of attraction and how law of attraction works, which is something we didn’t have. I didn’t know about it when we were back in Illinois doing this student activism thing. I wish I had known about law of attraction then. It’s really who you’re being is who you attract. And so, I learned how to integrate that into the marketing. So it’s all about authenticity, because like attracts like. When we’re authentic in our marketing, we are going to attract people who are like us. So that means we have to admit that we’re change makers and revolutionaries, and then we’ll attract people who are like that, who will feel that we are uniquely qualified to serve them.
6:59 So I now make my living and pretty much. My husband says, “Works too much.” But to me it’s what I would be doing anyway – helping people to get their change making message out to the world in a way that inspires people, encourages them to take action that they, otherwise, wouldn’t have taken. The practical side of it is we do websites and brands for businesses. So, most of my clients are change maker women, psychics, and mystics, and people who really are looking for an out-of-the-box way of living life and attracting their tribe.
7:52 Lorna: I love it. That’s fantastic. You know, women are starting businesses at twice the rate of men these days. So I [7:07 inaudible] in abundance of clients being magically attracted to your services. [7:15 inaudible]
8:13 Julie: Well, that is what’s happening. I do attract a lot of people. So I’m really happy about that. And I love the internet. The internet allows us what we didn’t have in back in the way day. It’s instant access to everyone around the world who you can find each other via searches. That’s awesome.
8:35 Lorna: Yeah, that’s the amazing power of the internet and online marketing. And what I’m very excited about is your master class that you’re going to share with us on how to create and promote magically attractive webinars which, folks, you can get at the show notes at entrepreneursforachange.com/60.
8:55 But going back to your earlier days of entrepreneurship, so, I speak to a lot of entrepreneurs. And I know that entrepreneurship is really not an easy path, especially if you are a social entrepreneur or change maker. So I’d love to ask you. What was your journey like? Did you have a period of struggle or difficulty? And I’d love to understand what it took for you to turn that around and achieve the amazing, magical, and widely attractive success that you have now.
9:34 Julie: Well, to be honest, I had a boyfriend that was really bossy. So that’s how I got on Grateful Dead tour. I mean I love the Grateful Dead I used to go see them once a year since I was about seventeen. And so, when I got to my early 30’s, my boyfriend asked me to do a button. I did a button Grateful Dead for the balls and the Grateful Dead and we sold like $350 worth of buttons. It was like I couldn’t make enough of this. We had to make it there in the parking lot.
10:17 Anyway, after that, he encouraged me to do this T-shirt thing which was actually more of a risk financially, like we would invest $2,000 or maybe even $3,000 to sell T-shirts at a show, that we could make maybe twelve grand. So, he kind of forced me into business for myself.
10:42 And when Jerry Garcia died, I attracted this other woman from tour who did T-shirt printing and she taught me about cold calling. And so we cold called around a variety of different places to do their T-shirts. And after a while, I was like, “Wait, I’m highly trained at doing logos and I can make $2,000 or $3,000 off a logo. Maybe we should do that instead. That would be easier.”
11:08 But I needed partners. So I had first partner and the second partner. Pretty much the first eight years that I was doing business I had partners. And I also had to get support from other women. I think the key thing was joining a women’s entrepreneurial support network, because I remember having a really hard time with this. Let’s say I have a temp job one day and I will make maybe a hundred and twenty-five dollars or something in that day. And then, I will go sell T-shirts at the Giants game or something like that and make $250.
11:53 So I started noticing if I work for other people, I don’t make as much money. If I would just get my act together and do it myself, I’m going to make more money. I get to keep it all. My boss doesn’t get any money. So that’s where I started. We did the T-shirt thing for quite a while. But I had to overcome my fear of talking to people and that took a while. I remember going to networking events and hanging out by the food, seeing who would come up and talk with me.
12:29 Luckily, the internet kept getting stronger and stronger for isolated people like me who think that nobody understands us. Creating online marketing that really reflects who we are is a way to prepare the world to receive us. That’s one of the things that is true about change makers. We really often feel like nobody gets us, especially the highly creative cutting-edge change makers, right? Where we are trying to create something nobody has ever seen before. And we’re worried! Well, people aren’t going to get this!
13:09 Well, making marketing that helps even a post card. I don’t have one handy. But, I have here is a business cards. I don’t know if you could see this. But I have like stars, and moons, and things, and I have [12:33 inaudible] thing in there. It’s sort of cosmic, a hummingbird with a moon in it. It’s very [12:43 inaudible] and it says, “What you seek is seeking you.” And it has a feel to it. I can hand this. I don’t even have to say anything. I can hand this, “Oh, I had to love to have your card,” and had this to somebody and they look at this and they go, “Oh, wait. I love this.”
13:58 And seeing them, they already feel like they get me. So, I use marketing tools to help people to get me. And, you know, like attracts like. If I’m attracting an isolated change maker out of the wood work, who else are they going to talk with? Right? I mean they’re isolated. They’re misunderstood. They need to be understood and gotten by the people that [13:26 inaudible]. After a while that’s what I was able as to do to develop my marketing to the degree where people could get me and that would help me overcome my shyness.
14:38 Lorna: Okay, so there is, I’d say, a couple of themes here related to success. One is getting your marketing down, especially the authentic marketing that really works for change makers. There’s another theme that I see, too, is how you’ve really been able to leverage the power of online marketing to grow your business. So I’d love to talk to you about the first which trying to understand how marketing is different for change makers, than it is for traditional marketers. And then, understanding what exactly – how do you do authentic marketing?
15:22 Julia: Well, the first thing, like I was saying about what happened in Manhattan, marketing in the traditional sense is really about making money. Let’s just speak frank about it, right? And so, a lot of internet marketers will do things like have read headlines that kind of scare you and then an arrow pointing at an opt-in box which, I think, they’re trying to trick me into opting in before I realize what I’ve done. And so, I think that they actually bank on a lot of unconscious behavior, right? You know, I don’t know why they’re responding. But the tests show people will respond when you have a red headline. It’s like, yeah, people will respond if you put a mega phone in their ear and start shouting. But is that the response that you are really looking for, if you think about it?
16:13 And so, the whole hype thing, people exaggerating how much money they make (which they do) and people exaggerating the claims like how you’re going to suddenly make six figures. Well, I’m sorry. But like, very small percentage of people actually make six figures and don’t really need that much money, you know, what this whole thing is like creating something that is not even necessary as a want and then making you feel like you’re less than if you don’t want it or if you’re not going for that.
16:59 I actually was at an event where the people got up and said, “If you’re not doing six figures then you don’t have a real business.” And I’m thinking, “Well, then 95% of small entrepreneurs, solo entrepreneurs, aren’t really doing real businesses according to this person.” And I thought that was really offensive. But the thing is the way that they think is different. They want a certain result. They want the money. And then, whatever they’re going to do with it is what they’re going to do with it. That is pretty much, let’s just say, my critical view of traditional marketing. It goes for base level wants – money, greed, sex, fame, and things like that. It goes for those kinds of wants. It also is not above lying or brainwashing people or being overly exaggerated in claims. Exaggerating claims is very common in internet marketing.
18:05 So, the opposite of that would be marketing that treats your potential client with respect and that acknowledges that they are a thinking, probably brilliant if they’re like you, human being who is too sophisticated to be lied to [17:31 inaudible] Plus you don’t like lying, right? I mean people who wants to change the world, the people whom I attract, it’s because we feel the sorrow or we feel the suffering or we feel it when a nuclear reactor explodes and dumps stuff into the ocean. We feel this personally if people are starving and we don’t want to create more misery through our marketing, which a lot of marketing does, too. It creates more misery. It says, “Oh, you’re really messing up and here’s why, and I hope you feel bad about it so that you’ll pay me to help you.” That’s what a lot of marketing does, exacts, takes their pain, and puts like salt in it. That’s what they will train you to do. Okay?
19:21 And I’m against that. I’m just not willing to do that. I want my marketing to uplift people. It needs to be authentic and actually be me sharing what’s important to me. I want to provide a feeling of hope to people, not a feeling of despair. I want to attract people based on the uplifting, magical, positive aspects, not the “they’re-losers-and-they-need-me” aspects. So I feel that the new paradigm for marketing is designed to attract people, not target them. It attracts them authentically like a conversation.
20:05 Lorna: So, what are some actionable steps or strategies our audience and entrepreneurs can use to market their products and services authentically? What do you recommend, Julia?
20:22 Julia: Well, the first thing is to tap deep within and discover what it is that you want to attract without outside influence telling you what you should or what people are going to buy, or any of that type of thing. But to go with it and say, “Who do I really want to attract?” Make a list of their qualities. I like change maker women, that’s how I ended up on this show. Change maker women, who are out-of-the-box, creative, nobody understands them – these are my favorite people, who have a vision and that they’re not going to stop until they get that vision out to the world. And so, what is it for you? Who do you want to attract? It took me a while to admit that I wanted to attract change maker women because, just like everyone else that runs a business [20:19 inaudible] I had to take whatever clients come my way.
21:17 But it wasn’t until I started saying who I really wanted to attract and sharing why my real purpose that I started attracting 100% women or also transformed men, once in a while. I had a man call me once and say, “Do you work with men?” I said, “Only enlightened ones.” And I was like, “You must be, though, because you’re calling me.” And I just figured they get through whatever I’m saying to the point that they’re actually calling me. Then, they’re obviously enlightened because they wouldn’t be attracted otherwise.
22:03 So I hope that answered your question. I know it’s actually a process that I take people through privately, step-by-step, to look at who are you attracting. And then, okay, that’s your soul tribe. What are you going to say to them? That’s going to inspire them to want to interact with you and also reveal who you are at the soul level. And so that’s a brand message that’s meant to inspire them to connect. And then from there, what are you going to offer them? The free offer is exceptionally important. So, how can you offer to work with somebody for free that reveals your whole process and then helps them to decide if they’re going to want to go further with you. And that free offer ought to be widely attractive, like the irresistible…
22:56 Lorna: Can you give me an example?
22:58 Julia: Well, for instance, one of my favourite and most effective free offers is the free webinar. And I do them as often as I can handle it – sometimes twice in a month, maybe once in a month. But sometimes I don’t get it together and maybe it’s once in two months. But I probably do about twelve free webinars in a year. I just did one yesterday. And it’s my show, I get to say whatever I want. I get to invite people on if I like and show pretty slides.
23:34 This is a way for – and I always.. to open up the line [22:46 inaudible] I don’t like the kind of webinars or teleclass is where you never get to talk with the person. So, I prefer, especially if it’s a training that they can interact with me a little bit and that they are able to see that I’m a real person, that I’m accessible, and to get in really deep into what I’m saying. And so the webinar or teleclass, I think, is just the most irresistible free offer. And I am able to increase my list by sharing this with my people and they share it with their people. It’s really one of the best ways to attract interested people to your list. So, that’s one example.
24:28 But another example is like a telesummit where you got a bunch of people being interviewed. That’s also an exceptional way to attract a lot of interested people to your topic. Just like what you’re doing. Entrepreneurs for A Change is widely attractive to me and my perfect people. I mean almost all of my people will be interested in this. And plus just the rad nature of the logo that you’ve got.
25:03 Lorna: I know someone said to me, “You know, it’s awfully communist.” And I’m like, “Oh, God.”
25:08 Julia: It is. It’s socialist realism. That’s what it is. But the thing is, I don’t mind you going in that direction because it’s out-of-the-box, it’s not what everyone else is doing. It sets you apart and say, “Hey, we’re entrepreneurs of a change!” I love it. I think it’s great. I get what it is. This is it! This is really about change. We’re not like just BS’ing around here. She’s got the fist and everything. This is the real deal.
25:46 Lorna: [Inaudible]I really think that we have to start doing business differently; otherwise, we are going to go to hell in a hand basket. We really need to change. Business as usual or we’re going to destroy our beautiful planet. So, that’s why it’s like you got to do it now.
26:01 Julia: I agree
26:10 Lorna: I’m very excited. You mentioned telesummits. You mentioned webinars. And I’m so excited about doing that deep-dive with you on the art of creating and promoting magically attractive webinars, which I really think is going to be so useful for our tribe of entrepreneurs, especially those that consider themselves to be “wisdom-preneurs.”
26:29 So, folks, don’t forget you can get it for free at entrepreneursforachange.com/60.
26:35 I’m curious to think, Julia, which do you think is better – webinars or telesummits – because, frankly, I think telesummits are a huge amount of work. And so I don’t know which one I prefer to do. What would you prefer to do.
26:52 Julia: Well, telesummit is a huge amount of work. And I have a number of friends that just went into a training to do it and then they had me on the telesummit, and I haven’t gotten their results yet. So I need to find out. I’m like, “What were your results?” But the reason they do it is to increase their list by a thousand or more in a very short period of time, say, a month. And that would then allow them to have a thousand new people to communicate with and offer their services and transformation, too.
27:31 The webinars – that’s what I’ve done because I like it easy-peasy. I scheduled one last [26:47 inaudible] on Thursday. I called up a couple of clients, “Will you show up and talk about the websites I did for you?” And they did and they raved about me and I got these beautiful slides and I got to show them. It’s about 90 minutes. About maybe 85 people registered for it. And it’s a high-end kind of conversation that we’re having. So, I can do that on the fly. Let’s do one next week. And still have a decent crowd there anytime I want.
28:20 So, I like that. I really happen… seriously considering doing a telesummit called “Women Who Won’t Be Silent” and I think I’m going to have to invite you to that if I do it. But the reason, of course, that I want to do it, though, is more than just a list builder then. It’s really about getting my purpose out. It’s women who won’t be silent. That’s what I’m into. That’s who I’m helping. I’d love that. I’ve done it and I did a meeting one time. I have four women who won’t be silent in a room of about fifty people, and it was totally inspiring to everyone. So, I might do that.
29:03 Why do I want to do that much work? It would really have to be because I am getting this out. I need to get this out. The result that I get in terms of list-building or financial reward is secondary to me. Call me crazy but that’s how I see it; that we really need to move forward. Because if I’m concerned about, “Oh, maybe people won’t opt in.” or something like that and I’m going to change it in order to please people (I don’t even know who they are), “Women Who Won’t Be Silent” is too rad or something like that. That’s how we stop ourselves.
29:49 So I’d rather to do things that are totally from the heart and I’m inspired to do. So when I’m working with people, I don’t force people to do things that they find important. If they hate it and I can’t enroll them in liking it, I’m not going to say, “Well, if you don’t do this then you’re a loser. You’re never going to succeed.” So I say, “What does it feel to you? Do you feel like doing a telesummit? Or do you feel like doing one webinar first?”
30:26 Now, I’ve been doing webinars for eight years. So, I should be prepared to do something larger at this point. I’m not afraid to do it. But a lot of people are like, “Well, I’m going to start with one little thing.” But, one of my clients did her first webinar yesterday and I showed up. And, it was great! There was like four/five people there. But she can follow up with those people by phone. I’m going to call her today and say, “Don’t forget to call them.” Just because it’s a webinar doesn’t mean that you can’t get on the phone and call them and follow up and say, “Hey, how did you like that? What would make it better? How can I help you?”
31:10 So, I want anything that’s going to help my people and me to connect, to make a significant deep, soulful connection with our people. So however that happens, I’m in support of it.
31:28 Some people don’t even want to go online and I’ve helped them like, “How do you create a way to attract your tribe that’s sustainable and fun for you, that fulfills you, and that works for you?”
31:44 Lorna: So what online marketing strategies have you found to be the most effective in growing your business? Has it been the webinars or?
31:53 Julia: Yes, definitely webinar – webinars, and giveaways, and telesummits. I haven’t done a telesummit, but I participated to telesummits. For instance, I was in one and I gave away a book and, let’s say, a hundred people opted in for my book. That is very effective for me. So, showing up at other people’s things, like your thing, is very effective and also anything with friends. This is what I’m saying. Get out of isolation. Connect with other people and agree to promote each other. We call that joint ventures and the marketing world or affiliates. You have people promoting you to their people.
32:48 So I’ve been just learning about how to do that right in a way that respects my partners and it’s effective for me. And I don’t think it’s an easy thing. I’m not saying, “Oh, just get your friends to promote you. It’s easy!” It’s not easy, but you know how to do it. Let’s say if you did it something like this, an interview, and then I agree. Of course, I’m going to want to send this out to all of my people. So, my six thousand people, let’s say, a thousand of them are going to see it, actually. And of the six, because you know how that is, it goes into, “I’m not paying attention to you.” or whatever.
33:35 Lorna: Or the g-mail promotions have, oh God, it’s like the glorified trash folder.
33:42 ulia: But you know, “Hey, this is definitely going to benefit you.” And this program for me to send this out to my people and have a thousand people see it. So, that’s definitely what you want to do, right? You want to connect to people who have people and offer them something irresistible so that they’re going to connect with you.
34:06 If you’re very small and or you don’t have a list of six thousand, you only have three hundred or something like that, you can still go to a networking event, meet somebody, or go to a workshop (I like workshops and maybe even workshops where people pay because it’s a higher-end thing.). But you find somebody there that you really resonate with, like you and I, like just so totally on the same purpose. If I met you at a thing, I’d be like “Oh, yeah, that Lorna Li, she’s the one that I really want to connect with.” Right? I would get a hold of you and I would say, “What can we do? How can I promote you? How can you promote me? Let’s figure something out. Maybe we do a thing together. Or maybe I come to your show and then you come to my show.” Whatever it is and then we agreed to send that out to our people. At first it might just be you attracted three more people that day. Well, that three people that you can connect with, maybe ten more people. It doesn’t have to be a million people or a thousand or whatever for you to be successful. Does that answer your question?
35:23 Lorna: That’s very, very helpful. Thank you so much. So we’re coming to the end of our segment. I’d love to leave you with my favorite question that I love asking. Change making entrepreneurs – this is kind of like this is very interesting conversation that happened online in a private community of digital nomads I’m a part of is that actually mostly populated by people who are making money online and not so much professional change makers. The conversation around the most effective ways to change the world tended to be like more of a guns [35:07 inaudible] well the printing press or the Bible or something. And people weren’t really resonating to the kind of like the Mahatma Ghandi protégés change yourself. So I would love to ask you, Julia, as a professional change maker, what do you think is the most effective way to change the world?
36:18 Julia: I feel the most effective way to change the world is to attract other change makers to you and then get together and help each other to do our purpose. And, that’s why I’m doing that. That’s what I feel is the most effective, at least for me, to be able to do. It’s not 1910. I’m not going to be going to be like standing on a podium talking to 20,000 workers and getting them to revolt. Right now that’s just not the world that we’re in here, especially not in the States. If I get the opportunity I’ll let you know.
37:06 So I feel that one of the things that I learned as an activist is that somebody always has a reason why they’re joining the movement. And to ask them what that reason is and to really hear people, “Why do you want to change the world? Why did you want to come and join us?” And let them share and express themselves. And if we do that with each other, we’re going to create a great tribe of people who will inspire each other.
37:40 Let’s say if I did a change maker thing or if I’m participating in your thing now that you’re doing it, just to build our tribe and to give them the courage and confidence to be themselves and come out with their message, and I will support them when they do. We won’t abandon them or say, “Wow, you’re too weird.” That’s their fear – to be abandoned and called weird. We just need to encourage our people, our change makers.
38:16 Lorna: The weirdness is wonderful. We need to be weird [37:26 inaudible] Weird was what brought us “Burning Man.” Weird was brought us the “Grateful Dead.” I, actually, was a “Grateful Dead” follower, too, so I can’t [37:29 inaudible] with that. Okay, do you have anything you’d like to share with our audience today?
38:41 Julia: I would love to share my book. I have a book that you mentioned at the beginning. It’s called “Branding from the Heart: How to Share Your Purpose through Marketing That Attracts Your Tribe and Inspires a Revolution.” And I’m on a mission to give this away to change makers. So they can get it at brandingfromtheheartbook.com and this will help you to start clarifying your world changing message for your tribe. So, who’s your tribe, and what are you going to say to them, and how to get that out? So it’s obviously a book and I help people privately, in a really deep way. But it’s a way to get started in creating your world changing message. So, brandingfromtheheartbook.com, I’d love to give people that. My gift.
39:35 Lorna: Thank you so much. And how can we best stay in touch with you, Julia?
39:39 Julia: Well, getting my book will help you stay in touch with me. How about that? Let’s keep it simple. I’m also on Facebook: Julia Stege. Just do a search and you’ll easily find me there, though I think my Facebook is full. But I love connecting with people on Facebook as well.
39:59 Lorna: Awesome! Thank you so much and you have a beautiful day now.
40:02 Julia: Thank you. Thank you for having me and here’s my little, magical.
40:12 Lorna: [inaudible] I love it. Okay. Ba-bye.
Hire Me to Increase Your Online Visibility & Grow Your Tribe
I am available for one on one coaching to help you improve your online visibility and grow your tribe. I also provide “done for you” agency services for changemakers that have the budget to entrust their online marketing to experts.
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In Gratitude
Eric Smith of Monster Beach Studio for creating our Entrepreneurs for a Change Theme Song
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