
Our special guest for today is Michelle Fetsch, who is the visionary behind the BARE Campaign that is empowering women of all shapes and sizes to expose their bodies and life stories with the world. Michelle has been coaching, mentoring, and advocating for women for nearly 15 years and is committed to supporting all women in being seen, heard and free.

Having spent years struggling with eating disorders, low self-confidence and body image issues, Michelle founded Women Enough in 2010, a global support network committed to empowering women in realizing their personal and professional greatness. Women Enough believes a woman’s worth goes far beyond her beauty and is actively involved in spreading this message through media campaigns, events and local peer to peer support groups.

In this awe-inspiring episode, Michelle will share with us:

2:50 – The “aha moment” that led to the birth of the BARE Campaign.

5:42 – What their business model is and how it works.

18:29 – Michelle’s opinions on the root of women’s low self-esteem and eating disorders and her approach into finding a solution for this global problem.

23:04 – Her learning experiences of being a social entrepreneur rallying for a world-changing movement.

32:58 – How Michelle used the power of Social Media to increase support from people all over the world.

41:43 – Michelle’s views on how to effectively bring about change in the world

And much, much more…

[Tweet ““It was the push that led the vision come into fruition.” -@Women_Enough”]

Download the Audio Master Class

In this week’s master class, which you can go ahead and download for free at entrepreneursforchange.com/59, Michelle will share with us her blueprint to using social media to turning a mission into a world-changing movement.

You will discover:

1:57 – Keys of success that gained Michelle’s campaign massive visibility.

7:03 – Her experience in living and working and Bali, Indonesia and how this retreat from the Western rat race helped in BARE Campaign’s birth.

20:31 – Different strategies to raise awareness and acquire avid support from Social Media Influencers

38:27 – Minimum time frame to launch a world-changing crowdfunding campaign.

And so much more…

Mentioned in this interview

Indiegogo Campaign

Women Enough

Bare Campaign

Leila Janah, Samasource

Anastasia Kuba

Where to Find Michelle

Visit Women Enough Website

Find Michelle on Facebook

Follow Michelle on Twitter

Connect with Michelle on LinkedIn

Full Episode Transcript

0:54 Lorna: Hello amazing change makers. I’m so glad to have this amazing guest with me today, who I have witnessed, turn her company and her mission into an unstoppable movement for women’s empowerment, Michelle Fetsch, is the visionary behind the BARE Campaign. It is an empowering woman of all shapes and sizes to expose their bodies and life stories with the world. She’s been coaching, mentoring, advocating for women for almost fifteen years and is committed to supporting all women in being seen, heard and free.

1:29 Now, Michelle spent years struggling with eating disorders, low self-confidence and body image issues and, so that experience, that struggle inspired her to find Women Enough in 2010. Women Enough is a global support network committed to empowering women in realizing their personal and professional greatness.

1:52 Now, their mission is that they believe a women’s worth goes far beyond her beauty and so they are actively involved in spreading this message through media campaigns, events and local peer to peer support groups. So I have watched Michelle over the past year, grow awareness of her company and of the BARE Campaign to phenomenal proportions.

2:20 So I’m really happy to have her with us to share how you can turn your change-making business into a world changing movement like she has. So Michelle, thank you so much for joining us. I would love to hear more about what actually inspired you to start this business. I understand that you had these struggles for a period of time? Was there actually an “aha” moment that sparked your desire to start women enough?

2:50 Michelle: Oh, yes and thank you so much for having me in your show. In 2010, I was in a leadership development course through landmark education and I was at the beginning of my recovery both my physical recovery, my emotional recovery and I mean really, my life was on recovery and one day, I looked in the mirror and I realize that my entire conversation and belief system about myself was that I wasn’t enough, I wasn’t good enough, I wasn’t been enough, I wasn’t smart enough, I wasn’t tall enough and you get the point.

3:31 I looked in the mirror and I’m like enough is enough and at the time, it was my complete reality. I suffered so much feeling I was not good enough, impacted going after my dreams and feeling like I have the confidence to really even see something through or just the confidence to be in relationship with people.

3:55 Enough is enough and I was in this course where the course was based on everyone taken on the community project that they said for the beginning of the program and I have always been really passionate about women. First I thought, I want to create a fashion line that changes the world.

4:15  I grew up looking at beauty magazines, I love to express myself in different ways however I realize there was such a disparity in the fashion industry and with my own recovery, I didn’t want to put myself in a position where I felt like, I would be negatively impacted by the fashion industry.

4:33 And also, I was like, “Okay, would that be doing enough, would my project be enough, would I be enough if I did that,” and then I just realized how absolutely outrageous that conversation is in really my life. And so I realize that in order for me to change my life that I would need to take on, something that was far bigger than me, something that was beyond me because I have such a passion for supporting other people but often times, I’ve not that been very good at supporting and taking care of myself. So I knew if I took on a really big game of supporting other women that I was also pulled into living but really living it up myself.

5:15 So that’s when I declared I wanted to create women enough to support women and having a healthy body image and self-esteem through by creating media messages that would empower women by featuring every day women that women could really relate to and look up to.

5:29 Lorna: So help me understand the scope of Women Enough, so what is your business model exactly? So on one hand I see you’ve got these campaigns but help us understand all the things that you guys do and how you generate revenue from it?

5:42 Michelle: Well, truthfully, so far, this has been something that I started in 2010 and I’m such a visionary person, and it’s been really difficult for me to focus on one specific aspect because I am very passionate. So, I’ve been working to photograph these women, so like going the BARE Campaign. So one aspect is campaign and I really wanted to create positive realistic media campaign, so that women, wherever they go, they could see that they’re not alone, they would be able to relate somebody and they could really feel supported by media instead of feel bashed by media. And I also realize that focusing on looks and focusing on beauty is part of the problem.

6:26 I worked for the business strategies for about a year and I realized I wanted to do more than just creating media campaigns. I wanted to actually empower women and going into the deepest darkest parts of themselves in order to find a freedom to live out who are they were meant to be.

6:43 So for the past few years, we’ve been photographing women for the BARE Campaign and only this summer, I’ve been gathering these women together for few years and a very intimate women circle and getting them to share thier stories from their most proud moments to their deepest darkest secrets and then they post naked and it’s an extremely cathartic, healing powerful experience and for most of these women, they’ve never been in such a safe container with other women.

7:10 So there’s the aspect of having this bare experience and the intention was always to create a media campaign but only thid summer did I launched that as an actual campaign because I have the photos for a while.

7:27 When I was in Bali, I let them mastermind. That was the first mastermind that I’ve like created and led and the mastermind is it was a pilot for a program that our teams are working and creating that basically brings women’s circles online and the reason why I want to do that is because, so women have this experiences already and people have these experiences to where they go to a workshop or they go to a retreat or they go to some weekend thing and they get really inspired, they have new tools but then they go back in that everyday life and they really don’t have a support to integrate it and to carry it through.

8:09 So the goal with this program that we’re launching which is called ignition circles is that women cannot only have the inspirational empowerment like sheer thing but that they can actually have an actionable guided group that will really helped to cheer them on in all areas of their lives.

8:29 So there’s the media campaigns and the women circles. That’s the business model. Now I have a tendency of doing things the hard way and so far, I’ve done everything out of pocket and only this spring did I start generating revenue. I was putting on events, I was testing the concept and now, this past year, I really decided that it was time to put this work really into the world and I made that commitment to myself that I would do it.

9:03 Regardless of the fact I didn’t necessarily have the right copy, I didn’t necessarily have everything together and done in the right way and I don’t know so many things but I realize that that’s in general what gets in the way of in specifically in the mindsets of a women and I’m not a man, so I can’t always say and I’m sure that they do with their own stuff but it’s like, if only I exist, if I’m pretty, if I’m thinner or if I’m smarter, then I can have this or then it will work out. And I realize that’s how I was treating this development of women enough is that when I have the right copy, when I have everything perfect then I will put it out to the world. Then everything will work out. And I realized, it’s just another conversation of not being enough and so I’ve decided this summer to launch it while I was in Bali.

9:55  Lorna: That is so inspiring and I would say Michelle that your journey is really not so different from a lot of social entrepreneurs. I mean especially social entrepreneurs where funding is very tough to get for impact ventures that aren’t based in some type of disruptive technology because the impact investors tend to be a lot more attracted to game changing social innovation that’s technology based that might give them a 10x turn.

10:27 Many social entrepreneurs start off exactly the way you did and it’s very true that I mean, you have referenced something which is an experience that all entrepreneurs go through, which is you don’t know what you don’t know. Okay?

10:46 I wouldn’t say that like given a choice of easy or difficult, you always choose the hard. I mean often what choices were presented with, it’s the only choice that we know to do and it feels hard because we may be doing it for the first time or we don’t know if there are other options.

11:06 Growing your business through self-funding it can be really be challenging; but raising money is also really challenging too, Michelle. I have spoken to a lot of entrepreneurs about what it’s like to raise money and there like, “Oh, my God! It’s a lot of work.” So just in general, being an entrepreneur, especially when you’re holding a vision of something’s that’s greater than yourself and that your venture is actually a mission and what you’re doing is a purpose. It’s not going to be easy because you’re not selling shit online. That doesn’t matter right?

11:40 This reminds me of, I mean okay, one of the stories that comes to my mind, Michelle, I think her name is Leila or Leila Janah. I’m not sure how to pronounce her first name. It’s L-E-I-L-A and then Janah. She’s the founder of the company called Samasource and she works with refugees in places like Africa and helps them trains them to do micro work and refugee camps like Mechanical Turk type of work and she then sells services to companies like technology companies in the Bay area and she’s still as a darling of the social enterprise space specially in the Bay area but in the very beginning of the venture, I remember she gave a talk at the Hub, San Francisco and she said that for four months, she couch-surfed on her ex-boyfriends couch.  To grow her start up, I mean that is awkward. But that’s what she was willing to do, right?

12:41 You’re going to do what you going to do, if it’s your calling your mission. So, let me just clarify. You work with all kinds of women or do you work with specific kinds of women like women entrepreneurs or leaders?

12:56  Michelle: I truthfully work with all kinds of women and the message is I know it’s pressed into people to communicate your target market and to have your customer avatar and realistically, in my head, it’s women between 30 and 42 that are making $80,000 a year to $200,000 or more a year and living in Metropolitan cities and et cetera but the message is pure and it’s not a product based business and it’s such a cause based organization and it’s just really calls to so many different women.

13:42 I’m so surprised. Well, I’m not really because I know the issue; I know that women from all walks of life, all shapes, sizes at missy this body types, backgrounds et cetera, deal with the conversation and not feeling enough for whatever reason.

13:58 These technicians circles, I’ve had women from areas that are living in suburbia and they want to start working on the project that they’re really passionate about and they’re starting to feel like they want to make a difference in a larger way or women in Metropolitan areas that are also entrepreneurs and they really want to take their business to the next level or women that are just really focused on healing their own issues around their body image and their self-esteem and they’re ready to commit to not rejecting themselves regardless of what else whatever they feel around themselves like they really take on not rejecting themselves as a commitment to letting that part of themselves be healed.

14:43  Lorna: I could certainly see how this issue that plagues women really does cross so many different like social strata and demographic boundaries. So I’m curious since you’ve been working on this for quite some time, so I just want to frame this question. I think this is low self-esteem stuff, the low self-worth not feeling that we’re enough is a common problem. It’s like a paradigm that billions of women experience. It’s almost like we have accepted this as our lot in life.

15:24 So I’m curious to know what on earth do you think is going on with women in this world around low self-esteem eating disorders and I can share too that I, myself, have struggled with these problems but it didn’t show up for me as eating disorders; it showed up with struggling over suicide when I was a teenager in the course of the decades that passed, I’ve learned, I’ve developed tools to manage those destructive self-defeating thoughts but for a long time that reality really dominated my world view, the struggle of just wanting to dive because I feel I didn’t deserve to be walking on this planet because I just wasn’t good enough. I wasn’t perfect enough and all that and even until recently, I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with my body especially around the time of my moon because I find it to be a huge hassle.

16:29 Sometimes, I want to shake my fist at the creator like why did you design it this way like what woman would have choosing yes, I want to bleed profusely for a week every month for the precious of my life like no, if you’re taking a poll, all of us, to hell no, right? So there are moments where I’m just like really inconvenienced by this because of all the additional physical challenges that we have to go through to manage this, which is a global problem that’s what keeps women in developing countries out of school because they’re aren’t adequate bathroom in facilities. They don’t have access to low cost in the sanitary pad. So women in Africa and women in India, they don’t go to school and they dropped at school as adolescents because they don’t have their private place to deal with these things, right?

17:13 I used to just be angry and want to shake my fist at the creator and believe, I’d make statements like it’s just a curse to be born in a women’s body. It is truly a curse and I would just hate myself because I felt like I was a spirit trapped in a suboptimal body, stacked like these obstacles and glass ceiling and discrimination just stacked against me.

17:40 Making it so much harder for me to accomplish things that I want to accomplish in this world as a female, as a woman of color. Okay? At a certain point like I’ve gone through, so I’ve done so much work, worked with Shamanic medicines, every time I do this type of work like another layer gets peeled off and it was just “wow”. This is like the problem is with our culture; the problem is with the power structures that are in place; the problem is with the global misogyny.

18:16 So, I’m curious like, why do you think this is such a problem for women all over the world and do you think it’s a problem that is increasing or is it decreasing?

18:29  Michelle: Gosh! Well, when I was reading that question, so I’d actually to share the experience that I have last night and so I was reading over your questions last night and then I started looking at different women that were dealing with things in India like girls that went out to go to the bathroom and then were gang raped and hanged and girls trying to go to school and getting gang raped and then being in women community where no one doesn’t think about it.

19:02 I went to sleep really with this like, a lot of heaviness on me and a lot of sense of feeling the need to be responsible for all of these things and to do something about it and I woke up screaming in the middle of the night, jumped from my bed and I ran down the hall of my friend’s house, who I’m staying with, I’m also couch surfin, I had a bed, so like bed surfing and I was saying in my sleep like they’re coming for me, they’re going to get me and then I realized it was like, “Wait but and then there’s no one that’s coming to save me.”

19:37 I just had this moment of realization afterwards, it’s not only bringing that things about my own childhood but realizing that all over the world, girls will be running. They will be chased, they will be screaming in fear and they will realize that no one is coming for them.

19:59 So your question last night really like pierced my heart and today is what I am thinking about that all day long and the problem, I’m turning 30 in November. I grew up in this small town in Northern Minnesota and I’ve only lived the only of the place that I lived was in Bali only for seven months.

20:24 So my own experience of different culture is in global cultures is very limited; however I’ve always had a huge passion about I read a book, “Half The Sky” and I’ve read a lot of other life different feminist movement books and it’s really frightening and it’s really angry and there’s some aspect of me that even feels mad at myself sometimes for living such a normal life when there’s people all over the world that will never get to experience the kind of peace and safety that as in the Western world don’t even understand that we have.

20:59  Lorna: For me, personally, because I feel like I have won the birth lottery in many different ways, I enjoy life where I do wherever the hell I want, there’s no man trying to control me and I enjoy freedoms that 99.9 percent of the women in the world do not enjoy. And for me, that really does fuel my passion for using the resources, the skills, experience and intelligence that I’ve developed up until now, to be being a part of the solution.

21:41 I know it’s a huge problem that I could imagine for you as the leader, as a vision holder and the leader of your company that I’m sure it very often actually, probably feels quite vulnerable for you to be in this position. Putting yourself out there in the world tackling this huge global problem, having to rally women who understand that there is this problem and who need a leader like you to be able to you help them direct their energies because most of us, most women just accept this as our lot in life and so it’s where that there is an individual that is willing to just step out there and just say, “Hey, enough of this, so thank you for taking that risk for your own personal comfort and addressing this very big problem.

22:47 Would you have anything to share with us around your experience, related to risk-taking and being a leader confronting a massive global problem? How was that felt for you being in this situation?

23:04  Michelle: My experience of my life has been somebody that is really interesting and taking risks. When I moved out when I was 15, I started Corporate America age of 19 and one day, I was totally fed up of the situation and some of the things bullying and such of women in that company towards in me and I quit and so, I decided within two weeks. I was going to pack my car, pack what I could fit in my car and drive to California and moved.

23:38 Every time in my life that I’ve taking a risk, the reward has outweighed in all like the pressure of the risk or the significance of the risk and realistically, it’s like every time I have taken a risk, I’ve had so much more fulfillment because of it and I’ve ended of up learning things and understanding things I never would have known have I not taking those risks.

24:00 In January, I quit my job where I was working for a company and I was looking for a startup and I must have been working like 70-80 hours a week. I really don’t know but I literary never did anything else but work and I was trying to prove myself; that was another version of like, “Do you want me, am I good enough? I just keep doing whatever you want in order to gain love, affection, acceptance, whatever, approval. And I realize like, “Wow, this is where I’ve been my whole life is that I helped and I build up other people’s communities and rally people to launch brands. So I put up so much effort for other people but was really missing was me stopping and taking care of myself and I was just so fed up and in January, I bought a one way ticket to Bali and then the next day, I quit my job.

24:56 I remember thinking like what the fuck did I just do. I’m quitting my good paying job and I have no idea how things are going to look and I’m really doing this like what am I going to do, how is this going to work? And then I’m like, I actually get to the point in my life several times where I realized and there’s a quote, “The day came when the risk it took to remain tightly close, in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to bloom.” And there’s been so many times in my life where it’s been so painful to stay where I’m at. With my upbringing, with a lot of different situations and so, even though I was afraid, it felt like in a sense I had to in order to really live into who I want to be and define something to define peace to go after my dreams to, whatever.

25:48 So over the course of the year and there’s a lot of times where I don’t feel comfortable. I have been essentially, I was living in Bali. I came back from Bali at the end of July and then I went to long island and I’ve been like living in different people’s houses and on couches and air mattresses and beds and not having the comfort of my own space.

26:14 And it can be tiring and when there’s not a pay check, every week or every other week and I’ve working all the times it’s like, “Wow, okay, so this is something that I see and it’s something that I’ve struggled with will how come I this is like so needed.” Why is it that I would need to struggle with finances but the thing about it is that I know almost 30, know I wanted to be entrepreneur for a long time and I realized that I just wouldn’t be content not making the impact that I really see necessary in the world. And I’m such a visionary person that it often times takes me longer to our articulate and to necessarily like gather people’s agreement or understanding.

27:08 I’m working on Women Enough since 2010 and I started with the brannding and I started to just build community and gather women together and I would try to explain what I wanted to do and people don’t get it and then, you include for instance the BARE Campaign where women are naked and it like a huge to red flag to people. Try to get somebody to pose naked when they don’t know who the hell you are or your brand and whether not you’re going to honor the integrity of their body in a public campaign.

27:36 There’s just so many things like in paving the way that’s doing something that I’ve never done before, that’s never happened in the world before that it takes a long time to get people to follow like it really takes taking risk and doing it over and over and over and it can be defeating sometimes, but it’s also the moments of that like when you launch something or do something that lands with someone and you realize, “Okay. I’m doing this for a purpose. I know that I’m doing this for a reason and I’ve had women share with me that.” So many ways that they realize that they’re not alone, that they’re inspired, that they were the women that have eating disorder, that didn’t feel enough, et cetera. It’s the push to how the vision really come into fruition. And to me is like it’s worth all of the risk.

28:31 Lorna: Yes. In hearing your story up until this point, it seems like there are three themes that have emerged from me, listening to you related to the keys to turning your change making business into world changing movement. So you’ve spoken about feeling like this is your purpose, this is your calling, I mean you couldn’t be satisfied unless you are working on this. It seems like there’s a drive for you to be working on this mission through your business, is that correct? Is that sense of purpose?

29:09 Michelle: Absolutely yes.

29:10 Lorna: Okay another theme that comes up is the willingness to take risk to something to push the bounds of your comfort zone. Will that also be a factor too that you would say?

29:23 Michelle: Absolutely. I haven’t talk around the relationship between risk and reward.

29:29 Lorna: Okay. And I would agree with you too because to be an entrepreneur, you have to be risk-taker. If you’re not a risk taker, be an employee, right? If you want to change the world, that is a risk-taking activity right there.

29:41 Michelle: Yeah.

29:43 Lorna: And then the third theme that comes up for me listening to your story is this sense of persistence. Do not give up.

29:50 Michelle: Yeah. I’ve been told for a long time like when I’m passionate about something, I have just wells of reserve left to do something and I would consider it more than being persistent like relentless; I am relentless.

30:06 All day long, I’m emailing people, messaging people like asking them to learn about the campaign, to share their story, to feature the campaign, to feature the story. I just tell people the same thing over and over and over and I happened to be like that sometimes in relationship too.

30:29 Sometimes, it’s a good thing, sometimes there’s both of my strengths and weakness of that particular thing but yeah, it’s like being relentless and I know that so many people that are entrepreneurs specially like more social entrepreneurs, cost-related entrepreneurs, they are so passionate and dedicated to what they’re doing that they are relentless. It’s just obsession.

30:52 Lorna: Yeah, one of the key defining characters of its social entrepreneurs particularly is their sense of tenacity because they are so impassioned by this purpose that drives them that they do not take no for an answer and they work relentlessly defined partnerships to overcome obstacles. It’s really quite amazing and that’s what we need if we want to see a perceptible change in the inequalities and injustices that we’re trying to resolve through our businesses.

31:33 So touching upon your successes now, being able to get other women onboard with your mission, so I’ve see you evolve over the years where it seems like more and more women are joining your mission and you’ve done a lot of this through social media. Now in your master class, which folks, you can go ahead and download for free at entrepreneursforchange.com/59, Michelle will share with us her blueprint to using social media to turning a mission into a movement but I do want to talk to you in more general terms before we dive into the step by step.

32:18 How were you able to start getting more and more people to support you? So I think I recall like for example, a fairly recent post that you made on Facebook about some of the traffic that you’ve been getting to your site, women enough and I was like, “Wow, that’s a lot of traffic and that’s pretty hard for one person just to do.” So I’d love to understand how you were able to motivate influential women to get on board with you and to get influences to promote you and your mission.

32:58 Michelle: Oh, one of my guests has always sent that I’m enrolling and passionate since I was a young kid, like if I believe in something that I’m just all at it and I’m all for in.

33:09 When I was an eighth grade, I raised $10,000 to go to a child orphanage in India and then I let it happened and I donate the money to Red Cross. Now, I just went around and I have bake sales, I went around soliciting Fortune 500 companies for donations because I was simply passionate about. I really believe in it and that’s what really shines through the people is that I am really sincere about this. It’s not something that I’m pitching, it’s something that I deeply believe in and it’s the knowingness that it makes a difference for people.

33:45 So anytime, I’m sharing with people. I’m always sharing from a place of passion and it lands with them like that and people love to be around people that are passionate and that are creating possibilities because they’re not only aware of the possibility for and around with the other person for specifically what I’m saying but it also allows them to think about a new future for themselves.

34:12  So, a few years ago, I was introduced to the senior vice president of user experienced of LinkedIn and I told them about my idea for having these women circles on mine and all the sudden, I’m sitting at LinkedIn with a group of ten of their lead designers and developers working on prototypes for mobile app. And I’m thinking, okay, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing but people are buying into this passion and this vision and the summer when I launched the BARE Campaign, I created the website over square space. I tumbled over a million times like I feel like such a brandy snob. I didn’t even have money to work on it and I just created it out of what I simply had which was photos and passion and then I launched it.

35:07  Now, the photos are absolutely gorgeous, the photos that are on the current campaign by a photographer named Anastasia Cuba and  when I launched this campaign in the website, I posted these women’s photos and with the photo, their story and that’s what really have people resonate in this like the absolute vulnerability to a complete, like a completely deeper level than people see that there somebody no clothes on or somebody has their clothes on and so these women are sharing naked in their naked in the photo and they’re talking about how surviving cancer six times and feeling like they did everything that they were told to do and that, they took care of themselves and they feel their body feel them, resenting their body to women that were molested as kids by family members to women that had family members that committed suicide and holding so much pain and resentment around being alive.

36:24 So there are always stories and there’s really the connecting point for creating a movement is the storytelling to be able to share something that ignites something deeper within somebody besides just what a product might do. So I launched the campaign and I just shared it and some social media group on Facebook and literally, I didn’t even realize that campaign got so far until I look on the, well I got this email from some publication in Europe and they’re like, “Oh, we want to feature your campaign.” I’m like, “Okay, cool. Where did you hear about it?”, “Oh, at Read Daily.” I’m like, oh okay and then all of the sudden, I started seeing all the analytics, all of these publications were sharing the campaign. So it pretty much happened organically and it happens super quick.

37:19 Lorna: So it was you plugging away, promoting this on social media and then you got picked up by influences in these social media groups and all of the sudden, you’re getting press mentions. I notice that there was one from L magazine that you had but it wasn’t there…

37:35 Michelle: Oh, yeah.

37:36 Lorna: I was like, “Wow, that’s so great.” Was that all took or was it you plugging away on social media?

37:44 Michelle: Yeah.

37:44 Lorna: Wow.

37:46 Michelle: I really feel like, I have been working on this for a long time and when I went to Bali, I was like, “Okay, what aspect of the business do I launch first? Like, how could I be strategic about it but I’m like okay, what I have is these women’s stories and [inaudible 0:37:10] these women that are committed to take in the stand that all women can be now all worth beyond their beauty and that’s where I can start with and the vision is so big, but that’s what I have to start within and those stories are what other people relate to.

38:19 So, I started sharing on social media and got so much feedback from people in Cosmo and L and a Elite Daily and Shape and all these other media publications that I never heard of because they are different countries, continents and then, in order to, like I’ve always been good at getting people enrolled and involved in things, having produced TEDx women events for a long time. I’m really naturally skilled at gathering community and building community around a vision.

38:56 So I started to see the traffic was built in and realized like, okay, now it’s time to reach out to more people to get more people involved. We need to photograph more women, I need to be strategic about what I do and don’t do because I’m very a relentless person that I do a lot of outreaching community building but I’m not an organized person, I’m not detail-oriented person, so I have to find people and continually have enrolment conversations with people inviting them to be part of this and some people stick and some people don’t.

39:34 Lorna: Are they mostly volunteers?

39:34 Michelle: Yeah.

39:36 Lorna: Wow, that’s amazing.

39:38 Michelle: Yeah. I mean basically everyone is, myself included.

39:42 Lorna: And I do want to dive more into detail over how you leverage the social media attraction that you get to attract these volunteers and get them to join your team in the master class which can be downloaded into entrepreneursforchange.com/59 but this is amazing to hear how you are able to then find and connect with a passionate group of people that are willing to volunteer passionately for your organization and amplify the impact that you’re making.

40:18 So it looks like listening to what you just share with us to your two additional success factors that I’d like to highlight. One of which is the passion factor, the power of your passion and this seems to me listening to you is probably one of your secret weapons in getting people onboard with your vision and your mission.

40:48 The second one I would say is, let me see, so you talked about the power of your passion and then, your ability to leverage community, to connect with people that have alike-minded, passion as well and to get them onboard and that is truly a quality of leadership because you can’t just silo yourself if you want to be a change maker, you need to work with other people, you need to create community.

41:21 Michelle: Yeah, absolutely.

41:23 Lorna: Fabulous. So we’re coming to the end of our segment here before we dive into our master class. I’d like to leave you with my favorite question that I asked of my world changing entrepreneur guests. Michelle, what do you think is the most effective way to change the world?

41:43 Michelle: I truthfully feel like, its passion and commitment.

41:48 Lorna: Wow, okay. Okay, great. Thank you so much for sharing that. How can we best stay in touch with you in Women Enough?

41:56 Michelle: You can visit us on www.womenenough.com and that’s plural W-O-M-E-N enough, E-N-O-U-G-H dot com. Facebook.com/womenenough and on Twitter is women_enough and we have our crowdfunding campaign, that’s launched and invite anyone that wants to really revolutionize our media to make a donation today.

42:25 Lorna: Fabulous. Thank you so much Michelle for the work that you’re doing in the world. Keep up the fantastic working; keep inspiring women all over the world with your mission. Have a beautiful day.

42:36 Michelle: Thank you.


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Eric Smith of Monster Beach Studio for creating our Entrepreneurs for a Change Theme Song


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