
The vast majority of the world’s internet users are teens and a great deal of this demographic are men who cannot let go of their fixation with fascinating games such as Dota 2, Call of Duty or Clash of Clans. Online gaming isn’t actually limited to men as women have developed an interest in online games due to the fact that technology made them interactive which made it a lot more interesting. No wonder statistics show that people most often choose to spend their free time online rather than with friends or doing other ‘offline’ tasks.


The average number of hours someone spends in front of the computer may be spent on a variety of activities which include social networking, conversing with friends over VoIP services or reading random things online but the fact remains that a big chunk is spent playing online games. The number has risen to alarming heights and it has become difficult to blame them for game developers have brilliant ways of making almost every game engaging and entertaining. One perfect example would be Dota 2.

The Birth of Dota 2

Developed by Valve Corporation, Dota 2 is a forthcoming action real-time strategy video game which is also the independent sequel to the successful Defense of the Ancients mod for Warcraft 3: Region of Chaos. This latest installment of the Dota franchise has been released for early test access and is set to hit the market this summer. Since its announcement in April, one of the main drawing forces of the game is the introduction of the new Skymage. A lot of game enthusiasts have been raving about the new Skymage and its indelible impact to the game. Considered as one of the most powerful offensive intelligence based characters, its first skill, Arcane Bolt, has become one of the most revered and feared of all ranged attacks whether the horn just sounded or during high levels. Since it is based on the character’s intelligence, it is one of the most dynamic skills in a player’s arsenal.


Skymage’s Long List of Skills

For those who prefer the quintessential ranged player, the Skymage is definitely one of the best choices. Apart from being able to hold its own on a one on one battle, the second and third skill can act as convenient helpers during team battles. The second skill launches a long range shot to the nearest hero, dealing a maximum of 200 magical damage and 40% slow in a 200 radius around the hero. This skill allows fleeing enemies from escaping and can also act as a good initial attack to set off a series of coordinated ones from your team mates. The third skill is a point and click type of skill that amplifies magical damage for up to 36%. At its highest level, it works better than orchid malevolence in terms of active function. As always, this skill does not stack with orchid malevolence and should not be used at the same time. Should you choose to do so, please note that the third skill, the Ancient Seal, will override the effects of orchid malevolence.


The Crowd Favorite

The Skymage was one of the favorites in the original Dota game and is a relatively new addition to the sequel. As always, in order to gain in-depth knowledge of how it is best played, it is recommended that you play it multiple times or against it using different types of characters. Variety can help you take a better stride of its range and uses of its skills. Whether you’re playing Dota 2, practice is the key to any sport. Watching matches, developing new combos and playing with your team mates on a regular basis will eventually pave the way to victories.


Author’s Bio:

Michelle Simpson is a full-time professional editor that focuses on online writing services, specialized in the field of technology like RingCentral Business Phone System, business and current trends in the industry.


The post Dota 2′s Ace- The Brand New Skymage appeared first on EnterWebHub.

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