
Kylie’s on the cover of Teen Vogue and got to blabber on about her vacuous life inside the pages. She shockingly revealed that it takes absolutely ages for her to get ready if she is doing full makeup and hair, because she doesn’t just half do it. She probably spends about an hour on the lip liner alone. She commented:

“I never really wear makeup unless I need to, because when I do my makeup I like to really do my makeup. So I’m never going to spend just 20 minutes, you know? A good night out is, like, two and a half hours for full makeup, curling hair, whatever. I love false lashes — individuals, strips, extensions. … [but ] I’ve realized people really like my no-makeup selfies.”

In ten years time, Kylie wants to be a mother because she is really enjoying having family around her through life:

“Having sisters is the best. I have a different relationship with each of them. I go to Kim for fashion advice, Khloe is always boy and family advice, and Kourtney is like another mother to me. It’s so fun being an aunt. When I look to the far future and decide to have kids, I need to have a million girls. Ten years from now–in 2025–I hope I have a kid.”

She recently bought her own home worth $2.5 million but is waiting until she is 18 so she can move in there on her own. She commented that she wanted a place that made her feel at home:

“I’m moving out when I turn 18. I’m ready to live on my own. It’s a really big step, but I’m ready. I wanted a house near my family in a quiet neighborhood with a front yard and a backyard that my dog will like. Also, I have so many shoes, and none of them fit in my old closet.”

Kylie admits she often reads her Instagram comments and the haters do tend to get to her, no matter what she does to try to ignore it:

“Today I posted my Instagram picture three different times. I kept deleting it and re-posting it because I kept looking at the comments and they were bad comments. And I was like, ‘Ahhh!’ and I kept re-posting it. The people who take the time to write these comments are so mean and hateful, like they just want to come at you and hurt you. You can read 1,000 nice comments but remember the mean one. I think you should only really listen to what your family and your close friends say. I try to let it go in one ear and out the other and just stay positive.”

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