

SATE’13 is almost upon us! This year’s roster of speakers will explore and explode the theme “What’s Next” at the two plus day event at Savannah College of Art and Design. Here’s a rundown of who we’ll be listening to, what we can expect and what’s exciting about this year’s speaker slate.

Keynote Speakers

Don Marinelli  Retired last year from Carnegie Mellon University where he co-founded the groundbreaking Entertainment Technology Center, Marinelli is in the early stages of what he’s termed his “Third Act.” We can expect him to challenge us to dig deep and engage in “whole brain” thinking in design development.

Roger Gould, Liz Gazzano – Pixar  The two will discuss how Pixar works with Disney Imagineering to translate Pixar film and characters into theme park experiences. This will be a glimpse at creative collaboration on a grand scale that has resulted in experiences as rich as the films that inspired them!

Storytelling Speakers

Mark Caro – Chicago Tribune  Entertainment journalist Caro covers all types of happenings and as a writer himself truly understands that the story is everything when it comes to entertainment and experience design.

Asa Kalama – Disney Imagineering  As an interactive experience designer, Kalama specializes in the art of merging story with technology. He’ll discuss how every experience should begin with the story and evolve into an immersive experience.

David Misch  Count on comedy writer Misch to bring the funny to the rostrum as he discusses how humor enriches storytelling. As a writer and producer of all manner of comedy for the past 35 years, he knows what get laughs and what falls flat.

Chris Huntley – Write Brothers  The creator of Academy-Award winning writing tools, Huntley is a master of both the art and practice of storytelling. As a frequent lecturer to fellow writers, he’ll be able to offer insights on story development and theory.

Architecture Speakers

Cecil Magpuri – Falcon’s Treehouse  Themed experiences are what Magpuri creates at FTH. He knows that storytelling is critical and discusses how design must be fresh and innovative no matter if you’re creating an experience for a science museum, theme park, live entertainment or any medium.

Chuck Hoberman – Hoberman Associates  Inventor Hoberman believes that structure should be more than functional and is capable of evoking emotion and feeling. We can look forward to musings on the intersection of art, architecture and engineering (and if we’re lucky he’ll bring along one of his namesake spheres!)

Jonathon Douglas – VOA Associates  Principal architect Douglas will speak to architecture as a device to tell great stories, to become part of the narrative, to increase engagement and encourage immersive audience experiences.

Technology Speakers

Josh Jeffery – Warhol Museum  As digital engagement manager for the Andy Warhol Museum, Jefferey is on the forefront of changing the way museums interact with the public. He’ll discuss how social media, interactive exhibits and web presence can draw in audiences and enrich their experiences once there.

Mark Gilicinski – MobileXpeditions  As a mobile app developer, Gilicinski well understands how technology can support and deepen audience experience rather than detract from it through customized apps and location based experiences.

Paul Kent, Chris Conte – Electrosonic  The A/V gurus will take us on a journey back to consider the history of lighting technology for themed entertainment as well as how new lighting and projection technology can take themed entertainment to new levels as part of the Coherent Light panel.

Brian Boehme – Christie  As part of the panel on Coherent Light, Boehme will speak to innovations in digital projection and how these can be used to add value to themed entertainment and location-based entertainment experiences and some of the recent advances in the field.

David Gray – Oasis Enterprises  As an “architainment” specialist, Gray will speak at the Coherent Light panel discussing the aspects of lighting in entertainment that interest him including the interaction of people, technology and light.

Experience Speakers

Dave Cobb – Thinkwell  In his talk on Cosplay, Cobb (creator of T2-3D and Men in Black: Alien Attack) will discuss how fans don’t just want to be entertained but want to be immersed in an experience whether it’s head to toe outfitting or realistic simulated experiences that bring them into the story itself.

Jake Barton – Local Projects  Media designer Barton will discuss how emotion and technology can be blended to more effectively engage audiences in museums and public spaces. He’ll speak to how technology increasingly impacts communal storytelling.

Limited ticketing is still available for TEA’s SATE’13 in Savannah. Single, dual and all event passes are available by clicking here.


image sources: TEAConnect.org, TextCube.com, TimeoutChicago.com, FalconsTreehouse.com, LBE-internship.com,  ThinkwellGroup.com

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