
By: Liz Newman

Credit: meaofoto/Shutterstock

Everyone has a unique definition of “healthy.” For some, it means a kale-infused green juice every morning and no carbs after 2pm; for others, it means limiting burger runs to just once a day.

But what about those foods that trick you into thinking you’re eating healthy, but in reality you would have been no worse for wear if you’d eaten that burger? Those foods are total dicks. To find out which ones are masquerading as “good for you,” a trio of registered dietitians shared the supposedly healthy foods they don’t eat.

More: 10 Foods You Love to Eat That Are Surprisingly Healthy

Credit: Flickr/Jessica and Lon Binder

Whole-grain pasta
“This goes for whole-grain bread, rice, cereal, etc. We’ve also learned that carbs (even if they’re whole grain) can lead to weight gain and high cholesterol. Your body obviously needs carbs — but choose smart. Consider squash, steamed carrots, sweet potatoes as your carb option.” — Nicole Hermosilla, registered & licensed dietitian, Yale New Haven Hospital

Vegan baked goods
“Sure, they don’t contain animal products — but they are loaded with sugar. And sugar equals fat. Duh!” — NH

“Specifically, yogurt that is not plain or unsweetened. It’s loaded with unnecessary sugar, even if that means ‘fruit on the bottom.’ That bottom is, in a sense, a pit of sugar shame. Greek yogurt is the best option due to its high protein content, making it satisfying and a great addition to your breakfast or snack. Look for yogurts that contain less than 8g of sugar per one-cup serving.” — Monica Auslander, registered & licensed dietitian, founder of Essence Nutrition Miami

Protein bars
“Like granola bars, protein bars, although high in protein (obviously), may also be very high in sugar and also loaded with messy, dirty, synthetic ingredients like protein isolates, fat substitutes, stabilizers, etc. For the purpose of a snack, or even a quick on-the-go meal, choose a bar, whether it be a protein bar, granola bar, or general food bar, that is high in protein, high in fiber, adequate fat, and lower in sugar. I like Raw Evolution bars, Nature’s Chemistry bars, and KIND bars (but only the types that have less than 5g of sugar).” — MA

Credit: Flickr/Geoff Peters

“Juice is for babies and for cocktails… [it]‘s a concentrated source of sugar which has stripped the fruit of its fiber. Not only does it provide a sugar bath for your teeth, it spikes your blood sugar, and has way more calories than a fresh whole fruit from the earth. You are better off eating four raw oranges than drinking 12oz of juice.” — MA

To find out which 6 other supposedly healthy foods dietitians avoid, get the full story at Thrillist.com!

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