
I don’t know about you but I’m looking forward to Easter this year. Here in the UK we have a long Easter weekend as Good Friday is a public holiday as well as Easter Monday.

We don’t normally go away for Easter but this year my husband and I are going on a walking holiday to the Lake District, a particularly beautiful part of Northern England. It is also known as Beatrix Potter country. We’re taking our dog, Buster so it should be good fun. With a bit of luck, Buster will not hunt down the sheep in the fields!!!

The supermarkets are full of all the delicious foods and goodies for Easter and as I was strolling around one of these supermarkets the other day marvelling at them, I thought I would share with you all the wonderful things there are to eat at Easter here in the UK. Some things are particular to the UK but others are universal.

Hot Cross Buns
These gorgeous little buns normally come out around a month before Easter (supermarkets are not very strict about respecting Lent!). If I am not mistaken, hot cross buns are typical of the UK and are always eaten at Easter. The buns are sweet and made of raisins or currants with a cross on top to symbolise the Christian cross.

In the past, they used to be sold by street vendors who would sing out:

Hot cross buns, hot cross buns,
one a penny, two a penny
Hot cross buns.

Hot cross buns are best eaten hot. I normally toast them and then spread butter on them. The hot buns with melted butter are heavenly especially with a delicious cup of tea. My favourite buns are cinnamon and raisin…mmm. Oh, my mouth is watering just thinking of them!

Easter Eggs and Bunnies
As soon as you walk into any supermarket, you are greeted by a range of different sized Easter bunnies all made of chocolate – dark, milk or white. I normally buy medium-sized Easter bunnies for my nephews – one each so that there are no arguments. If I am feeling particularly generous I might buy one for my husband, too!


There are of course different sized chocolate eggs available to buy. I like to have a bowl of small Easter chocolate eggs in the living room to share with friends or to keep all to myself! I especially like the little eggs that have bright, colourful wrappers. They give a welcoming, warm splash of colour to any room.

Easter Egg Hunts are very popular with children and are organised throughout the UK. Here is just a selection around London.

Easter Lamb
Not only has lamb got religious symbolism (Lamb of God) but it is also closely linked to the symbols of spring and rejuvenation. At Easter, lamb is the traditional meat that is served in the UK.  We are very fortunate to be able to enjoy both Welsh and New Zealand lamb.

Most people will have the traditional roasted lamb. Some people prefer a shoulder of lamb whilst others would choose a leg of lamb to roast in the oven. I don’t mind either. I often make thin slits in the meat and add slivers of garlic into the slits before sprinkling rosemary leaves on the lamb and putting it into the oven.

The lamb is served with mint sauce, roast potatoes and a selection of vegetables. Delicious or “delish” (my invention)!

This Marks and Spencer Advertisement perfectly captures what Easter means to me. I defy you not to be drooling after watching this ad!



This year we will celebrate Easter Sunday at a pub in the Lake District but first we will go on a hike so that we feel justified in tucking into a huge lunch later!

What will you be doing this Easter? What do you normally do at Easter? Do let me know.

In my next post, I will share with you some idioms and phrases we have in the English Language that has some of the Easter symbols – eggs and bunnies. So, watch this space…..

I am aware that Passover is being celebrated at the same time as Easter. I don’t know much about this Jewish tradition, I’m ashamed to say, so any knowledge would be very welcome indeed. Please share.

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Ciao for now


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