Digestion, Healthy Eating, Relaxation and Drinking Water with Sam Bearfoot, AKA The Digestion Detective.
Tools & Apps
Animaya app for meditation
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Facebook App to keep up with Facebook on the smartphone
“My top tool would be – I have one of those pens … Do you remember those pens which you used at school and your teacher had them? They have the white top and the four different colours you push down?” BiC 4 Colour Pen and BiC 4 Colour Fashion
Other Resources
Twining’s Everyday Tea
Mum’s Not Having Chemo by Laura Bonds. “It’s just such an inspirational book” It’s about the various different ways that Laura’s Mum healed her cancer without chemotherapy.
“I make a bit of a rule that I don’t bring work into the evenings if I don’t absolutely have to. Then my wind down time is actually spent in the kitchen. I like being in the kitchen. I like to cook.”
“I like to draw. I sketch, I colour, I paint, I love a bit of yoga. I like to meditate. I like walking, those are my kind of release.”
“I’m one of these people that healthy doesn’t need to be boring and it doesn’t need to be eating like a rabbit constantly. You can still enjoy some really nice food, you just have to put the effort in and make it for yourself. That’s my ethos, if you like, you don’t have to give up everything, you just have to find a little cheeky way around it, which is pretty much how I live.”
“The top things that people are getting wrong, they’re not drinking enough water. That’s a huge one. That will help with every part of your body, not just digestion. Those that do drink water, they tend to drink water when they’re eating, and that’s a big no-no. You need to separate those out, at least 20 minutes before or after you eat.”
“Anything that you know that upsets you, don’t eat it”
“My good days, I like being outside and quite often, if that just means that I’ve ticked all the things off of my list for the day and it means I get to go and spend half an hour, an hour, outside, sat on the grass literally, with my pen and my pad, and chill and maybe write some thoughts down at the end of the day. Maybe it’s just to appreciate that I’ve had a really good day and it’s something I’ve worked really hard for over the years to be able to be in that position.”
The Digestion Detective Show with Sam Bearfoot
The Functional Gut Clinic
The IBS Network
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Tweet: “I’m a firm believer in breakfast. You absolutely have to have breakfast, so I always have a really good breakfast” http://ctt.ec/5U812+
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Jo Dodds: Welcome Sam Bearfoot, otherwise known as The Digestion Detective. How are you Sam?
Sam Bearfoot: Hello. I'm good. How are you Jo?
Jo Dodds: Yep, good thanks. It's great to have you with me.
Sam Bearfoot: Brilliant, it's lovely to be on your lovely new shiny show.
Jo Dodds: Start by telling us a little bit about you, what you do, where you do it, how you operate, if you like.
Sam Bearfoot: Yep, what I get up to. For me, I'm a therapist, and I started off as a Kinesiologist, which is a hands-on therapy. I've done that for a number of years, but within the last couple of years, I've re-branded myself and I now, pretty much, work just as a nutritional therapist online. My specialism, if you can't guess from the name of Digestion Detective, is digestion.
I help people that are struggling digestively. It's usually people that suffer with bloating or IBS, and/or. Something that I suffered with many years ago, for quite a long time and it's obviously why I've chosen to mesh myself into that market, because it's something that I can relate to. I have, obviously, first-hand experience going through the symptoms and the upset and all the nasty bits that come with that. Also, I've had to figure myself, figure it out for myself, before I did all my training, on getting through and getting out the other side. I love doing it. It's what I do now. I'm very fortunate to be able to have a pretty successful radio show, similar to what you're doing now, where I get to talk to a global audience. I'm a therapist, come radio presenter, come Digestion Detective, that's who I am.
Jo Dodds: Brilliant. What's a typical day look like where you're working, and what sort of activities, if you like, are you doing?
Sam Bearfoot: None of my days are ever the same. They're never the same. At the moment, I'm pregnant as well, so I'm frantically trying to get all that sort of stuff done before my little one arrives. Generally speaking, it's checking in on social media. I try my very best to be as active as I can and talk to the people that want to talk to me on the various methods that there are. I check in every day just to make sure everyone's happy and if they've got questions and things like that, it can be researching and just keeping up with the local people around, anybody that's up and coming. Do I want to talk to them on my show?
In the same sense, I do stuff like this too, where people want me on their show. Then it can be working on some new products, stuff that people are asking me for day in and day out. I do my best to put something together, whether it's a cheat sheet, whether it's an online coaching session, all those kinds of things. It really does just depend on the month, the year, the week. It's very very different, but that's what I like about it.
Jo Dodds: You work from home?
Sam Bearfoot: I do.
Jo Dodds: When is the baby due?
Sam Bearfoot: October the 6th.
Jo Dodds: Is it your first?
Sam Bearfoot: Yeah.
Jo Dodds: Oh, so there could be a big change. You might be answering the question differently in November.
Sam Bearfoot: Ask me that question in six months’ time, and I'm sure that it's very very different.
Jo Dodds: Excellent.
Sam Bearfoot: Yeah, completely different.
Jo Dodds: What about on a morning, do you have a particular routine? Obviously, the days change, but do you do typical stuff in the morning?
Sam Bearfoot: Yeah.
Jo Dodds: Tell us a little more about that.
Sam Bearfoot: Obviously that has changed somewhat with the pregnancy, the mornings are famous for not being fantastic with pregnant women, and I'm no exception to that rule. Previously it would very much be I would get up ... I'm a firm believer in breakfast. You absolutely have to have breakfast, so I always have a really good breakfast, and that could consist of anything from a homemade granola bar to I'll sit there and make myself some protein pancakes cakes with some fruit or whatever, and a brew. You've got to have a brew first thing in the morning.
Jo Dodds: What's your preferred brew?
Sam Bearfoot: My preferred brew is a Twining's Everyday Cup of Tea.
Jo Dodds: Lovely.
Sam Bearfoot: I only allow myself two cups of tea throughout the day and that's one of them.
Jo Dodds: Great, so that's probably going back to another interview, talking about rituals. That's a bit of a ritual isn't it?
Sam Bearfoot: It's a ritual for me. That's my thing, and now in pregnancy, I can wake up really early starving, so quite often, I will get up fairly early. I'm talking 5 or 6 o'clock in the morning, come down stairs, scarf something to eat, and then I'll go back to sleep for a little while, and my tea waits until I'm actually awake and I'm up.
Jo Dodds: Awake enough to appreciate it.
Sam Bearfoot: Yeah. It's changed a little bit, but predominately, my routine is up and eat. My partner often says to me
that I'm like a child. As soon as I'm awake, my eyes are awake, I say I need to be fed. He's not all wrong.
Jo Dodds: It's good practice. You'll know how..
Sam Bearfoot: Up and eat, that's pretty much my mornings before I obviously go off and shower and do all the bits and pieces that you do.
Jo Dodds: Yeah. We just have a bit of technical problem, and I lost Sam on the call, so she's gone off the internet, dialed it on the phone, so we're going to carry on. The sound might be slightly different because she's on a different tool now.
Sam Bearfoot: Different method.
Jo Dodds: Exactly.
Sam Bearfoot: We're still here. It's all good.
Jo Dodds: Yes, that's right exactly, and we just get on with things. We're like that. We're practical, pragmatic people. You were talking about your typical morning, and I was just asking from a business point of view, a getting organised for the day point of view, is there anything that you do routinely, or is it just depending on what happens that day?
Sam Bearfoot: No no no, there is definitely. I will obviously get up and have my breakfast and with my tea is when I go through my email, social media, stuff like that. It sets me up for the day. I get to see if anything's really urgent, that needs real attention now, sort of thing. I've got quite a big Twitter following, so I get lots and lots of tweets and stuff, so I have to check on that a few times a day. That time of the morning is when I go through and get rid of all the spam and the junk as you do, and it gives me a good idea of who I've got to talk to, what I've got to do, and if anything major needs sorting out, that's that sort of time in the morning that I figure that sort of stuff out.
Jo Dodds: Yes. What about in the evening, do you do particular things in the evenings to wind down, or again is it whatever happens? I'm a bit whatever happens, I think!
Sam Bearfoot: I make a bit of a rule that I don't bring work into the evenings if I don't absolutely have to. Then my wind down time is actually spent in the kitchen. I like being in the kitchen. I like to cook. I like to do things from scratch, which a lot of my followers know anyway. For me, that separation between work and play in a measure of time, is usually spent somewhere in the kitchen, whipping up something or other for dinner and whether that be just dinner or maybe packed lunch for the other half for the next day, that kind of thing. That's how I close off my work day and start off my evening chill time.
Jo Dodds: Do you have a certain time for doing that? One of the things I struggle with is where that cut-off is and I suppose one small advantage is that Little Doddsy comes home from school and that's an indicator, but she has after school activities sometimes, so that time varies. It doesn't make it very routine really.
Sam Bearfoot: Yeah, I get what you're saying, and my time varies. I time it with the other half coming home. One, because I know that when he is home I won't get anything done anyway. He's talking to me about his day, and he'll come in and chat about bits and pieces and then he'll want to know what dinner is and all that sort of stuff. That's how I separate the two halves. In fact, my cut-off is whenever he comes home, I try my best to make sure that I'm done, dusted, there's nothing else that needs to be done, and that's my cut-off point.
That's going to change isn't it? It's going to dramatically change when the little sprog shows up. For the moment that’s kind of my…and that's quite a nice time, somewhere between six and half past six. As long as I’m done, on the odd occasion, as you will come to that I'm sure, have an interview that you really really want to do and there's just no getting it scheduled during the day. Maybe it's a Mum, maybe it's a Mum where they don't have any time during the day and they have to wait until the kids go to bed, then what I'll do is I usually book that maybe somewhere between 8 and 9, because then I've done dinner. I've had that, washed up, and done all that sort of stuff. Then I can slope off upstairs and leave him down here. Very rare, it's very rare that happens, but I will do it if there's something that I really wanted to talk to someone and there’s no other availability.
Jo Dodds: How do you manage your tasks? Do you use a to-do list? Do you have other options, other ways of managing what you need to do?
Sam Bearfoot: I'm really really old school, really old school. I use pen and paper.
Jo Dodds: Wow paper, brilliant!
Sam Bearfoot: Yes. I do, and I have these big sheets of paper. I think they're A3, yeah, they're' the big ones aren't they?
Jo Dodds: Yeah. The flipchart ones.
Sam Bearfoot: The numbers decrease as you get bigger.
Jo Dodds: No, not flip chart the same one as that.
Sam Bearfoot: They're not that big.
Jo Dodds: Double A4 is A3 I think.
Sam Bearfoot: Yes, that's it. That's right. I use that and I have various ones of those kicking about the house. I devise this big plan, spider charts in different colours and that kind of stuff and they get stuck on the wall of my office and I tick them off as time goes by, but I am really really old school when it comes to… I’ve only just started to use an online calendar. Everything else would have gone into my old diary, which is a paper diary. I just can't ... Now there's obviously two. I've got my paper diary and my online diary and they mimic each other because I can't quite step away from it properly.
Jo Dodds: You're just waiting for that time when-
Sam Bearfoot: It'd be like losing an arm.
Jo Dodds: Yeah, it will be that time when it's more painful to carry on with two than it is to stop.
Sam Bearfoot: Yeah, exactly. I'm really really old school, and I'm paper and pen and it gives me an excuse to buy really fancy stationery.
Jo Dodds: Yes, I love stationery. I worked for Staples for three years, just because I like stationery.
Sam Bearfoot: There you go. Your addiction is far worse than mine, I'm sure.
Jo Dodds: I hesitate to ask the next question, which is what are your top three tools or apps, but maybe apps doesn't need to be in there, maybe it's tools?
Sam Bearfoot: Yeah, exactly. Apps wise, I've been a Blackberry user for many many years, and I do have an iPhone now, but I hate it.
Jo Dodds: Oh, interesting.
Sam Bearfoot: I'm not really up on that kind of stuff. I don't really use anything like that at all.
Jo Dodds: That's because you've got a Blackberry and the apps aren't so good. I was a Blackberry girl for many many years.
Sam Bearfoot: Exactly, that's my point. That's exactly it. I think I just haven't really been introduced to that world, I think. I use the meditation one every now and then, which is quite good.
Jo Dodds: Which one is that? Do you know the-
Sam Bearfoot: Yeah, I used to work in a clinic in London, and they give out their own meditation app. It's just called Animaya, so that's their app, I use that. They've got really good pregnancy app ‘perfection’ in there, so that's been useful. Other than the standard What's App and Facebook App ... The Facebook App, I'm getting so annoyed with that, it keeps popping up. I'm going to delete it. I'm not really great with stuff like that, but my top tools. My top tool would be I have one of those pens ... Do you remember those pens when you used at school and your teacher had them. They have the white top and the four different colours you push down.
Jo Dodds: I knew you were going to say that. I knew exactly where you were going with that. A red, a green, a black, and a blue.
Sam Bearfoot: Yeah, that. I've got a really cool one in the sense that mine's purple, so I've got a purple, a pink, a lime green, and a turquoise.
Jo Dodds: Wow. I have pen envy. Funny, I was on a course-
Sam Bearfoot: How cool is that?
Jo Dodds: I was on a course with Engage for Success, who I did some work with a couple weeks ago. We were talking about different communication styles, and he split it into four groups of the different styles that we preferred, and he set us a little task. We were supposed to be working at a summer fair for a village for five minutes, just to highlight the different approaches depending on the type of people that you are. I was with Cathy who's also done an interview with me, and he was laughing, and he told everyone at the end, "When everyone else was getting their to-do list and their ideas down and everything else, she started complimenting me on my green pen," and then we had a discussion about how we'd both written in green when we went to school. This went on for ages, he was like, "everyone else was on topic and getting the job done, and you two were busy talking about green pens."
Sam Bearfoot: You know, I've had that particular pen for ages, and I will be heartbroken when it's run out. I haven't seen one since in the different option of colours. That pen has been with me for ages, and I am literally touching wood here. I hope to God I don't ever lose it, because it is my saviour because obviously I write everything down and I keep little hand note pads in my handbag. I have an idea in the car, out comes the pen and the pad and there I am writing it down.
Jo Dodds: Do you use different colours for different things, or just whichever takes your fancy.
Sam Bearfoot: Yeah, I use different colours for different things. It's essential. That's my app isn't it? That's my multi-functional tool, it’s my pen.
Jo Dodds: It is, your retro-app.
Sam Bearfoot: Yeah. I know. People laugh, because they think considering I'm really active on social media and I'm pretty good on the laptop and all that kind of thing, they sort of laugh and me and say that the fact that I still use pen and paper for some stuff is just really crazy.
Jo Dodds: Although, I was at an event a little while ago, and they were talking about millennials, and they had some people to give opinions. I was one of them. We were all not millennials clearly, and we were sitting there with our iPads and iPhones taking note before we went into the session, and the two millennials asked for a piece of paper and a pen, because they hadn't actually got any technology with them, so maybe you're ahead of everyone else.
Sam Bearfoot: That would hopefully be me. I've had the iPhone obviously, it'd be in my bag, but I wouldn't think of it for one moment of getting it out to make notes, because that would drive me insane. I just couldn't type on my phone as quickly as I could write with a pen. I'm not that old you know. Just so people know, I'm actually not that old.
Jo Dodds: No, you're not at all.
Sam Bearfoot: They're sitting there thinking maybe she's 50 or 60, I'm not. I'm half that.
Jo Dodds: Given you’re pregnant, I think 50 or 60 would be a bit of a shock.
Sam Bearfoot: Yeah, I'm a little bit retro. We'll call it retro.
Jo Dodds: Yeah, retro, that's good. Changing the subject a bit then, what do you do to relax?
Sam Bearfoot: Relaxation time is probably not going to be all that much of a surprise, but I like to draw. I sketch, I colour, I paint, I love a bit of yoga. I like to meditate. I like walking, those are my kind of release. Take me back a year and it would've been I go out for a run and I go to the gym, that sort of thing, but obviously that's off the menu for a little while. I really like to draw so it still involves pen and paper, and doing things like that really. I do my best to relax as much as I can, previously I had been in a real real stress bunny so I do appreciate some down time now.
Jo Dodds: I could have done a nice link from that. I could've said is there anything else you use paper for, and you could have taken us into the relaxing question, rather than me so abruptly changing the subject.
Sam Bearfoot: Yeah. It wasn't really changing the subject at all was it? It's really about the paper and pen. I've always like that, it's always been something I've done as a kid. I was always drawing. On my homework there was a little doodle in the corner, and things like that. It's just my way of ... It's distraction as well, a distraction from the rest of the world and other things I have going on. It's something I've always really liked, and it just takes me off into my own little world, which is ideal.
Jo Dodds: Yeah, that's great. I have one of those colouring in books, because I'm not real good at drawing.
Sam Bearfoot: I've got one too. I've got them and I've got a big bag of paint and pen and felt tip, and stuff.
Jo Dodds: Okay, we're back on stationery, let's move on. How do you keep healthy? I guess that's changing with the
pregnancy as well. What sort of things, the food and exercise and sleep and that sort of thing?
Sam Bearfoot: Over the years it has changed quite a lot because I was just awful, really awful. I lived on take out. I worked for the fast food restaurants for a number of years. I used to drink really heavily. I would smoke. Now, I don't do any of that. Obviously I'm nutritionally trained, so the food that goes in a good 80 or 90% of the time is exactly what it should be, so lots of veggies. Lovely lean meats, there's nothing processed in my diet. That's how I look after myself. I'm one of these people that healthy doesn't need to be boring and it doesn't need to be eating like a rabbit constantly. You can still enjoy some really nice food, you just have to put the effort in and make it for yourself. That's my ethos, if you like, you don't have to give up everything, you just have to find a little cheeky way around it, which is pretty much how I live.
There's lots and lots of supplementation that goes in, and that can change quite a bit with pregnancy, but going back to who I am and what I do as a business, my number one priority is always looking after my digestion. I know how important that is for everything else that goes on. Because I know that I suffer, or have suffered in that area, I know that if I don't look after that, potentially I can become quite ill.
Jo Dodds: That's a big topic. It's obviously a big topic and that's clearly what you do, so we're not going to get through lots of it in the next couple of minutes, but are there any hnts, tips, messages for people that might have digestive issues that you might throw in? As I say, you've only got a couple minutes.
Sam Bearfoot: No, it's fine. The top things that people are getting wrong, they're not drinking enough water. That's a huge one. That will help with every part of your body, not just digestion. Those that do drink water, they tend to drink water when they're eating, and that's a big no-no. You need to separate those out, at least 20 minutes before or after you eat, gulping down the water, and of course, anything that you know that upsets you, don't eat it.
It's like that joke you hear as a kid, I can't do it, but imagine I'm doing this. You go into the doctor and you say it hurts when I do this, and I'm slapping my arm about. I really was just slapping my arm about. The doctor says, "Well don't do it." People forget that, and they laugh, and I'm like, "No, I'm being serious. If you know that you eat that and an hour later you are doubled over, why on earth would you eat it in the first place?" It's about figuring out what works for you, what doesn't work for you, and avoiding the stuff that just doesn't agree.
Jo Dodds: Sometimes it's harder said than done. I was listening to a podcast earlier, and they were talking about the Race for Life. They were saying there were people doing lots of them over the last week or two and they've got these signs on their back about why they were supporting and that sort of thing. They were saying there was one particular person who's got something talking about let's find the cure for cancer sort of thing, and we're standing there eating horrendous food and smoking, and it's a bit like actually if we could get some of those bits right, then some of the potential issues may reduce, go away, or whatever. We do tend to know what's good and not do it because other things get in the way.
Sam Bearfoot: We fall into that trap of, a lot of the time we have a bit of a subconscious thing where we know something's not quite right, but we're just going to dismiss it rather than looking into it. I think that's the fear factor and that's a lot, again, of what I deal with. A lot of people are quite afraid of trying to deal with their issues and face their issues because it means sometimes, it means quite a big change. I don't think a lot of people are ready for that.
Jo Dodds: No.
Sam Bearfoot: They just dismiss the things that they know might be their problem area, but they're just not ready to face them yet, so I help them through and help them to see that actually the task that they think is humongous it isn't going to be that humongous when you break it all down. That's where I come in.
Jo Dodds: From your point of view, thinking about changing things and doing things differently, what do you do to learn and improve yourself?
Sam Bearfoot: For me, I'm always learning from the professors, from the big doctors out there, the big guys that are flying the flag for digestion. Although they're in a bit of a different field from me, in the sense that they’re medically trained ... They're really getting their hands dirty with this kind of stuff, actually it teaches me an awful lot. I do my best to read as much research as I can, keeping up to the new stuff that comes out, because people ask me. I would be doing a disservice if I didn't know the answer, but having said that, I quite frequently hold my hands up and say, "Nope, never heard of that." I'm only human as well, so I do my best to keep up with anything new, keeping up with lots of research. I'm very fortunate I do know some pretty cool people in those kinds of places anyway. Sometimes I get to know about these things before they hit the headlines.
Jo Dodds: Yeah.
Sam Bearfoot: It's continual training. Sometimes I might think, "Oh, that's something I fancy learning about," and I just go off and do it. Whether that's just getting knee deep into a really good book or maybe interviewing the person. I learn just as much from the interviews I do. I don’t think people realise that, but I do. You learn every day.
Jo Dodds: Yes. What about a couple of examples of the websites or people to send listeners to if they're interested in following up any of this nutrition / diet sort of stuff. Who springs to mind to you as somebody you really follow?
Sam Bearfoot: Who do I follow?
Jo Dodds: Yeah.
Sam Bearfoot: Who do I keep up with? I've got some good friends over at the Functional Gut Clinic. I think they’re functionalgutclinic.com. The lovely Anthony Hobson over there, he's fantastic. He's a science kind of guy. He's very smart, very clever, but at the same time, he really appreciates the kind of work I do as a therapist. He's always got something really interesting to say. Again, he's quite nicely connected, but it's always interesting seeing what he's up to and some of the research and things he's getting involved in. I like to keep up with the IBS Network, and I think they're IBSNetwork.org. Again, they've got some fantastic things going. They're trying to get some things through parliament at the moment, petitions and things going on, and I support them in that.
At the same time, I get people to see that the forum side of things, I get to see what the people are saying, listening to what's going on, answering questions here and there if I can. That keeps my finger in that pie. It means I can really get to relate to the people that I'm hoping to serve and the people that I do serve, so they're kind of cool as well. Who else? There's quite a few. I do keep up ... it's not necessarily the traditional people you would think either. It's not like yourmindbodydreams.com or whatever that is. I don't go to that because I think some of that's a bit rubbish. There's lots and lots of stuff I tend to look at, but mine is probably a little bit more specific than maybe broad spectrum.
Jo Dodds: Yeah. Thinking about other recommends, what about books, films, music, any of those side of things for perhaps inspiration, enjoyment, or even more learning? Is there anything you'd recommend there?
Sam Bearfoot: I'm not a huge book reader. I much prefer to listen, however, having said that, one of my top read for the last year, things that I had picked up, is there's a health journalist friend of mine, her name's Laura Bonds, and she writes a book called Mom's Not Having Chemo. The book is about her. She travelled the world and she got to interview 60 ... I'm not sure 60. It's a large number anyway. I'm not sure it's 60, of the world leaders in cancer prevention and curing. It's just such an inspirational book about the various different ways of doing that that don't necessarily going to see an oncologist.
Jo Dodds: Interesting.
Sam Bearfoot: I found it really really interesting, really inspiring, and quite brave, because it knocks some of the stuff
that we traditionally know and are told, well out of the park.
Jo Dodds: Absolutely. I was reading that article today about that people quite often die from chemotherapy rather than cancer, which pops up every so often. I guess that's probably related to the sorts of things she's got in the book.
Sam Bearfoot: Yeah, there's a lot of stuff in there, and a lot of the people that she interviewed are actually doctors, so it's well worth the read. Even if it's not from a cancer perspective, even if it's just a natural healing perspective, I think it would appeal to a lot of people, and not necessarily change your mind, that's not what the book is written for. It's to open your eyes to potential that's out there, so it's hidden from us. They're not allowed to say certain things and all that kind of thing, but when you read something it makes quite a big impact on you.
Jo Dodds: Yes.
Sam Bearfoot: I've read a few books over the last year, but that's definitely the one that always springs to mind whenever someone asks me. Moms Not Having Chemo by Laura Bond.
Jo Dodds: Excellent, that's great. I'll also go check that one out, so thank you.
Sam Bearfoot: Yeah, do.
Jo Dodds: What about if things don't go right with your day? If it all tumbles around you, how do you deal with that?
Sam Bearfoot: I get livid. I do. I get completely livid. I get really stressed out. I usually end up barking like a hound at my other half when walks through the door, but it doesn't last very long. I have to bark my bark, have a little moan, have an extra cup of tea, and usually have something to eat, and then I'm okay. I think that just comes from years and years and years of being in a very corporate environment, where anyone that works in that environment knows that when the stuff hits the fan, it can put a downer on your day.
Jo Dodds: Yep. I love park the bark. I'm going to write that one down. It's brilliant.
Sam Bearfoot: I am just traditional.
Jo Dodds: On a day when you end the day knowing that you've had that chance to live more ... Talk about doing the stuff you want to do rather than the stuff that you think you have to do or you think you should do or that sort of thing. What will you have done if you've had that day where everything went swimmingly and you had a really great day, what would you be doing?
Sam Bearfoot: My good days, I like being outside and quite often, if that just means that I’ve ticked all the things off of my list for the day and it means I get to go and spend half an hour, an hour, outside, sat on the grass literally, with my pen and my pad, and chill and maybe write some thoughts down at the end of the day. Maybe it's just to appreciate that I've had a really good day and it's something I've worked really hard for over the years to be able to be in that position. It took me a long time to be able to migrate from the corporate environment and over to what I do now.
Jo Dodds: That bit about being able to go out and sit on the grass without having to check with anybody because it's 3 o'clock in the afternoon, you're supposed to be working type of thing.
Sam Bearfoot: Yeah. It took me a really long time to get out of that mindset of supposed to be working. I'm supposed to be working, whereas now, if I've done everything I need to do for the day, and I'm really happy with that and everything performs really well and I don't have anything outstanding that needs to be really really urgent, then yeah, I'm quite happy literally just taking a glass of water, going and sitting on the grass. Maybe I'll just sit there with my cat. I know it sounds like I'm crazy cat lady, but just really simple things. Really really simple stuff that you don't get the chance to do, if you're stuck in an office. I appreciate that. For me it’s still really fresh, it’s still really new, but I still appreciate it completely.
Jo Dodds: Yes. I get what you mean. I sing sometimes during the day, and I always feel like I'm completely indulging myself and clearly I wouldn't have done that if I was in an office with other people either. I have to shut the window in case the neighbours are in the garden, that sort of thing, but it does feel really indulgent.
Sam Bearfoot: Exactly. Yeah, it does and it's something really simple isn't it. It didn't cost any money. It's not me going out and buying myself something new. It's nothing like that at all. It's just the real simplicity of it's a nice day, let's go and get 25 minutes’ worth of sunshine.
Jo Dodds: Yeah, exactly. Brilliant. We've come to the end of our time now. I was going to say half an hour, but I think it's going to be a slightly longer interview, which is great. Lots of content. How can people find out more about you and connect with you and find out the stuff you can do to help them?
Sam Bearfoot: People laugh, it's easy, because of my name, both of them, my real name is Sam Bearfoot or The Digestion Detective, if you write either those in Google, there I am, but the website is thedigestiondetective.com. You can get me there, and if you just type in The Digestion Detective in Twitter or Facebook, you will find me. I'm everywhere. I'm like a bad penny, I just don't go away.
Jo Dodds: The famous Sam Bearfoot, that's brilliant. Excellent.
Sam Bearfoot: I think it's just because it's such a strange name. I'm really fortunate because it works really well with SEO, so you should just type my name in and one of my accounts will pop up and you will find me.
Jo Dodds: Exactly, it's great when that happens. I was really disappointed when a teacher in America got really famous for something, because she was Jo Dodds, because I was the only Jo Dodds that was ever out there before. How dare she do something that gets in the news.
Sam Bearfoot: Oh, bummer. How dare she, exactly.
Jo Dodds: I can't think there's going to be many Sam Bearfoots out there though, so I think you're all right. Brilliant. I
really appreciate-
Sam Bearfoot: Yeah, I'm not changing my name.
Jo Dodds: No. I really appreciate you spending some time today. It's been great to get some good info, hints and tips, and recommendations from you. I'm still loving the four colour pen. I'm going to have to try to find something like that online.
Sam Bearfoot: You're going to find one. You are. You're going to go on the hunt now. You'll be in the stationery section looking for this multi colour pen, I promise you.
Jo Dodds: If I find one with pink and purple on it, I'll send you one, okay.
Sam Bearfoot: Yes, do it. I haven't found another one.
Jo Dodds: Brilliant, thank you so much Sam.
Sam Bearfoot: Oh you're more than welcome love, take care.
The post Sam Bearfoot on Show #8: Digestion, Healthy Eating, Relaxation and Drinking Water appeared first on Use your POWER to Live More.
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