NEW YORK–(ENEWSPF)–November 20, 2016
By Quaid
Image From Breitbart News
The Frog Depicts Trump As Alt-Right & His Train Conductor As The Alt Right
This is directly from Steve Bannon’s own Breitbart News website. The Alt-Right uses a frog as their image like the Republicans use an elephant and Dem’s use a donkey. Bannon depicts Trump as a frog with his “Make America Great” hat on, on a “Trump 2016” train that is steaming forward with no brakes to stop it. The conductor running the train is also depicted as a frog, meaning the conductor of Trump’s train is the Alt-Right. We cannot kid ourselves about what is happening here. They are incredibly dangerous people that are “weaponizing” the election processes in the West to create a “Traditionalist Nationalist” West.
Steve Bannon & The Alt-Right
Steve Bannon is part of the Alt-Right. He admittedly has made Breitbart News “the platform for Alt-Right” views. “’We’re the platform for the alt-right,’ Bannon told me [reporter David Corn] proudly when I interviewed him at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July.” “Bannon is our man in the White House” said Andrew Anglin from the Neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer.
Tony Hovater, a key member of the white nationalist Traditionalist Workers Party (TWP), who recently ran as a candidate for a New Carlisle, Ohio, City Council seat (and lost) responded gleefully on Facebook to Bannon’s appointment. “What timeline are we even on anymore? We’re like one or two degrees of separation away from the fucking President.”…
Here is Steve Bannon in his own words:
The rise of Breitbart is directly tied to being the voice of that center-right opposition. And, quite frankly, we’re winning many, many victories.
On the social conservative side, we’re the voice of the anti-abortion movement, the voice of the traditional marriage movement, and I can tell you we’re winning victory after victory after victory. Things are turning around as people have a voice and have a platform of which they can use.
Steve Bannon 2014 Vatican Speech to Far Right Conservatives.
Who is the Alt-Right? They are disaffected right wing extremists who have banded together in a larger common goal. Steve Bannon is an Alt-Right “Traditionalist Nationalist” (Traditionalist Worker Party) or sometimes also called “New Conservative,” “Paleoconservatives” or “Neo-Traditionalists.” They see themselves as Pat Buchanan far right intellectuals. Here is how Bannon’s Bretibart News describes the Alt-Right:
The origins of the alternative right can be found in thinkers as diverse as Oswald Spengler, H.L Mencken, Julius Evola, Sam Francis, and the paleoconservative movement that rallied around the presidential campaigns of Pat Buchanan.…
Steve Bannon and the Alt-Right “Traditionalist Nationalists” are against Western liberalism and progressivism. They are against multiculturalism, globalism, gays, immigration, abortion, and liberal Western culture. The Alt-Right believe that they have been marginalized by establishment Republicans and Conservatives who have, among other things, essentially embraced multiculturalism, allowed gay marriage, allowed multi-religious views to take hold in America, and failed in abolishing abortion. They believe that they need to reinstate Judeo-Christian religions as the religion of the West.
Alt-righters describe establishment conservatives who care more about the free market than preserving western culture, and who are happy to endanger the latter with mass immigration where it serves the purposes of big business, as “cuckservatives.”
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Natural conservatives, meanwhile, have been slowly abandoned by Republicans — and other conservative parties in other countries. Having lost faith in their former representatives, they now turn to new ones — Donald Trump and the alternative right.…
Here is an image from Steve Bannon’s Breitbart News showing how the Alt-Right frog is rising and will destroy the establishment Republican party:
The Alt-Right Embraced Putin As Their Path to Power
From Breitbart News
The Alt-Right found itself banished to the margins of American society. They also found themselves believing that their values were more in line with Putin’s. They agreed with Putin’s crack down on gays and his anti-Western liberalism stances. They found that they shared “Traditionalist Nationalist” or “Paleoconservative” views with Putin. They started asking themselves if Putin was one of them?
Here is an excerpt from Pat Buchanan’s Alt-Right website:
As the decisive struggle in the second half of the 20th century was vertical, East vs. West, the 21st century struggle may be horizontal, with conservatives and traditionalists in every country arrayed against the militant secularism of a multicultural and transnational elite.…
In other words, they think the future is not a battle between East and West (West vs. Russia), but “Traditionalist” vs. Secularists, Western Liberalism, globalists, and multiculturalists. The modern Alt-right decided to embrace Putin as an ally in their battle to install a “Traditionalist Nationalist” worldview and to destroy Western multi-cultural alliances and Western liberalism. They want to get rid of Western multicultural alliances like Nato and the E.U. They want to install Alt-Right “Traditionalist, Nationalist,” populist pro-Russian governments in the West. Here, they want to destroy the establishment Democrats and Republicans. They want to replace the establishment with a populist, pro-Russian “Traditionalist Nationalism.”
Proponents of Putin are looking to return to that world of Hegelian conflict, though this time, it will, as Buchanan put it, be a decisive struggle between traditionalists and the secular, multicultural, transnational elites. This time, it is America, or at the very least the American establishment, sitting on the wrong side of history. This time, it is our house which needs to be burnt down and built anew.
Steve Bannon on Putin:
When Vladimir Putin, when you really look at some of the underpinnings of some of his beliefs today, a lot of those come from what I call Eurasianism; he’s got an adviser who harkens back to Julius Evola and different writers of the early 20th century who are really the supporters of what’s called the traditionalist movement, which really eventually metastasized into Italian fascism. A lot of people that are traditionalists are attracted to that.
One of the reasons is that they believe that at least Putin is standing up for traditional institutions, and he’s trying to do it in a form of nationalism — and I think that people, particularly in certain countries, want to see the sovereignty for their country, they want to see nationalism for their country. They don’t believe in this kind of pan-European Union or they don’t believe in the centralized government in the United States. They’d rather see more of a states-based entity that the founders originally set up where freedoms were controlled at the local level.
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[W]e the Judeo-Christian West really have to look at what he’s [Putin] talking about as far as traditionalism goes — particularly the sense of where it supports the underpinnings of nationalism — and I happen to think that the individual sovereignty of a country is a good thing and a strong thing. I think strong countries and strong nationalist movements in countries make strong neighbors, and that is really the building blocks that built Western Europe and the United States, and I think it’s what can see us forward.
You know, Putin’s been quite an interesting character. He’s also very, very, very intelligent. I can see this in the United States where he’s playing very strongly to social conservatives about his message about more traditional values . . .
Steve Bannon Vatican Speech 2014 to far right conservatives.
The Alt-Right Has Been Traveling En Masse to Russia
The Alt-Right has been traveling en masse to Russia. Here are just a few examples:
Pat Buchanan:
Pat Buchanan has appeared numerous times on Russia’s state-owned T.V. to praise Putin, to say that Russia is “on God’s side,” and to say that Russia is their leader in their global revolution. Here are some excerpts of Pat Buchanan’s statements:
With Marxism-Leninism a dead faith, Putin is saying the new ideological struggle is between a debauched West led by the United States and a traditionalist world Russia would be proud to lead,” Buchanan flatteringly declared. “In the new war of beliefs, Putin is saying, it is Russia that is on God’s side. The West is Gomorrah.
Calling Moscow The Third Rome, a theme echoed by Orthodox Christians following the fall of Byzantium to Turkish invaders in the 15th Century, Buchanan again repeats Putin’s “claim” that Russia is “the counter-reformation against the new paganism.”
Not only is the Russian leader galvanizing global resistance to America’s “arrogant” acknowledgement that it is the sole global hegemon, Buchanan insisted, “[h]e is also tapping into the worldwide revulsion of and resistance to the sewage of a hedonistic secular and social revolution coming out of the West.”
After praising Russia’s banning of “homosexual propaganda,” abortions after 12 weeks of gestation, and “sacrilegious insults” to believers, the former Republican presidential candidate revealed that something called the World Congress of Families VII will be held in Moscow this year in solidarity with Putin.
The right wing World Congress of Families VII’s motto is “Uniting leaders worldwide in defense of family, faith, and freedom.” They are the defenders of “authentic family values.”…
In a recent state of the nation address, Putin rejected ‘the mandatory acknowledgement of the equality of good and evil’—i.e., the increased acceptance of such amoral things as gay rights and access to abortion in the United States, among other countries. Buchanan applauded him. He also applauded India, whose Supreme Court recently upheld a Victorian British law criminalizing homosexuality.
Matthew Heimbach:
Matthew Heimbach, a self-described white nationalist and leader of the US-based Traditionalist Worker Party has followed Buchanan’s logic, telling this past July:
“[The World National-Conservative Movement] is a broad coalition of all ethno-nationalists – all nationalists that reject neoliberalism, and reject globalism, coming together as a united front, based out of Russia. [During the Soviet period] there was the Comintern, the Communist International. And in the modern era, it’s almost like a nationalist version – or the Traditionalist International.”
He further said that “Putin is the leader, really, of the anti-globalist forces around the world.”
David Duke:
David Duke, the leader of the KKK has likewise been traveling to Russia. Here are some of David Duke’s statements on Russia their key to power:
It was enough to earn him [Putin] the support of former-KKK leader David Duke, who has shown sympathy towards the Russian president, writing in 2005 that “Putin and the Russian people dare to defend themselves from the powers of Jewish supremacism.”
Duke for his part has been traveling to Russia, a country he once labeled “the key to white survival,” throughout the duration of Putin’s tenure.
He was an early adopter in the belief that Russia, along with other Eastern countries, had the “greatest chance of having racially aware parties achieving political power.”
Richard Spencer:
Richard Spencer is the founder of Alternative Right and the Radix Journal. Spencer has been on RT [Russia Today — Russian State Owned TV] as a commentator, and not a subject, a large number of times, usually talking about U.S. foreign policy. What they fail to mention is that Spencer is a leading white nationalist and has become the intellectual center of the “alt right” neo-fascist movement in America.…
Nigel Farage:
Nigel Farage, the leader of Britain’s far right UKIP party and proponent of Brexit, has made monthly appearances on Russia’s state-owned TV, Russia Today, and has come under scrutiny for it in England. Nigel Farage pushed an anti-western alliance, anti-EU, anti-immigrant agenda in England. ”’Farage caused surprise when asked by GQ magazine which politician he most admired. He replied: ‘As an operator, but not as a human being, I would say [Vladimir] Putin.’” Russia’s state-owned T.V. station offered Farage his own TV show because his views were so in line with Russia.……
But what we are seeing now is bigger than even Donald Trump. It is part of a massive paradigm shift that has been underway for some time now. For those that have been paying attention, it is clear that nationalist, patriotic movements are everywhere ascendant in the West.
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In the West, Russia is usually viewed with a mix of foreboding and hysteria. However, the Alt-Right has a more favorable opinion. Their generally russo-philic attitude stems from their view that Russia and Eastern Europe have preserved the best of European cultural values.
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To put it simply, Russia is seen as a beacon of reason and civilization by many on the Alt-Right. Time will tell if their faith in Russia is justified or not. But they, and other similar Dissident Right movements are the only parties that will even hear Russia out.
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Most importantly, the rise of Donald Trump heralds the new era of identity politics. As Donald Trump taps into the simmering discontent of the dispossessed white working class of America, he begins to transcend the traditional left/right divide among voters. The real divides are now along the lines of Identity. With him stands Generation Alt-Right.
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Many are coming to realize that there is no left or right anymore. There are only Globalists and Nationalists, and the young Alt-Right stands at the vanguard of the latter. They are the product of a new generation being forced to rediscover their identity and come to terms with their dispossession.…
Russia & Alt-Right Are Weaponizing Election Processes
To achieve this global revolution with Putin, as Germany has recognized, they are taking advantage of Western weaknesses from the financial crisis and the massive influx of immigrants in Europe to push populist, nationalist, and traditionalist propaganda. And they are “weaponizing” the democratic election processes in the West to bring to power Alt-Right Traditionalist Nationalists and to install a new world order.
Steve Bannon is a self-described Leninist in methodology. In an interview with The Daily Beast, Bannon proudly claimed, “I’m a Leninist.” “Lenin,” he answered, “wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.” Bannon includes in that his desire to bring down the whole Washington establishment, both parties, and Western liberal, secular governments. Part of his Leninist philosophy is to “destroy your enemies.”… Bannon says that “darkness is good” and that:
Dick Cheney. Darth Vadar. Satan. That’s power. When they (liberals) get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.…
Bannon describes his Alt-Right philosophy:
“I’m a nationalist. I’m an economic nationalist,” Bannon told THR media columnist Michael Wolff. “The globalists gutted the American working class and created a middle class in Asia.” “Like (Andrew) Jackson’s populism, we’re going to build an entirely new political movement,” he said. It will be as exciting as the 1930s, greater than the Reagan revolution — conservatives, plus populists, in an economic nationalist movement.” “Bannon represents, he not unreasonably believes, the fall of the establishment. The self-satisfied, in-bred and homogenous views of the establishment are both what he is against and what has provided the opening for the Trump revolution.” “[I]t is not just the liberal establishment that Bannon feels he has triumphed over, but the conservative one too….”
Concerted Action With Russia
Steve Bannon and his Alt-Right movement have joined forces with Russia and are working together here and throughout Western Europe. It has been warned that “Breitbart’s reach and influence threaten to redraw the entire political map of the west, and indeed it is already doing so, forging alliances with the most far-right extremists in Europe as it goes.”… There is a mountain of evidence for this concerted action, but to keep things simple here I will only go through a couple of instances.
Steve Bannon and Breitbart News London worked with Nigel Farage the leader of the far right wing UKIP party in England to promote and bring about Brexit. Steve Bannon is very close friends with Nigel Farage.
Nigel Farage is overtly pro-Russian in his stances and travels to Russia often to appear on Russia’s state-run TV. He has appeared on Russian TV espousing pro-Russian stances so often that Putin offered him his own TV show.
Since the election of Trump, Bannon has told Britain that he and Trump refuse to talk with Theresa May, the current Prime Minister, and that they will only work with and talk through Nigel Farage and his far right party.
The right-wing British politician [Nigel Farage] who helped persuade Britain to vote to leave the European Union has claimed Donald Trump’s sweeping victory in the U.S. presidential election as the latest result of a populist wave that is set to upturn the political order in Europe in 2017.…
“Brexit was the first brick that was knocked out of the establishment wall. A lot more were knocked out last night,” Nigel Farage, the interim leader of the U.K. Independence Party, told TIME on Wednesday” speaking of the election of Donald Trump.
“Now, populist parties in Europe — which include Italy’s Five Star Movement and Marine Le Pen’s National Front in France — stand ready to continue the fight, says Farage.” “I don’t think it is finished yet, I think this phenomenon is set to sweep other parts of Europe over the course of a couple years.”…
Farage feels personally responsible for this Western, nationalist movement— which he calls ‘nation-states democracy.’ He plans to embark on a tour of Europe in 2017 to continue preaching the gospel of Brexit. ‘This is the extraordinary thing, those who of us who have these points of view are treated by the establishment as being so disreputable what we shouldn’t even exist,’ he says. “I think it is too late now. The genie is now completely out of the bottle.”………………
Steve Bannon has announced that he is opening Breitbart News France to support the far right party getting elected President next year. Bannon is supporting the Le Pen’s far right National Front party and has hired the niece of Marine Le Pen, their Presidential candidate, to run Breitbart France to support Le Pen’s campaign.
Acting in concert, Russia is openly funding Le Pen’s campaign and has given The National Front Party $52 million to win the Presidency.……………
Bannon is now opening Breitbart Germany to help the far right party win in the election against Angela Merkel next year. Breitbart has already been stirring up anti-immigrant sentiment and a populist Nationalism there. Breitbart is using fear mongering and scare tactics to promote the rise of the extreme right party there. Breitbart is already spreading anti-establishment and anti-immigrant sentiment in Germany with articles such as this one entitled “Germany’s Secret Islamic Horror: How Blind Elites Are Destroying A Once Great Nation.”…
Acting in concert, Russia is overtly running a propaganda machine to push the right wing party there. Russian TV broadcasts into Germany and Putin has manipulated it. He created a fake story about a little Russian National girl living in Germany named “Lisa.” Putin claimed that Lisa was gang raped by immigrants. The story caught fire and went into regular German media outlets and 30,000 people joined to protest Angela Merkel and her “open door” policy with immigrants.
The problem is that it never happened. Merkel said that the whole thing was a made up piece of Russian propaganda. Putin responded that it did happen and that Merkel and her government were engaged in a “cover up” so they would not get backlash against her “open border” policies. Breitbart News worked in concert with Russia to promote this story as true as well as to promote the lie that the German government was engaged in a cover up.
“Russia is starting to weaponize electoral processes in Europe,” said Joerg Forbrig, senior program director of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S. in Berlin. “The Lisa Affair was a real eye-opener.”……………
Some of Breitbart’s pro Alt-Right German propaganda:……
Several European Governments Have Already Fallen To Far-Right Nationalists
Several European governments have already fallen into the hands of the Alt-Right. Hungary, Poland, and Monrovia have fallen to Alt-Right, pro-Russia, Traditionalist Nationalists. Russia overtly funded and provided weapons to the Alt-Right group in Hungary and helped them gain power of Hungary. They are decidedly pro-Russian Nationalists. The U.S. has detected Russian propaganda being used in support of far right groups in the Netherlands and the Czech Republic as well.
James Clapper, the US Director of National Intelligence, has been instructed by the US Congress to conduct a major review into Russian clandestine funding of European parties over the last decade.
The US move came as senior British government officials told The Telegraph of growing fears that “a new cold war” was now unfolding in Europe, with Russian meddling taking on a breadth, range and depth far greater than previously thought.” “It really is a new Cold War out there,” the source said, “Right across the EU we are seeing alarming evidence of Russian efforts to unpick the fabric of European unity on a whole range of vital strategic issues.
A dossier of “Russian influence activity” seen by The Sunday Telegraph identified Russian influence operations running in France, the Netherlands, Hungary as well as Austria and the Czech Republic, which has been identified by Russian agents as an entry-point into the Schengen free movement zone.
A dossier of “Russian influence activity” seen by The Sunday Telegraph identified Russian influence operations running in France, the Netherlands, Hungary as well as Austria and the Czech Republic, which has been identified by Russian agents as an entry-point into the Schengen free movement zone.…………
The United States
Steve Bannon, Trump’s Chief White House Strategist, former campaign manager, and head of Brietbart News has extensive ties with Alt-Right parties here and around the world. He considers Breitbart News the platform for Alt-Right views here and around the world. He used his Breitbart News as an exclusive Pro-Trump vehicle that attacked establishment Republicans, Democrats, and Hillary Clinton. It also promoted a populist, Nationalism, “Traditionalism,” anti-immigration, and other Alt-Right stances.
Bannon engaged in a long term plan to take down Hillary Clinton. He opened a non-profit heavily funded “Government Accountability Institute” to research the Clintons. He even had the funds to search the “dark net,” that is the uncategorized web, with massive servers to try to find dirt on the Clintons and the Clinton foundation. He then financed the book “Clinton Cash” as well as the “Clinton Cash” movie to try to bring Hillary down. At the same time, Russia, in a coordinated attempt to influence the election, hacked Hillary’s and the DNC email accounts and released the emails though Wikileaks.
Michael Flynn at dinner next to Putin.
Michael Flynn, who worked on the Trump campaign and who Trump has now been appointed as National Security Advisor, is a General who was essentially fired from government for his extremist right wing views. Colin Powell, in a leaked email, confirmed this. After he was fired, he suddenly showed up in Russia at a Gala for Russian State owned TV with Putin. He was seated with Putin at the dinner, shocking the American intelligence community. Our intelligence agency believes that he was probably compromised by Russia and now has joined this Alt-Right revolution. We cannot have Michael Flynn have access to all of our National Security information and surveillance.
Before Steve Bannon took over as Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort led Trump’s campaign. Paul Manafort has direct ties to Russia. He worked with Russia as the campaign manager for a pro-Russian candidate in the election for the Prime Minister of Ukraine.
Manafort had to leave Trump’s campaign because he was found to have been working for a covert Washington lobbying operation on behalf of the pro-Russian leader of Ukraine and was working to sway the American public’s opinion in favor of a pro-Russian policy here. Investigators found a ledger in Ukraine had proof that he was being funneled money from the Ukraine for the pro-Russian propaganda here. Furthermore, according to the Wall Street Journal, Russia claims it had contact with the Trump team during the campaign.
There is a lot more evidence of a connection that I can go through for anyone that is interested. Here are some of the sources — let me know if any of the links are broken:………………………………………………
What is Trump’s Involvement?
Former CIA Director, Mike Morell, has warned that he believes that Trump’s allies are working on behalf of the Russians:…
There are Several Theories about Trump’s Personal Involvement:
1. Beholden To Russian Money: According to the Conservative Magazine, The Federalist, when Trump filed for his billion dollar bankruptcy here, he could not longer get funding from American banks. Through his casino business he had come into contact with many mob organizations including the Russian mob. Russian criminal organizations agreed to finance him, but he did not realize he was making a deal with the devil.… Trump is now beholden to Russian criminal elements. At a real estate conference in 2008, Trump’s son Donald Jr. reportedly declared, “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.” Leading analyst of Russian affairs Stephen Blank wrote:
Laundering criminally obtained sums in luxurious foreign real estate is a hallmark of Russian intelligence operations whose purpose beyond the actual money laundering is to corrupt all those involved and thus the targeted country’s economic-political institutions. The large sums invested by Russians in Trump’s real estate projects fall squarely into that category since no one can move that kind of money out of Russia without Putin and the security organs approving it. These investments make Trump’s fortune hostage to Russian money.
2. Russia Compromised Trump: The second theory is that Trump has been compromised. Trump sent years traveling to Russia to try to build a Trump tower there. He also spent a lot of time there because he ran the Miss Russia pageant there. According to reporter David Corn, one of the Republican candidates in the primary hired a veteran spy to do digging on Trump to find some dirt on him. The former spy found through his sources that Russia had “compromised” him when he was there. Russia had set him up and they have dirt on him like possibly sleeping with underage girls – the exact thing they have on him is just speculation.…………
3. Unwitting, Useful Tool: The third theory is that he is just an unwitting useful tool for Bannon and Russia. The theory is that Trump really has no ideology of his own, but that he wanted to win, be successful, and be adored.
Regardless, there is actually a lot of evidence that Russia has been courting him for decades. Putin sees him as the symbol of the West and everything that is wrong with the West. In Putin’s mind, compromising Trump and then using the symbol of the West to bring the downfall of the West is a powerful symbolic message.
There is a mountain of more evidence on this that I can provide to anyone. We need to get this out into mainstream media. We cannot have Steve Bannon and Mike Flynn in the White House. They are incredibly dangerous men who could use our national surveillance and intelligence against us and anyone who opposes them.
Some Conservatives are Terrified
1. Glen Beck has been warning of this for a long time:…………
2. Conservative David Frum predicts that Trump will become an Authoritarian.…
3. The Conservative magazine The Federalist worries that Trump has been compromised by Russia.…
This is What the NY Times Said About Hitler in 1922
Several reliable, well-informed sources confirmed the idea that Hitler’s anti-Semitism was not so genuine or violent as it sounded, and that he was merely using anti-Semitic propaganda as a bait to catch masses of followers and keep them aroused, enthusiastic, and in line for the time when his organization is perfected and sufficiently powerful to be employed effectively for political purposes.
The Times also quoted an unnamed politician who said Hitler was being politically deft for exaggerating his anti-Semitism.
“You can’t expect the masses to understand or appreciate your finer real aims,” the newspaper quoted the politician as saying. “You must feed the masses with cruder morsels and ideas like anti-Semitism. It would be politically all wrong to tell them the truth about where you really are leading them.”
Some Notes on Fascism, Nationalism
One of the most incisive definitions of Fascism was offered by Walter Benjamin in 1939: Fascism is a political organization that, in response to crises inherent in capitalism, preserves property relations while giving the masses expression instead of rights. “Fascism sees its salvation in giving these masses not their right, but instead a chance to express themselves. The masses have a right to change property relations; Fascism seeks to give them an expression while preserving property.”
This is our new reality — and it comes straight out of Hitler’s playbook (check out Chapter 6 of Mein Kampf). Their intention is to keep the outrage junkies high by giving them a never-ending supply of new, made-up reasons to act out.
To the rank and file followers of fascism, at first it seems a genuine revolutionary way out of their misery. They discover the truth too late. The capitalists provide the money. The dictator provides the powerful slogans, the stirring names, the demagogic program, the organisation, the lieutenants, and the oratory.”
In other words, this is Fascism. For once, this is not hyperbole. We must learn how to combat Fascism and its propaganda and we must do so quickly or we will lose. The way Fascism works is that they get an appealing populist nationalist figure and they give “expression” or voice to the anger of disaffected in the place of rights.
We will see a lot of fiery rallies by Trump allowing the disaffected to express their anger and Trump will tell them who to be angry with: immigrants, blacks, liberals, globalism, and multiculturalism. And Trump will give them jobs through a massive public works project so even those who may question this will put up with the rise of Fascism. This is straight out of the Fascist playbook.
Here are just some of the many sources for this information:
The post This is Directly From Steve Bannon’s Breitbart, This is Really Happening, We Can’t Kid Ourselves appeared first on eNews Park Forest.