Global Education Day, September 17, 2015
Global Education Day is a 24-hour online event taking place on September 17, 2015, wherever you are located in the world. Students, teachers, and organizations are encouraged to host an virtual activity that will connect people on this day.
By registering these activities on this site, others can join in and experience global collaboration. In turn, we hope that this day will raise greater awareness of the need for connecting classrooms and education organizations around the world. Empowering student and teachers to create authentic, meaningful experiences will deepen learning and improve educational outcomes for all children. Our hope is that this event will build greater understanding of the possibilities of global education! For more information and registration, please click here.
Technology Leadership Forum, September 18, 2015
They will meet from 9am-2pm. Arrive early for excellent networking opportunities from 8:30-9:00am. HOSTS: Dana Levesque & Littleton Public Schools(LPS) team, WHERE: Littleton Education Services Center 5776 S. Crocker Street Littleton, CO 80120. To register, please click here. To view the Horizon Report, please click here.
edcamp Longmont, September 19, 2015
edcamp is a free “un-conference” committed to reaching educators in public, private, charter, and higher ed environments to share innovative instructional strategies and pioneering technologies that transform education for all students. For more information and registration, please click here.
Share Fair Upcoming Dates:
Share Fair Nation Rural Colorado, September 25, 2015,
Share Fair Nation Denver Colorado, September 26, 2015
Classroom Intensives are thought-provoking professional development workshops designed exclusively for PreK-12 educators to provide the opportunity to learn about best practices, emergent strategies, and innovative approaches to incorporating 21st Century learning into the classroom. For more information and registration for both, please click here.
Important Dates for ISTE 2016 Proposal Submissions
ISTE is seeking proposals from educators at all levels, from all parts of the world and encourage student participation in presentations. We also welcome exhibitor proposals that demonstrate noncommercial uses of technology to transform education. Proposals must be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. PT, Sept. 30, 2015. Registration opens November 2, 2015 and housing opens November 12, 2015. For more information, please click here.
Digital Learning Day, February 17, 2016
With so many new types of digital devices, educational software and mobile apps continuously developed, it’s hard to keep up with the latest and greatest advancements in educational technology. In some classrooms and out-of-school programs across the country, educators are doing some pretty amazing things with technology. Yet, these pockets of innovation are confined to a small number of schools and communities. Digital Learning Day was started as a way to actively spread innovative practices and ensure that all youth have access to high-quality digital learning opportunities no matter where they live. For more information and registration, please click here.