
Interface and Operation


Doit.im for Windows has a default sidebar on the left and a content area on the right and a desktop status bar.

Left Sidebar

Displays a list of each box :Projects,Contexts,Goals,Filters,Completed and Trash.

When you click on a box,the right side will enter the corresponding list page.

Projects,Contexts,Goals and Filters can be expanded or collapsed.

Right Sidebar

According to the different choice of the left sidebar,on the right shows the corresponding list of tasks,projects,goals or contexts.

You can use the search box at the top to find tasks.

At the bottom of the list you can filter tasks by tags and group the tasks.

Desktop Status Bar

In the status bar, right click on the Doit.im icon can add new context,tag,project,goal,log out and close Doit.im.


You can perform the following actions on Doit.im for Windows:Click,Drag,Right-click and Keyboard shortcuts.

Click:  Click on the checkbox in front of a task  can check / uncheck completed.

Double-click: Double-click to view the task, projects, contexts, goals, and edit the subtasks.

Drag: Directly drag a task/tasks and drop it to the targeted box ,you can set up a project, context,

goal quickly.The tasks list of Next actions and Next actions of Projects are support for manual sorting,you can drag items to manually adjust in the order of the list.

Right-click: When you right-click on the task list page,you can select multiple tasks at the same time and batch sets goals,projects,contexts,tags and priority.

Keyboard shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts can help you save time and work more efficiently.For more details please refer to keyboard shortcuts.

Quick Start Guide


General,language, shortcuts and so on can be set in settings.Moreover, you can view account information.


The first step to GTD is collecting all of the information that is bouncing around in your head by getting it out of your mind.If you get stuck in the process of collecting,you may ask the Guiding themes to help you.

Guiding Themes

Use the “Guiding themes” hint which is an icon located in the front of Quick-add box.Click it and a Guiding theme will appear.If you have no idea about it,just leave Smart-add box empty and return to see the next one.


At any time, you can use the shortcut combination(Ctrl +Alt +N) for Smart-add . In Smart-add box, you can add a task title and Enter to save it.

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After you have collected ,click“Process” button at the bottom and it will go to the “Process” page.

On the “Process” page, you can do:

Finish two-minute actions and check them off 

Add subtask(s)

Add comment(s)

Convert the multi-step task to a project

Send task to contact(s)

Edit task

Delete task

Directly drag and drop a task

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After processing is finished, now let’s organize the task list.

* Convert the multi-step tasks to a project

* Break the project into action

* Manage projects and tasks with the goals

* Leave the rest the contexts and tags

The tasks list of Projects,Contexts,Goals,Next actions and Subtasks are support for manual sorting,

you can drag items to manually adjust in the order of the list.

Next Action

Actions to be done as soon as possible but with no exact start time are put here. For a more effective organization,you can drag items to manually adjust the task in the order of the list.Click the button at the bottom of the Next Action page,the tasks group by project can switch to show a single line display or show all.


We have converted some multi-step tasks to projects during the processing.

Alternatively,right click on the Doit.im icon and then select “New Project”in the status bar also can create a new project,and add actions under it.

Projects that no need to be complete in the near future or suspend projects can right click and select to deactivate it.


Context is a place or a certain circumstance where tasks can be completed. 

You can add a context to a task when editing a task. You can open the list of contexts to find the current task can be accomplished when you are in a certain circumstance.There are five default contexts,right click on the Doit.im icon and then select “New Context”in the status bar also can create a new context.


Any outcome that’s going to require more than one item, in some sequence of tasks and projects in order to be able to achieve that outcome,that’s a goal.

You can assign multiple projects and tasks to a goal and manage them by the goal. Directly drag a task or a project and drop it to the targeted goal on the left-side menu can assign a task/project to a goal.

Edit tasks

Repeated Tasks

For some repeat loop tasks,such as”daily morning run”and so on,When editing a task,you can see the “Repeat” tab then set the repeat strategy as Daily,Weekly,Weekday,Monthly,Yearly which will go to to the Scheduled box.


For some important things,when editing a task, you can add at most 5 reminders to avoid forgetting.


When you edit a task, click the Tag tab and you can type a new tag,set task tags and filter tasks by tags.


You can set priority when editing a task which confirms the order of importance or priority of tasks.

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Daily Plan

Every morning, Doit.im will remind you to do today’s plan.If you miss the pop up,click the “Settings” at upper left,select “Plan & Review” >”Start Daily Plan” also can go to daily plan.

1.On the right of the “Daily Plan” page,you can enter estimated time for each task.             2.Doit.im will automatically calculate how many hours you have left according to the time set before. When you finish today’s planing but find that are still some time left today, click “Time permits? Get more to do from Next.” at the bottom of the “Daily Plan” page and tasks in Next box will appear in “Group by Project” mode. Click the gray star and the task will go to Today.

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Task list

An identifier is shown on the task bar if there are subtasks in the task,click it and you’ll see the subtasks and you can also complete them by checking the checkbox in front of them.Select a task on the list and double click to view task details,right click and select edit into the edit page.On the right side of the page,you can group the tasks according to your needs and filter tasks by tags.

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If there are too many tasks in Doit.im,you can enter some keywords and tasks with their titles or descriptions in the search box at the upper right corner to search in the current box.Click “More search results” to global search.

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Complete, Archive and Delete

The completed task will be moved to Completed box,time in front of the title is task completion time. When there are more than one hundred tasks or tasks completed one month ago in Completed, they will be archived automatically.And now you can switch to the archive view in Completed only in the web version.There is no value to keeping information that is useless.Tasks deleted 30 days ago will be automatically emptied.You can also right click Trash and select empty to get your trash emptied.Please note that empty operation is not reversible.

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Windows version for Pro: Syncs automatically every 3 minutes now and you can manually sync anytime by the shortcut”Ctrl + R”.

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