
Partly imported from Central Hungary. It has information on how to get there and on restaurants and hotels so it is usable

New page

{{pagebanner|Pagebanner default.jpg}}

'''[http://www.pilisvorosvar.hu/ Pilisvörösvár]''' (German: Rotenburg or Werischwar) is a town in [[Central Hungary|Pest county]]. 18 km north-west of [[Budapest]]. There are over twelve thousand residents. [http://www.solymar.hu Solymár] (German: Schaumar) is a village next toward southwest technically one settlement with Pilisvörösvár. The population of this village over nine thousand people.

== Understand ==

Currently lives in Pilisvörösvár one of the most populous German minority of Hungary (approximately 28% of the total population). In Solymár is around fifteen percent German minority.

== Get in ==

[[File:A 830-as Volánbusz-járat egy csuklós busza Solymáron.jpg|thumb|Volanbus #830 hinged bus, Solymar]]

=== By bus ===

To Solymár can take city buses #64, 64A, 164, 264, and 964 from [[Budapest/Hegyvidék#Get in|Hűvösvölgy]], #218 from [[Budapest/Óbuda|Óbuda]], or three lines from [[Budapest#Bus stations|Árpád Bridge Bus Station]].

=== By car ===

Pilisvörösvár located along the Hwy 10 toward Dorog, [[Esztergom]]

=== By train ===

* {{see

| name=Pilisvörösvár Railway Station | alt=Pilisvörösvár vasútállomás | url= | email=

| address=Vasút köz 1

| lat=47.6141 | long= 18.9023 | directions= | phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content= Trains from Budapest Nyugati Railway Station. Located along the Esztergom-Budapest railway line. }}

* {{see| image=Solymár train station 01.JPG

| name=Solymár Railway Station | alt=Solymár vasútállomás | url= | email= | address=Vasút utca 1

| lat=47.59615 | long=18.95006 | directions=Bus #64 to 'Auchan Solymár' hypermarket or same bus to Templom square (Downtown) | phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content= Trains from Budapest Nyugati Railway Station. The next stop is Pilisvörösvár


== See ==

=== Pilisvörösvár ===

[[File:Pilisvorosvar-townhall.jpg|thumb|Town Hall in Pilisvörösvár]]

[[File:Pilisvörösvár légifotó.jpg |thumb|Pilisvörösvár by Air]]

* {{see

| name=Mű-hely Gallery | alt=Mű-hely Galéria | url=http://www.czegledigizella.hu

| email=galeria@czegledigizella.hu | address=Hunyadi J. u. 70 | lat=47.633147 | long=18.895511

| directions=Close Nyár St corner | phone=+36 26 330802 | fax=+36 26 330154

| hours=Opening hours: M-F 16.00-19.00, Sa 14.00-17.00 | price=

| content=Collection of the works of the contemporary painter Gizella Czeglédi. Guide: by request, in English, German, Russian and Hungarian


* {{see

| name=Ottoman water well | alt=Török kút | url= | email=

| address=Csobánkai utca | lat=47.624895 | long=18.916113

| directions=Close to Cemetery | phone=| fax=| hours=24/7 | price=Free

| content=the Baroque, old water well is located not on the same place than the new one, but the old place is marked, too


* {{see

| name=Our Lady Roman Catholic Church

| alt=All Saints Church, Nagyboldogasszony, Mindenszentek Római katolikus templom

| url= | email= | address=Pilisvörösvár | lat= | long= | directions=

| phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content=After the Turkish occupation, the first temple built using wood around 1690. The first stone church in 1705 was consecrated in the name of St. Philip and St. James the Apostle. Later changed the name a couple times finally got Our Lady of Hungary name. The Our Lady of Hungary is the patron saint of the Swabian majority parish church. The neo-classical style church build by a German master.


* {{see

| name=House of the Arts | alt=Művészetek Háza | url= | email=

| address=Pilisvörösvár, Fő utca 127 | lat= | long= | directions=Fo St and Szabadsag St corner

| phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content=This is the town's modern cultural center. Here placed in the second half of the 19th century a pub. Later, in 1929 it was rebuilt to a restaurant and extended with a stage. Since 1945 is a Culture Center.


* {{see| image=Sváb Sarok.jpg | name=Swabian Corner | alt=Sváb Sarok | url= | email=

| address=Pilisvörösvár | lat= | long= | directions=Fő St and Iskola St corner

| phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content=Since 2013, it is the city's newest event venue. This is a government-owned building (a former slaughterhouse and butcher shop, a grocery store, tobacco shop, dwelling house). The facility is intended using for temporary exhibitions, planned to present here some local ethnographic material,-now stored in warehouses of Country House,- and hold smaller outdoor events.


* {{see| image=A pilisvörösvári Maria-hilf kápolna.JPG

| name=Maria-Hilf Chapel

| alt=Stui Chapel, Pfeiffer Chapel, Hu: Maria-hilf kápolna, Pfeiffer-kápolna, Stui-kápolna

| url= | email=

| address=Pilisvörösvár, Vásár tér | lat= | long= | directions= | phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content=The chapel was built in 1773 Steinmillner Matyas. It has been renovated several times.


* {{see

| name=Church of the Holy Family | alt=Szent Család templom | url= | email=

| address=Pilisvörösvár, Kisfaludy utca| lat= | long=

| directions=Karátsonyi-liget area | phone= | fax=| hours=Twice a week of worship. | price=

| content=Built in the early 1990s. The interior of the church include the altar and the image of the altar, the stand reader designed by Dennis Perczel.


* {{see

| name=Forest Chapel | alt=Erdei kápolna | url= | email=

| address=Pilisvörösvár, Kápolna utca| lat= | long= | directions=Karátsonyi-liget area

| phone= | fax=| hours=Masses held from Easter till October, on every Saturday and Whit Monday

| price=

| content=Already in 1780 a chapel was here, which was very popular among the pilgrims. The present chapel was built in the 1840s, honored to Our Lady of Sorrows and the Fourteen Holy Helpers


* {{see

| name=Calvary Chapel | alt=Kálvária-kápolna | url= | email=

| address=Pilisvörösvár, Kálvária utca | lat= | long= | directions=Karátsonyi-liget area

| phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content=TThe first Calvary Chapel of Pilisvorosvar built around 1710 in the same place, the current chapel is origined from the middle of the 19th century.


* {{see

| name=Jewish cemetery | alt=Zsidó temető | url= | email=

| address=Pilisvörösvár, Lőcsei utca | lat= | long= | directions=Karátsonyi-liget area | phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content=Before the Second World War, several dozen Jewish families lived Pilisvörösvárott and the surrounding villages, the graveyard of Lőcsei street served as their burial place. No people were buried here since the late 1940s. The graveyard is a monument of local importance with many old tombstones.


* {{see

| name=Lahmkruam Local Historical Memorial Park | alt=Lahmkruam Helytörténeti Emlékpark

| url= | email= | address=Pilisvörösvár, Petőfi Sándor utca | lat= | long=

| directions=Karátsonyi-liget area | phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content=The Local Historical Memorial Park established in the city's former brickyard site. The name of the area indicates original the utilization (Lahmkruam means in the Swabian: clay mine). Walkways, ponds and small islands were formed here. Based on the information boards (German, Hungrian), visitors can learn about the most important events in the history Pilisvorosvar, starting from colonization of the Germans, more than 300 years ago.


* {{see

| name=Miners Memorial Park | alt=Bányász emlékpark

| url= | email= | address=Pilisvörösvár, Rákóczi utca | lat= | long= | directions=

| phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content=The memorial park was created in the central area of the former Mine Complex of Pilisvörösvár. Here is memorial of the big 1928s miners' strike Pilisvörösvári, a painted black (carbon imitating) stones filled coach,and miner symbols shaped by paving stones. A few steps away are the former officer's mine, mine administrative buildings, in one of them a miners' memorial room established,


* {{see

| name=Reformed church | alt=Református templom | url= | email=

| address=Pilisvörösvár, Árpád utca – Vágóhíd utca corner| lat= | long=

| directions= Bányatelep district

| phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content=Here was formerly an old farmhouse, which is converted into a church in 1950. Replaced the small house built on the site in the first half of 1980 a new church based Botzheim István's plans. A runic inscription wooden column with silhouette of Greater Hungary and stylized representation of the Holy Crown can be seen in the garden.}}

* {{see

| name=Country House | alt=Tájház, Helytörténeti gyűjtemény

| url= | email= | address=Kápolna St 10. | lat= | long= | directions=close to Fő Square.

| phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content=Local History Collection.


* Town Hall (Városháza) - Fő Square 1.

* Giselle statue (Gizella-szobor) - Templom Square

* Chapel of St. Florian (Szent Flórián kápolna) - Szent Erzsébet Street 1.

* Statue of St. John (Szent János szobor) - Szent János Square

* Catholic cemetery (Katolikus temető) - Csobánkai Street

* Petőfi statue, a István Manhertz works (Petőfi-szobor) - Eperjesi St, Karátsonyi-liget area

* Monument of Heroes (Hősök emlékművei) - Hősök Square, near to Bányatelep district

* Bányatelep chapel of St. Barbara Parish Church, (Bányatelepi kápolna, Szent Borbála plébániatemplom ) - Pilisvörösvár, Fő út , Bányatelep district

* Magic Stone Gallery, temporary exhibitions (Varázskő galéria) - Bányatelep district

* Calvary (Kálvária) - on the hill between the Kápolna St and Kálvária Streets, Pilisvörösvár , Outskirt

=== Solymár ===

[[File:Brit katonai temető297.JPG|thumb|British military cemetery, Solymár]]

[[File:Solymár - Castle.jpg|thumb|Remains of Szarka castle, Castle]]

* {{see| image=Solymár - Castle.jpg

| name=Remains of Szarka castle | alt=Szarkavár | url= | email=

| address=Solymár, Major St. | lat=47.592500 | long=18.948889

| directions=Cross the creek at Major St. and 100m away

| phone= | fax=| hours=24/7 | price=Free

| content=There are still excavations and reconstructions nowadays but visitable. Ottoman style elements. The wooden tower (old tower), the front entrance, a crucial part of the walls and design of the superstructure of the castle fountain has been renovated in 2005-2006.


* {{see| image=Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény épülete, volt lakóház (7303. számú műemlék).jpg

| name=Local History Collection | alt=Dr. Jablonkay István Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény

| url=http://apaczai.com/hu/muzeum/ | email=jablonkay.maria@gmail.com

| address=Solymár, Templom tér 2 | lat=47.59161 | long=18.92907

| directions=End stop of bus#64 right there

| phone=+36 26 360275 | fax=| hours=Opening hours: M 14.00-18.00, W 14.00-18.00, Sa 10.00-15.00

| price=Admission: adults: Huf 200 /100 | content=, historical, ethnographical, agricultural items of the area. Guided tours available: Hungarian, English, German, by booking: +36 70 7749303. }}

* {{see

| name=Evangelical church | alt=Evangélikus Templom | url= | email=info@solymar.hu

| address=Solymár, Petőfi utca 4 | lat=47.59310 | long=18.92949

| directions=North of Local History Collection

| phone=+36 27 563535 | fax=

| hours=Slovak mass on the first Sunday of every month at 14.30 | price= | content=


* {{see| image= | name=Roman Catholic church | alt= Római katolikus templom| url= | email=

| address=Solymár, Templom tér | lat=47.591343 | long=18.928923 | directions=Bus #64 terminated here

| phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content=This church was built between 1782-1785 in late baroque style


* {{see| image= | name=Parish Collection | alt=Egyházközségi gyűjtemény | url= | email=

| address=Solymár, Templom Square 7.| lat=47.59178 | long=18.92819

| directions=Close to Cafe Mandula

| phone= | fax=| hours=By appointment | price=free of charge.

| content=Located in the former sexton house


* {{see

| name=Reformed church | alt=Református templom | url= | email=

| address=Solymár, József Attila utca 52 | lat= | long= | directions= | phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content=The church built in 1980's replacing a former temple which was located here, the interior is decorated with more than one hundred wood-panels painted with plant ornamentation, decorative painted pulpit, other sight of the church is a wooden belfry in the yard.


* {{see

| name=Office Gallery | alt=Hivatal Galéria | url= | email= | address=Solymár, József Attila utca 1

| lat= | long= | directions=Located in the Mayor's Office | phone= | fax=

| hours=Open: During office hours | price=Price: free of charge

| content= Local and municipality artists works for temporary exhibitions can be see here.


* {{see| image=Solymári temető.JPG

| name=Municipal cemetery | alt=Községi temető | url= | email=

| address=Solymár, intersection of Mátyás király street – Vasút street | lat= | long= | directions=

| phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content=The sights of its: several big monument crosses, the ancient priestly tombs located in M plot, old tombstone collection before the funeral home-


* {{see| image=A Nieger-Valkó-kúria.JPG

| name=Nieger-Valko mansion | alt=Nieger-Valkó-kúria | url= | email= | address=Solymár, Vasút utca 2 | lat= | long= | directions= | phone= | fax=| hours=Open: currently not open to visitors | price= | content=It was a private museum till 1980's. }}

* {{see

| name=St. Anne's Chapel | alt=Szent Anna-kápolna | url= | email=

| address=Solymár, Munkás utca and Kilátó utca corner | lat= | long= | directions=

| phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content= origins in the early 19th century, and renovated in the 2000s }}

* {{see| image=131006 Fatimai kápolna felszentelése (32).JPG

| name=Fatima Chapel | alt=Fatimai kápolna | url= | email= | address= | lat= | long=

| directions=Solymár, park area under the Castle | phone= | fax=| hours= | price= | content=Built in 2009


* {{see

| name=Seated Christ Thanksgiving statue | alt=Krisztus-szobor | url= | email=

| address=Solymár, Terstyánszky út 46 | lat= | long= | directions= | phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content=It is made in "Sténeherrgott" - late Baroque style, probably in the last decades of the the eighteenth century


* {{see

| name=Memorial of the 50th Anniversary of the Industrial Plastics Company of Pest County

| alt=Pest Megyei Műanyagipari Vállalat /PEMŰ/ 50 éves fennállásának emlékműve | url= | email=

| address=Solymár, Terstyánszky utca 89

| lat=47.59633 | long=18.92757

| directions=Close to bus #164, 264 terminal. at the central reception building entrance of PEMŰ

| phone= | fax=| hours=24/7 | price=Free | content=, made using artificial stone and bronze. A low memorial, recalls a mile stone. The bronze part format a plaque shows a plastic processing machine tool erected in 2009.


[[File:Brit katonai temető297.JPG |thumb|British Cemetery. Solymár]]

* {{see| image=Brit katonai temető297.JPG

| name=Budapest War Cemetery | alt=British Cemetery. Hu: Budapesti Háborús Temető, Brit Temető

| url= | email=

| address=Solymár, outskirt | lat= | long= | directions=| phone= | fax=| hours=

| price=Free of charge

| content=It contains 173 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War, all of them airmen whose graves were brought in from sites all over Hungary after the war, plus a single First World War burial. The cemetery also contains one French and more Polish War Graves


=== Further afield ===

[[File:Piliscsaba - University.jpg|thumb|Reformed University Complex, Piliscsaba]]

* {{see| image=Piliscsaba - University.jpg

| name=Piliscsaba | alt=Ancient Roman: Ad lucum felicem (Happy Grove) | url=

|lat=47.6326 | long=18.8260 | directions=on the Budapest-Esztergom rail line, by car take Hwy 10, cca. 15km northwest from the city limit of Budapest.

| content=The village houses till the 1950s, mostly built of adobe and mud, the Uradalmi (lit.Manor) House is one of them. Now here is the local historical collection in a exhibition hall (Hu:Uradalmi ház. Loc.:Templom tér 13., Phone: +36 26 374063, uradalmihaz@gmail.com), - Klotildligeti Church and the statue of Ferenc Rákóczi II before its. (Hu: Loc.: Klotild tér 1., Phone: +36 30 9494028 — infopiliscsaba@gmail.com), - [http://www.piliscsabatemplom.hu/templom.html Roman Catholic Parish Church], the single nave, front towred church dedicated to the Holy Virgin birth was completed in 1781. (Hu: Loc.:Templom tér 12., Phone: +36 26 375024 — infopiliscsaba@gmail.com), - Kálvária hill with chapel (Hu: Loc.:Kálvária hill, Phone: +36 26 375024, infopiliscsaba@gmail.com), - Csodásérmű Blessed Virgin Chapel (Hu: Loc.:Templom tér 14., Phone: +36 30 8411608, infopiliscsaba@gmail.com), - Ancestor Park (Hu: Loc.:Garancsi út, Phone: +36 70 4563857). - To '''Do''': Because the town is surrounded by forested hills: hills of the Pilis Mountains to the north and hills of the Budai Mountains to the south there are many walking, hiking trails.


== Do ==

[[File:Meggyvágó a solymári lakótelepen.JPG|thumb|Hawfinch, Solymár]]

* {{do| image=A Solymári-ördöglyuk főbejárta 2010. szept. 25..JPG

| name=Satan's Hole Cave

| alt=Ördög-lyuk barlang, Solymári-barlang, Sojmári-ördögluk, Solymári zsomboly

| url= | email=info@barlangtura.hu | address=Solymár, outskirt | lat=47.6085 | long=18.8836

| directions=On the slope of Zsiros Hill. Take bus #64 to end stop 'Templom tér' and walk toard Pilisszentiván

| phone=+36 23 373551, +36 20 3960092 | fax=| hours=Closed. Only with permit of the [http://www.dinpi.hu/index.php?lang=en Danube-Ipoly National Park] Directorate

| price=Different tours: from HUF1800 per person (2014). Min.:HUF11000 per group up to eight persons, two hours long.

| content=An extensive cave system. Approximately three km long. It is possible for experienced spelunkers to explore the caves with a [http://www.barlangtura.hu guide]. Specifications: Length 5550m, Depth 78 m, Height 348m (a.s.l.). Location: Solymar, Zsiros Hill (which is part of the Buda Hills). Type: hydrothermal. The cave can be visited throughout the year,-regardless of the weather,-summer and winter. The temperature of its: 10°C, so pleasantly cool in summer, warm in winter. [http://www.barlang.hu/pages/barlangterkepek/budai/solymar.JPG Map].


* {{do

| name=Walk to Rozsika source | alt=Rózsika-forrás | url= | email=

| address=Solymár, outskirt | lat= | long= | directions=middle section of the Also-Jegenye Valley

| phone= | fax=| hours= | price= | content=a popular tourist place. Picnic.


* {{do

| name=Apáczai Community Centre and Library | alt=Apáczai Csere János Művelődési Ház és Könyvtár

| url= | email= | address=Solymár, Templom tér 25 | lat= | long= | directions=

| phone= | fax=| hours= | price=

| content=built between 1905-1909, was originally a restaurant of a wealthy, local family. Over the Library there is a theater, several smaller events room, a rehearsal room and a cellar club.


=== Events of Solymár ===

[[File:Solymár adventi koncert.JPG|thumb|Advent concert, Solymár]]

[[File:Traktortalálkozó.JPG|thumb|Farmers (Traktors) Meeting, Solymár]]

[[File:Hősök Napja.jpg|thumb|Heroes Day, Solymár]]

* Solymári Farewell (Solymári Búcsú) - the town's largest celebration. A cultural event. Around 12th Sept. weekend three five days duration, multiple location, usually in the Center and the Sports field.

* Advent Concert (Solymár adventi koncert) - A large-scale concert. Time: usually taking place on the third Saturday of Advent. Location: the Catholic church. After the concert evening-night Advent Fair.

* March 15 - National Day (Március 15. – a nemzeti ünnep) - National events and youth award giving.

* Resettlement Memorial Day (Kitelepítési emléknap) - Time:Second half of April. German memorial Mass and commemorative program held.

* May Pole Fest (Májusfaállítás) - Time:30th April. Starting early in the afternoon and late-night (several hour) program. Local German nationality cultural groups, Local dance group or music band provide a show. Location: in front of the Catholic Church.

* May Day (Majális) - the second largest settlement festive event. Starts an alarm served by local village brass band. Location: Jegenye-Valley, large meadow.

* Heroes Day (Hősök napja) - Memorial day. Time: last Sunday of May. Location: Temple Square before the Monument

* Settling commemoration (Betelepülési megemlékezés) - Remembering for first German settlers arrived to Solymár (early 18th century). Time: on the third Sunday in June. Participants wearing traditional German national folk costume in the ceremony

* Traktor Meeting (Traktortalálkozó) A civil initiative. All-day event. Time: first weekend of July.

* Gospel Festival (Gospel Fesztivál) - Church's music meeting. Time: Last Saturday of August is taking place.

== Buy ==

* {{buy

| name=Auchan Solymár Hypermarket| alt= | url=http://pilis-solymar.auchan.hu/#p0 | email=

| address=Szent Flórián utca 2-4, | lat=47.5980 | long=18.9603 | directions=Bus #64, 218. Volanbus

| phone=+36 26 814 547, +36-40 109010 | fax=

| hours=M-Sa 06.00-22.00, Su 07.00-20.00 (2015.Feb)| price=

| content= ATM. Gas Station (24h). Post Office.


* {{buy

| name=OTP Bank | alt= | url=http://otpbank.hu | email= | address=Pilisvörösvár, Fő utca, 60

| lat=47.62104 | long=18.911119 | directions=Next to Post Office

| phone=+36 1 366 6388, +36 40 366-388

| fax=+36 26 333-418 | hours=M 07:45-18:00 Tu-Th 07:45-16:00, F 07:45-15:00 | price= | content=Free WiFi. Traded currencies: EUR, USD. '''ATM''':24h.


== Drink ==

== Eat ==

=== Confectioneries ===

* {{eat | name=Emil Confectionery | alt=Emil Cukrászda | url=http://www.emilcukraszda.hu

| email=parfe@printerfair.hu | address=Pilisvörösvár, Fő út 132 | lat=47.61669 | long= 18.90190

| directions=Near to Szent János St corner | phone=+36 26 330138 | fax=+36 26 330428

| hours=Daily 10:00-18:30 | price= | content=About seventy kinds of cakes and pastries


* [http://www.szamosmarcipan.hu/hu/contact# Vörösvár Confectionery] (Vörösvár Szamos Cukrászda). Loc: 2085 Pilisvörösvár, Szent Erzsébet utca 109. 47° 37' 42.33"N, 18° 53' 57.15"E , T: +36 (26) 331592

=== Restaurants ===

[[File:Régi parasztház a Kossuth utcában.JPG|thumb|A traditional, old peasant house. On Kossuth Street, Solymár]]

* {{eat

| name=Gazdakör Restaurant | alt=Gazdakör Vendéglő | url=http://www.gazdakor.hu

| email=gazdakor@gazdakor.hu | address=Pilisvörösvár, Dózsa György utca 110/a

| lat=47.61659 | long=18.91263 | directions=Solymari corner | phone=+36 26 334304 | fax=+36 26 334304

| hours=Opening hours: M-Sa: 12.00-22.00 Su: 12.00-18.00 | price=

| content= Hungarian food. Air/Con. Capacity: forty persons.


* {{eat | name=Fetter Restaurant | alt=Fetter Kisvendéglő

| url=http://www.pilisplaza.hu/fettervendeglo/ | email=fetteretterem@freemail.hu

| address=Pilisvörösvár, Várkert utca 1. | lat=47.616050 | long=18.900525

| directions=N 100m of Train Station | phone=+36 26 330473, +36 20 9527217 | fax=+36 26 330473

| hours=Su-F 11:00-22:00 Sa 11:00-24:00 | price= Average

| content=Swabian restaurant with outdoor terrace. Traditional Hungarian cuisine. Capacity: 60 seats inside plus eighty in the garden. Famous its specialty: Schwarzwald's (Black Forest) stewed veal.


* {{eat

| name=Rotburger Brewery and Pub | alt=Rotburger Sörfőzde és Söröző

| url=http://www.rotburger.hu | email=rotburger@gmail.com

| address=Pilisvörösvár, Szabadság utca 22 | lat= | long= | directions=

| phone=+36 26 331535, +36 70 3855254 | fax=+36 26 331535. | hours=Daily 10.00-22.00| price=

| content=Covered garden section. Hungarian food. Capacity forty seats.


== Sleep==

[[File:Aranykorona Vendéglő.JPG|thumb|Aranykorona Restaurant, Solymár]]

* {{sleep | image=Aranykorona Vendéglő.JPG

| name=Aranykorona Hotel and Restaurant | alt=Aranykorona Hotel és Vendéglő

| url=http://www.aranykoronavendeglo.hu | email=koronaa@t-online.hu

| address=Solymár, Terstyánszky Ödön utca 40 | lat=47.59535 | long=18.935784

| directions=Take bus #164 to stop 'Pilisvörösvári utca' 100m away

| phone=+36 26 360047 | fax=+36 26 360047| checkin= 14:00-23:00 | checkout=11:00 | price=Sgl/dbl €55-65/65-85

| content= }}

* {{sleep

| name=Gilde Pension and Restaurant | alt=Gilde Étterem és Panzió

| url=http://www.gilde-étterem-panzió.com/| email=gilde.etterem@gmail.com

| address=Pilisvörösvár, Szt. István utca 35 | lat=47.619545 | long=18.915402

| directions=Near to Arpad St corner | phone=+36 26 330222 | fax=+36 26 530033

| checkin= | checkout= | price=Sgl HUF5400

| content= Ten rooms. Beauty salon, catering here. Shopping, fishing, hiking in nearby. Dental tourism, 50m away a small dental clinic. '''Restaurant''' Opening hours: Every day 12:00-23:00. In the center of Pilisvörösvár. Familiar surroundings. International and home-cooked meals.WiFi. Restaurant's capacity: sixty persons. Average prices. Spoken: German.


* {{sleep | name=Gondola Pension and Restaurant | alt=Gondola Panzió és Étterem

| url=http://www.gondolahotel.hu/ | email=info@gondolahotel.hu

| address=Pilisvörösvár, Tűzoltó utca 2 | lat=47.615926| long=18.92052

| directions=Budai Rd corner (Hwy10) | phone=+36 26 331737, +36 30 3800400 | fax=+36 26 330878

| checkin= | checkout=

| price=Sgl/Dbl HUF7500/10400, Apt up to four pers. HUF13000-21500 (2015) all tax incl.

| content=Seven double rooms and one apartment. The Pension offers spacious rooms with private bathroom, minibar and color TVs. WIFI / WLAN. Hunting and fishing facilities in nearby. - Restaurant every day of the week open : 11:00-22:00, Hungarian and Italian flavors with plenty of choice, self-service salad bar, summer terrace with BBQ.


* {{sleep | name=Edelweiss Pension | alt=Edelweiss Panzió

| url=http://www.edelweisshotel.hu | email=info@edelweisshotel.hu

| address=Pilisvörösvár, Szabadság utca 59

| lat=47.624403 | long=18.899596 | directions=Half km north of Budai Rd (Hwy10)

| phone=+36 26 332799 | fax=+36 26 330878 | checkin= | checkout= | price=Sgl/Dbl/Tpl HUF7500/10400/15800 (2015) all tax incl. | content=Eight rooms and one apartment. Breakfast room with buffet breakfast, fitness equipment, sauna, solarium and closed parking


* {{sleep | name=Pilis Club Pension | alt=Pilis Club Panzió | url= | email=pilisclubpanzio@freemail.hu

| address=Solymár, Terstyánszky utca 44 | lat= | long= | directions=

| phone=+36 26 360294 | fax=+36 26 360294| hours= | price= HUF5000 p.p.

| content=Family atmosphere, comfortable rooms. The area around town is the venue for mountain trips. Different hiking, cycling tours/paths in nearby. Fourteen rooms.


* {{sleep | name=Wieszt László Guesthouse | alt=Wieszt László Vendégháza

| url= | email=info@gondolahotel.hu

| address=Pilisvörösvár, Arany János utca 4 | lat=47.6154| long=18.923309

| directions=30m from Budai Rd corner (Hwy10) | phone=+36 30 2124074, +36 26 331737 | fax= | checkin= | checkout= | price=From HUF6700 p.p.

| content= apartments: 50-55sqm in size. Capacity: ten persons.


== Connect ==

* {{listing | name=Post Office Pilisvörösvár | alt=Pilisvörösvár posta | url= | email=

| address=Pilisvörösvár Fő utca 64 | lat=47.621257 | long=18.91041

| directions=Next to OTP Bank | phone=+36 26 330 456 | fax=| hours= | price=

| content=


== Next ==

* [[Budapest]]

* [[Esztergom]]


{{IsPartOf|Central Hungary}}




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