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<noinclude><pagequality level="1" user="AdamBMorgan" /><div class="pagetext">{{RunningHeader||WEIRD TALES|125}}

</noinclude>"Seemingly the author of Symphony of the

Damned delved into the ancient books of

black magic, etc. He was able to turn out

something equally as weird, yet with a de-

cidedly modern trend."

Fingernail Gnawing

Arthur L. Widner, Jr., of Waterbury, Ver-

mont, writes: "Although I'm not normally

a nervous person I have the well known but

bad habit of biting my fingernails. Ordi-

narily I am content to nibble a nail or two

a day, alternating on each hand every week;

but after reading the March issue of WT, I

looked like a male counterpart of the Venus

De Milo, excluding the handsome part of it.

The Guardian of the Book made me consume

my entire left arm. A powerful tale. Henry

Hasse must fill his pen with that Good Gulf.

The Brood of Bubastis did very well on my

right forearm, and The Dark Star awoke my

cannibalistic instincts enough to finish up to

my shoulder. All the stories were good, with

Lovecraft and Quick getting honorable men-


The Greatest Genius

Harold S. Farnese, of Los Angeles, writes:

"Reading your magazine habitually, I some-

times wonder whether you ever realized how

great a contributor you had in H. P. Love-

craft. Whether you ever gaged the fineness

of his stories, the originality of his genius?

Of course, you published them, alongside of

others. You sent him his cheque, and that

was that. But has it ever occurred to you

that in Lovecraft you had the greatest

cenius that ever lived in the realm of weird

fiction ?"


L.H.K. writes from Pasadena, California:

"Have read your magazine for a long time

and enjoy it very much — but for the sake

of an 'old reader' can't you please do some-

thing about always spelling surprise with a

z?" [The Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dic-

tionary gives surprize as the preferred spell-

ing. — The Editor.]

The Scarab

Julius Hopkins writes from Washington,

D. O: tr The t^ecronomists, the Washington

Weird Tales Ouh, is going to publish the

first issue of its official organ, The Scarab,

on May 15 and we are goifig to give abso-



Agents Wanted

TOWN Representative* — We Finance You. Men, wo-

nts n, storiI towns. Full or spare time. Good income.

25c brings sample or write for free details. B. W.

Products. 20 Rosewood, Mattapan, Mass.

MEXICAN CURIOS: Feather pictures, blankets, pot-

tery. Free particulars. Samples 10c stamps. APAR-


Authors* Service

MANUSCRIPTS WANTED. Books. Stories, Plays and

Articles for placement In U. S. and foreign countries.

Motion picture rights placed. Cii-cular T-737 describ-

ing UNIFIED SALES PLAN free on request. OTTS

ADELBERT KLINE, Authors' and Publishers' Rep-

resentative, 430 W. 34th St., New York City.


THE MOON TEHROB — A stupendous weird-scientific

novel of Oriental intrigue to gain control of the world!

Cloth-bound with handsome colored jacket — 60 cents

postpaid. WEIRD TALES, 840 N. Michigan Ave,


Business Opportunities

"KEY to Business Opportunities" FREE. Write

Goodal], 742 Market, San Francisco.

Dreams Interpreted

DREAMS EXPLAINED. Write yours complete one

side of paper, enclosing 25 cents to: INTERPRETER

OF DREAMS. P. O. Box 322, Flushing. New York.

Female Help Wanted

ADDRESS postcards for us; everything supplied. We

puy weekly. Stamp brings details. MAYS COSMET-

ICS, University Station (AB), Tucson, Arizona.

Indian Relics

INDIAN RELICS. Bend work. Coins, Stamps. Min-

erals. Books. Old West Photos. Weapons. Curios.

Temple Mound Bird point 15c. Knife, ancient, 10c.

Catalogue 5c. Indian Museum, Nortbbranch, Kansas.'



to this baffling mystery is thrllllngly told in one of the

most startling stories ever wrltt*n — THE MOON

TERROR, in book form. Price 50c. WEIRD TALES,

840 North Michigan. Chicago. Illinois.

OCCULT Mystic racing winner indicator. Amazing re-

sults. Post 2 dollars. A. Colhns, L. L. C.-F. T. S.,

11 We*! bourne Terrace Road, London W. 2, England.

HYPNOTIC course — practical — 2 dollars — same ad-


POCKET GOODS — Adults write for descriptive circu-

lars. Frank Shilling, 1017-T Dueber, Canton. Ohio.

Old Cains Wanted

CERTAIN COPPER CENTS Are Worth np to $1,000.00;

Indian Head Pennies. $10.00; Half Dimes, 325.00;

Dimes, $200.00. Many others wanted. Send for latest

Price List. 30c (coin). CHICO COIN SHOP. Box 22-G.

Chicopee, Massachusetts.

Old Magazines

WANTED — Back copies "Weh-fl Tales*'; also "Screen

Romances" And other movie story magazines. 3. Robbie,

243 Lincoln Ave., Elizabeth, New Jersey.<noinclude></div></noinclude>

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