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<noinclude><pagequality level="1" user="mjbot" /><div class="pagetext">{{center|INDIAN BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, 1915.}}


<noinclude><pagequality level="3" user="GreyHead" /><div class="pagetext">{{center|INDIAN BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, 1915.}}








</noinclude><section begin="Mulally, Major-Gereral Herbert"/>Peshwar, India. Club : United


</noinclude><section begin="Mullaly, Major-General Herbert"/>Peshwar, India. ''Club'': United Service.



<section end="Mullaly, Major-General Herbert"/>


<section begin="Mumtaz-ud-Dowlah Muhammad Fahiyaz Ali Khan, Nawab of Pahasu"/>'''Mumtaz-ud-Dowlah Muhammad Fahiyaz Ali Khan, Nawab of Pahasu''' (''See Pahasu, Nawab of.'')

Miimtaz'ud-Dowlah Muhammad


<section end="Mumtaz-ud-Dowlah Muhammad Fahiyaz Ali Khan, Nawab of Pahasu"/>

Fahi>a'? All K^'a^. Nawab of


<section begin="Munagala, Zemindar of; Sri Zubdatul Aqran Nayani Venkata Ranga Rao Garu"/>'''Munagala, Zemindar of; Sri Zubdatul Aqran Nayani Venkata Ranga Rao Garu'''; belongs to one of the oldest and most renowned Reddi families in the Northern Circars; ''e.s''. of Venkata Ramayya; ''b''. 1879; ''educ'': Noble College, Masulipatam; assumed charge of the estate, 1900; takes great personal interest in the indigenous industries, especially hand-loom weaving; opened a fly shuttle loom factory; sent a student to Japan to learn weaving and dyeing at Kioto; maintains a free primary school at Nadigudem for the benefit of his ryots; helps poor students; aided in the publication of a History of Japan in Telugu; has taken deep interest in the dissemination of Telugu literature; started an experimental farm for sugarcane and other crops. ''Address'': Nadigudem, Munagala. Kistna District, Madras Presidency, India.

Pahasu [See I'aliasu, Naicab of.)


<section end="Munagala, Zemindar of; Sri Zubdatul Aqran Nayani Venkata Ranga Rao Garu"/>


<section begin="Munuswamy Iyer, Canvanua Venkatrama"/>'''Munuswamy Iyer, Canvanua Venkatrama''', Rao Bahadur. (1913), Reporter, ‘''Madras Mail''’, Madras; ''s''. of late Mr. C. Venkatrama Iyer; ''b''. 1868; ''educ'': Church of Scotland Mission College (now amalgamated with the Madras Christian College), Madras; joined Government service as Shorthand Writer in the office of the Private Secretary to H.E. The Governor of Madras, 1890; resigned and joined the staff of the ‘''Madras Mail''’ as junior Reporter, November 1892; has been Reporter to the Indian National Congress for many years; received a certificate of honor on the occasion of the Coronation Durbar, 1912; presented with an address of congratulation by the Members of the ‘''Madras Mail''’ on the occasion of his having been made Rao Bahadur, 1913. ''Address'': Mambalam Saidapet, near Madras, India.

Monagala, Zeraindnr of ; Sri Zub-


<section end="Munuswamy Iyer, Canvanua Venkatrama"/>

datul Aqran Nayani Venkata


<section begin="Munro, James Hume"/>'''Munro, James Hume''', retired Judge Madras High Court; joined service as Assistant Collector and Magistrate, 1877; attached to Revenue Survey Party No. 2,, same year; acted in various lower grades including that of Sub-judge 1903; District and Sessions Judge, 1903; Judge, High Court, Madras, 1907; retired, 1912. ''Address''; C/o India Office, London.

Ranga Rao Garu ; belongs to


<section end="Munro, James Hume"/>

one of the oldest and most re-


<section begin="Murarman, Raja of; Bhagawathi Bakshh Singh"/>'''Murarman, Raja of; Bhagawathi Bakshh Singh'''; head of the Rais clan of Rajputs and claims descent from the great Salivahana; succeeded to title, 1911; ''educ'': in the Colwin Talukdar’s school, Lucknow; the estate comprises 100 villages in Rae Bareilly, and 14 villages in Unao; title of Raja made hereditary by British Government, 1877. ''Address'': Murarman, Rae Bareilly, U.P., India.

nowned Reddi families in the


<section end="Murarman, Raja of; Bhagawathi Bakshh Singh"/>

Northern Circars ; e. s, of


<section begin="Murray, G. P."/>'''Murray, G. P.''' I.C.S., Registrar, High Court, U.P., Allahabad; ''educ'': at Cheltenham and University College, Oxford; joined service as Assistant Collector, 1903; rose to present position, 1912. ''Address'': Allahabad, U.P., India.

Venkata Ramayya ; b. 1879 ;


<section end="Murray, G. P."/>

edi(c : Noble College, Masuli-


<section begin="Murray, Major-General Robert Hunter"/>'''Murray, Major-General {{SIC|Robart|Robert}} Hunter''', C.B. (1896), C.M.G. (1898); Indian Army (retired); ''y.s''. of late John Murray of<section end="Murray, Major-General Robert Hunter"/><noinclude>{{left|292}}</div></noinclude>

patam ; assumed charge of the


estate, 1900 ; takes great per-


sonal interest in the indigenous


industries, especially hand-loom


weaving ! opened a fly shuttle


loom factory ; sent a student to


Japan to learn weaving and


dyeing at Kioto; maintains a free


primary school at Nadigudem


for the benefit of his ryots; helps


poor students; aided in the publi-


cation of a History of Japan in


Te'ugu ; has taken deep interest


in the dissemination of Telugu


literature ; started an experi-


mental farm for sugarcane and


other crops. Address : Nadigu-


dem, Munagala. Kistna District,


Madras Presidency, India.



Munuawamy Iyer, Canvanu?


Veiikatrama, Rao Bahadur.


(1913), Reporter, 'Madras Maif,


Madras ; s. of late Mr. C. Ven-


katrama Iyer ; b. 1S6S ; educ :


Church of Scotland Mission


College (now amalgamated with


the Madras Christian College),


Madras; joined Government


service as Shorthand Writer in


the office of the Private Secre-


tary to H.E. The Governor of


Madras, 1890; resigned and joined


the staft of the ' Madras Mail '


as junior Reporter, November


1892 ; has been Reporter to the






��Indian National Congress for


many years ; received a certi-


ficate of honor on the occasion


of the Coronation Durbar, 1912 ;


presented with an address of


congratulation by the Members


of the ' Madras Mail ' on the


occasion of his having been made


Rao Bahadur, 1913. Address i


Mambalam Saidapet, near Mad-


ras, India.



Mnnrci James Hume, retired Judge


Madras High Court ; joined


service as Assistant Collector


and Magistrate, 1877 ; attached


to Revenue Survey Party No. 2,,


same year \ acted in various


lower grades including that of


Sub-judge 1903 ; District and


Sessions Judge, 1903 ; Judge,


High Court, Madras, 1907 ; re-


tired, 1912. Adi^ress; Co India


Office, London.



Murarman, Raja of; 6hagawatV>i


Bakshh Singb ; head of the Rais


clan of Rajputs and claims


descent from the great Saliva-


hana ; succeeded to title, 1911 ;


educ : in the Colwin Talukdar's


school, Lucknow; the estate


comprises 100 villages in Rae


Bareilly, and 14 villages in Unao;


title of Raja made hereditary by


British Government, 1877. Ad-


dress : Murarman, Rae Bareilly,


U.P., India.



Murray, G. P. I.C.3., Registrar,


High Court, U.P., Allahabad;


ediic : at Cheltenham and Univer-


sity College, Oxford ; joined ser-


vice as Assistant Collector, 1903 ;


rose to present position, 1912.


Addre-s : Allahabad, U.P., India.



Murray, Majop-Gtnnral Robart


Hunter, C.B. (1896), C.M.G.


(18-)8) ; Indian Army (retired) ;


y.s. of late John Murray of





�<section end="Mulally, Major-Gereral Herbert"/><noinclude>{{left|292}}</div></noinclude>


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