
The heads of State and Government of the Committee on the Indian ocean, which met Saturday, August 23, 2014, at Moroni in the Comoros, drafted a final joint statement, at the end of the 4th Summit of the Indian Ocean Commission, resolutely turned towards the future of the Indianoceanie for the members of the IOC (Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Reunion island, Comoros).

This declaration thus highlights the range of the challenges of development of the Indian Ocean region and collective guidance on including connectivity, marine and food safety management of natural resources and the potential of the blue economy.

As a reminder, the organisation whose bases have been launched December 20, 1982 in Port-Louis Mauritius was institutionalised in January 10, 1984 by the agreement of Victoria in the Seychelles.

Below is the final declaration of the heads of State and Government of the Indian Ocean Commission

"we, heads of State and Government of the of the Indian ocean Commission (IOC) meeting in Moroni, Comoros, on August 23, 2014, under the chairmanship of h.e. Mr. Hery RAJAONARIMAMPIANINA, president of the Republic of Madagascar, countries holding the Presidency of the IOC", adopt the following statement:

Thirty years after the general agreement of cooperation signed in Victoria that has established the IOC, we note with satisfaction that the Southwest Indian Ocean countries exceeded only technical cooperation relationship to create a space of solidarity and authentic action.

The inhabitants of our countries today are aware that they share a geography, intermingled history and a unique culture. It is on this basis that can build the future of the Indianoceanie, respecting the singularities and the sovereignty of each of our Member States.

Through the projects that it has implemented, IOC has become a player credible and recognised for development in our region. It has acquired expertise assessed in the areas of management of natural resources and coastal environments.

Gradually it became a catalyst for debates, proposals and exchanges between its Member States, the countries of the region of Eastern and southern Africa, the economic actors and civil society.

Strong values shared, the IOC was able to play its role in the management of crises and contribute to the southwest of the Indian Ocean a space of peace, conducive to economic and social growth rooted in its African environment.

It asserts itself as a tool for prevention and management of political, environmental and climate crises.

Three previous summits have contributed actively to cement this indianoceanienne awareness and to adapt the roadmap of the IOC to the evolutions of the priorities and expectations of peoples and States.

The heads of State and Government welcomed the quality of the work done by our regional organisation and its ability to unite all stakeholders in regional development, be they States, public authorities, the private sector, civil society and development partners, particularly around its missions the European Union, the French Development Agency the United Nations system, the World Bank and the African Development Bank.

The heads of State and Government noted with satisfaction the emergence of partnerships with new countries, particularly Australia and the People's Republic of China. These initiatives demonstrate the growing attractiveness of the Indianoceanie.

The heads of State and Government addressed warm thanks to all the partners’ development accompanying the IOC in its mission. They stress the essential role played by the European Union which, for thirty years, is the first funder of projects of our Organisation. They welcome the good use of the 10th European Development (EDF) and the advancement of the 11th EDF programming, as well as exercises of the operational Program of European territorial cooperation (ERDF) for the 2014-2020 period and the convergence of their objectives. They encourage the Member States and the general Secretariat to closely associate to finalise the 11th EDF programming.

The Summit welcomed the role played by the IOC in the conclusion of the negotiations of the agreement of economic partnership (EPA) acting with the European Union. It calls for effective implementation of this agreement with the support of the IOC and its partners. The heads of State and Government want to a rapid conclusion of a comprehensive EPA in which the Comoros - Madagascar - Mauritius - Seychelles (CMMS) group could play a significant role. They also want that the IOC is actively involved in its implementation. France will participate as an observer.
The Heads of State and Government of the IOC confirmed the importance for Indianoceanie to improve the overall connectivity of the region, whether shipping links, crucial for the trade, air services, critical to tourism and business, or digital connectivity crucial for business, investment and technology transfer.

They welcome the intensity and the quality of work carried out under the auspices of the IOC to make an economic and commercial space for better integration of our member states in international trade flows to create emerge conditions for sustainable growth and long-term competitiveness.

The Ministerial Conference on transport of 8 July 2014 in Seychelles was the opportunity to formulate a common vision for regional air transport and to explore practical solutions with the aim to set up at least a scheduled flight between the Member States of the IOC at affordable rates.

Similarly, the heads of State and Government underscore the interest and the need to facilitate the movement of men and women in business in the indianoceanien space. The Summit welcomes also the commitment of donors in the implementation of these development projects and invites the private sector and civil society, to continue the ongoing discussions to join the actions of collective interest.

The realisation of these aspirations through the affirmation of a COI always more present and army to cope with the magnitude of regional challenges. Aware of the limited resources of the Secretariat general of the IOC, the heads of State and Government encourage the Organization and the Member States to actively seek fair solutions of innovative financing.

The Summit welcomed the reputation acquired by the IOC which is reflected in the interest of countries in the Grand Indian Ocean in its regard and in partnerships with other regional organisations. It takes note, in particular, applications for accession of other States to the IOC.

Convinced of the importance of keeping alive the spirit of the general agreement of Victoria, attached to the identity base of the Indianoceanie, to its values shard and to the use of French within the IOC, the heads of State and Government call for progress towards the creation of a regional space partnership and enhanced dialogue.

The heads of State and Government welcomed the decision of the Council of Ministers for the establishment of observer status.

The heads of State and Government of the IOC, aware of the high vulnerability of our islands and its impact on their development, to join fully the global mobilisation for small island developing States (SIDS) which will culminate, in September 2014, with the Conference of Nations United in Samoa. They welcomed the leading role of the IOC in the preparation of a plea around the challenges of sustainable development in the Indianoceanie, as well as his role as spokesperson for other island countries of Africa and the Indian Ocean.

They encourage the Secretary General to advocate for an appropriate consideration of the specific situation of SIDS in the global development agenda post-2015, and more generally in UN bodies.

The Samoa conference must bear a message without ambiguity on the fight against climate change to contribute to the adoption of an ambitious and agreement applicable to all the twenty-first Conference of the parties to the framework Convention of the United Nations on climate change being held in Paris in December 2015.This agreement should make it possible to limit the average increase in global temperature below 2 ° C above pre-industrial levels and treat in a balanced way the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to climate change.

In this context, the 4th Summit believes that the vision of the coastal challenge of the Western Indian ocean (WIOCC) can contribute positively to ensure the conservation of marine biodiversity in the greater area of Eastern Africa, in connection with the relevant institutional structures, and in particular the Nairobi Convention.

The heads of State and Government renewed their commitment to promote the long term interests of the Indianoceanie on the plan of the development of the sustainable development of tourism, innovation, conservation and the sustainable management of marine and fisheries, the promotion of an economy blue and oceanic resources creative jobs and growth, which also requires a secure maritime environment.

In this regard, the heads of State and Government underscore the importance of a global vision of maritime safety. They welcomed the results brought about by anti-piracy unity of  IOC based in Seychelles and underline the importance of consolidating the dynamics of fight against maritime piracy as well as against all illegal and criminal traffic. They take note with appreciation of the coordination carried out by the IOC for the establishment of a regional center of fusion of maritime information to better detect risks and a regional center for coordination of action at sea to conduct joint maritime operations. They underline the need to set up a Committee to examine a legal framework governing the confidentiality of the collection, processing and dissemination of marine data for the establishment of a center for fusiion and maritime information. Aware that criminal networks largely have their origins in the crises affecting the States, the Summit recalled the essential role of the political stability and democratic governance.

The Heads of State and Government welcomed the effective action of the member states and the General Secretariat of the IOC in the resolution of regional crises, particularly in Madagascar.

They welcome the return to institutional normality and reiterate the commitment of all States and IOC alongside the Malagasy authorities to contribute to a rapid and sustainable development of the country. The economic recovery in Madagascar will particularly support the food security project in Indianoceanie defended and supported by the IOC and will make effective the role of the Island as an attic of the Indian Ocean.

Heads of state and government are aware of the important role played by civil society in the region. They reiterate their confidence in the IOC to drive projects and a collective consciousness favorable to the successful integration of women and youth in the professional and political development of our country's social fabric. They also call for greater consideration of vulnerable populations, especially children and the elderly, as well as renewed in the fight against epidemics and emerging diseases mobilisation.

The heads of State and Government would like to thank the authorities and the population of the Union of the Comoros for the generosity and warmth of their home. The heads of State and Government also renew their gratitude to the development partners and donors of the IOC.

They welcome the presence of VIPs who were willing to accompany this 4th Summit, including H.E. Mrs Nagla El Husseini, Secretary General of COMESA".

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