The the BNTU took part in the first stage of "Global World Communicator (GWC). Education and Science" program concerning communicative and informative settings of official web pages. It's the only worldwide accessible source, and the BNTU ranks first among the Belarusian universities and 115th - among all universities of the world.
The BNTU got the Accreditation Certificate, which confirms that the Belarusian National Technical University is accredited in the First International Program GWC, and the the BNTU is the International Expert in the field of Education and Research.
As the leading Belarusian university, the BNTU coordinates with technical education and science among all the universities and colleges, and it is also the base of CIS which heads the consortiums of Belarusian, Russian, Chinese and Kazakhstan's technical universities.
The BNTU today is the largest Belarusian University, which is developing dynamically and has no analogies among the others. It consists of 17 faculties, 110 departments and engineering technical faculty in Tajik Technical University (TTU) M.S.Osimi. The BNTU also has representation in Israel, International Institute of Distant Education, International Graduates' Association of HEE, International Student Center, research laboratories in Austria, Vietnam, China, Latvia and Republic of South Africa, advanced training centers, colleges, lycées, research centers and laboratories, international technical centers in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Latvia, China, Venezuela and Korea, "Technical literature" publishing company, experimental plant "Polytechnic", journals, department branches at various industrial enterprises and research organisations, technical park " Polytechnic ' and its subsidiaries, joint ventures, developed social structure: campus, canteens, health center " Polytechnic ", sports club, student clinic and the library.
The BNTU is an active participant in World University Rankings.
Professor Khroustalev Boris M., honoured worker and academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) was included into the International Board Committee because of University's worldwide educational reputation.
By the way, such universities as Harvard University (USA), the University of Victoria (Canada), University of London (Great Britain), École Polytechnique (France), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) and the National University of Singapore were the founders of ranking system. The experts of Ranking Council are highly-qualified specialists in education and science: Nobel laureates, academicians of National Academies, eminent professors and scientists from all over the world.
Global World Communicator
Education and Science
When you are aspiring to the highest place, it is honorable to reach the second or even the third rank.
Nature itself makes the wise man rich.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
"Global World Communicator (GWC). Education and Science"
"GWC. Education and Science" is the first international program in the format of "International discussions", which is introduced for the ranking concept development of higher education institutions to give them professional ranking quality. It is carried out in stages and it presumes evaluation and conference organization with highly-qualified specialists from different countries who work with The International Council of Scientists.
The International Council of Scientists
The International Council of Scientists on the program GWC is non-governmental long-term strategic organization uniting scientists from all over the world.
This organization includes highly-qualified specialists with their own opinion on the further development of education and science, and the progress in technical sciences and the Arts.
Organizational Committee
Prof. Juris Ekmanis - the Chairman, President of Latvian Academy of Sciences, Latvia, Prof. Kurt Wüthrich, Nobel Chemistry laureate, Institute of Mol. Biology and Biophysics, Switzerland, Prof. Robert Evarestov, St.Petersburg State University, Russia, Prof. Boris M. Khroustalev, Rector of the BNTU, Belarus, Prof. Zoya Kinstler, Harvard University, USA, Prof. Victor Kopiev, TsAGI - Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute, Russia, Prof. Nikolay Kudryavtsev, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Prof. Eriks Kupce, Principal scientist at Bruker Biospin, Prof. Paul Jenny, University of Pennsylvania, USA, Prof. Juris Upatnieks, University of Michigan, USA, Prof. Gennadiy Varlamov, The National Technical University of Ukraine, Ukraine, Prof. Gerhard Wagner, Harvard University, USA.
The Council works in following fields (based on The International Classifier for Fields of Science and Educational Programs)
001 Nature Sciences: Anthropology; Archeology; Astronomy; Biology; Botany; Zoology, Animal Sciences; Chemistry; Earth Sciences; Medicine; Basic Medical Sciences; Biomedical Sciences; Physics.
002 Mathematics.
003 Humanities: Economics; History; Philosophy; Psychology; Religion & Theology; Social Sciences.
004 Engineering and Technology: Aerospace and Aeronautic; Agriculture, Fishery, Forestry; Architecture; Biotechnology; Chemical Engineering; Computer Science; Construction; Ecological engineering; Electrical Engineering; Electronic Engineering; Environmental Engineering; Food; Industry, Production; Information Sciences and Systems; Instrumentation and Control; Marine Technology; Materials Science; Mechanical Engineering; Metallurgy, Metal Products; Microsystems; Engineering; Mining; Motor Vehicle; Nanoscience; Nuclear Applications; Petroleum, Gas, Coal; Pharmaceutics; Printing; Power and Energy; Space; Telecommunications; Timber Engineering; Transport, Transportation; Wood, Woodworking.
005 Society: Advertising and Public Relation; Arts; Bibliography; Culture; Demography; Education; Health and Welfare; International Studies; Journalism; Languages; Law; Linguistics; Literature; Medieval Studies; Military Sciences; Pedagogy; Political Science; Public Administration; Sport Sciences; State and Public Safety; Tourism, Recreation, Services.
Taking part in Global World Communicator:
There are three variants for participation in colleges and universities programs.
University (college) does not enroll in the program. All the data for ranking is taken from public informational resources.
University (college) is enrolled in GWC program, and it takes part in the whole ranking procedure.
University (college) is accredited, and after that, it is included in the program as an international expert in the field of science and education. University professors take part in International Council for Science.