
One of the Most Dangerous Schools in America – YouTube, Strawberry Mansion, Philadelphia, PA.

Just this week, at a commencement speech, the First Lady complained about the deteriorating situation in schools especially predominantly black schools.  Here is the NYT story complete with no comments allowed:  Michelle Obama Cites View of Growing Segregation – NYTimes.com



“Today, by some measures, our schools are as segregated as they were back when Dr. King gave his final speech,” Mrs. Obama told 1,200 graduating high school seniors Friday here in the city that gave rise to the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case… “Many districts in this country have actually pulled back on efforts to integrate their schools, and many communities have become less diverse,” she said, leading to schools that are less diverse. Four days ago,


Our nation is meddling in nearly every country on earth.  Money is thrown around the world at every conceivable excuse.  At home, things continue to collapse due to free trade, ZIRP bank lending by the Federal Reserve, wild government overspending while not taxing rich people and of course, the race/religion/social tensions that go up and up and up as our society falls apart more and more at home.


So Obama and his wife focus blindly on all sorts of goofy things with no sane solution and no close examination of what is going wrong and how liberal politics are responsible for some of this and the Democratic Party has some hard work to do to fix itself.  Instead, Obama is focused on freezing us to death as we enter an increasingly obvious solar minimum.  And worries about Ukraine or uninhabited islands our trade rivals want to exploit.


I have first hand experience dealing with black students in what was once, very fine schools.  I withdrew my own son from such a school when the violence was getting out of hand and when the principal called the violent kids, all of whom were black, into his office to punish them, they laughed in his face when he said they were suspended for a week and high fived each other and celebrated their holiday.


And I turned to the principal and said, ‘Are you going to let them get away with this?  They openly disrespected you.’  He shrugged and said, ‘I don’t care.’  I then said, ‘Well, I do care so I am withdrawing my son today from this school’.  And he never went back.  Many millions of mothers did the same seeing that schools, once they are more than 20% black, are incapable of educating anyone as the place descends rapidly into violence and disrespect of teachers, the school building, the staff and fellow students.


The is closely connected to the gangsta worship of the black community in general.  Trayvon was a classic example: his father and mother were middle class and he was totally out of control.  Violent, using and dealing drugs, fighting with the school staff, mocking the principal, treating suspension as a holiday to exploit for fun, looking for trouble.  And ended up dead as many of his contemporaries end up.


Instead of tackling this problem with the Trayvon issue, even today, many ‘liberals’ and the near-entire black community wants everyone to avoid killing out of control, delinquent black youth as they roam our neighborhoods.  Every kid coming in contact with the culture ends up in terrible trouble.  Like the visiting Turkish German student who learned it was OK to steal from neighbors’ garages.  He ended up being shot dead, too, like Trayvon.


The above video about the disgraceful, utterly useless school in Philadelphia is in this neighborhood.  From four days ago:  2 Injured in Strawberry Mansion Shooting – Philadelphia News, Weather and Sports from WTXF FOX 29.  The children are raised by parents who seem incapable of transmitting even the most basic social behavior skills at home.  Nearly all of the parents in this school are on welfare or marginal jobs.  The children are allowed to cuss, fight, abuse, vandalize and steal.


When they enter school, this continues.  The school has to simply tolerate this until these little basket cases graduate to prison or the narrow box in the ground.  Collecting their paychecks, the staff has checked out due to not being allowed to forcefully deal with these antisocial and out of control children.

This documentary is about children in a Chicago school which is where Mrs. Obama went to school.  No sane parent, black or otherwise, would want their children to go anywhere near this school or anywhere near these students out of school.  They are nearly all doomed to end up in prison or dead.  This is terrible, of course.  But the black leadership never addresses this problem just like Mrs. Obama refuses to make a call to arms to fight off irresponsible parents and their wild offspring.

Dan Rather Reports – A National Disgrace – YouTube: being a liberal, Dan Rather claims we are all responsible for the collapse of the schools in Detroit which is a total lie.  This collapse is internal and caused by the black community refusing to face the truth and deal forcefully with irresponsible and often childish behavior in their own community.

Illiterate Detroit School Board President. – YouTube: This is exactly what is wrong.  The head of the schools back then was not only illiterate, he was inept.  He also struggled to speak so he had no way of really communicating with anyone and the school board meetings were virtually out of control riots under his regime.


When forced to face up to the fact he was incompetent, he got belligerent and as is so often the sad case, used the ‘racism’ crutch.  Just like the Jewish community won’t reform itself and stop its embrace of Naziism while using the Holocaust as a crutch, beating everyone over the head with this while aping Hitler, the black community can’t call on the slavery past as a way of avoiding personal responsibility of their collective state of being today.


Once this overall problem is grasped and taken on, the black leadership can do this by attacking the entertainment industry directly and by accusing them of creating a crisis for the youth of America, stopping rap, stopping the sneering, obscene behavior of favored icons, cleaning up Hollywood and DC: this is a moral crusade.


This is also what our rulers fear: blacks embracing moral uplift and honest labor and demanding the jobs sent overseas come home and free trade ending and higher wages and better status for workers.  THAT is the hell our rulers fear!  Not delusional drug addled tattooed teens shooting each other over trivial slights!





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Filed under: Politics Tagged: antisocial, blacks, Dan Rather, drugs, First Lady, illiterate, Jewish, Michelle Obama, Obama, Philadelphia, race, schools, segregation, Strawberry Mansion School, Trayvon, vandalism, ZIRP

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