
Humans have evolved very large brains with the biggest part the ‘rational thinking’ cortex.  This grew to enormous size during the Ice Age climate change crisis.  Survival of the fittest meant giving birth to smarter and smarter babies who could use this massive frontal cortex to…kill.  Yes, we evolved from very highly developed killers.  And our natural tendency is to kill.  And there is this disturbing tendency for malfunctions of the frontal cortex to lead to mass murder for no reason at all.


Whole societies go on periodic killing sprees.  The bloody story of much of history is all about these violent eruptions.  Generally speaking, people who would rather not kill are driven to kill mercilessly due to orders, urgings and demands of psychotic leaders.


There are two kinds of mass murderers: public leaders like Popes, kings, emperors, political demagogues, fanatics, democratic nations run by greedy elites, bankers, etc. and then there are loner psychopaths and desperate, suicidal natives fighting empires, or outsider religious cults seeking the End of Times.  In the case of the most recent mass murder, the killer is a brilliant student whose mind spun out of control:  Colorado suspect was brilliant science student – CBS News


The biggest mystery surrounding the 24-year-old doctoral student was why he would have pulled on a gas mask and shot dozens of people early Friday in a suburban Denver movie theater, as police allege.


In the age of widespread social media, no trace of Holmes could be found on Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter or anywhere on the Web. Either he never engaged or he scrubbed his trail.


A longtime neighbor in San Diego, where Holmes grew up, remembers only a “shy guy … a loner” from a churchgoing family. In addition to playing soccer at Westview High School, he ran cross country.


The bookish demeanor concealed an unspooling life. Holmes struggled to find work after graduating with highest honors in spring 2010 with a neuroscience degree from the University of California, Riverside, said the neighbor, retired electrical engineer Tom Mai.


A danger zone for ‘loner, brilliant’ children is when they move out of childhood and into adulthood and the hormones regulating their bodies change, several forms of insanity can manifest.  Schizophrenia is one very dangerous mental illness that shows up in adulthood.  I have known several cases of this.  Generally, the person has delusions about danger and will often take measures to fix this, usually by being very violent.


Convincing a person suffering from this delusional thinking to go to the hospital is very difficult and often the only way to do this is to have the person arrested.  In our society, tolerance for people suffering from mental illness is  declining.  Our prisons are filled with mentally ill people who are basically locked up in very primitive conditions, often in solitary confinement where they deteriorate further.


Here is an article published by an anti-modern medicine operation, Infowars, discussing mental illness and mass murder:   Arizona Assassin Obsessed With Mind Control Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!


Loughner fits into the classic satanic/vampire cult wannabe mould, which makes the establishment’s effort to conflate him with conservatives and tea partiers all the more deceptive.


Loughner’s interest in the occult makes him an even more vulnerable individual and it also suggests that he may have been taking psychotropic drugs, with is another trait shared by innumerable mass murderers. Indeed, as Mike Adams explains,


A young white male, disillusioned, confused, mentally deranged… and opening fire on innocent people? That’s the pattern we saw in the Columbine High School shootings in 1999, and it turned out that the shooters, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, were on psychiatric medications.


Does this ring a bell for anyone? A young white male, disillusioned, confused, mentally deranged… and opening fire on innocent people? That’s the pattern we saw in the Columbine High School shootings in 1999, and it turned out that the shooters, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, were on psychiatric medications.


What the writer for Inforwars openly suggests is the psychiatric medicines cause the insanity.  This is silly.  Often, disturbed young people are given medications in the hopes this will stop the delusional behavior.  This doesn’t always work!  Imagine that!  Often, the sufferers self-medicate.  One member of my own family did this.  She couldn’t handle her manic/depressive cycles very well.  Generally, when she felt better, she stopped her medication.


In addition, there is a certain pleasure principle at work with manic madness: it feels good to the victim when it is a rising mania.  When things go hysterical, then the bad side of this comes to the fore and the victim becomes either homicidal or suicidal or often, both at the same time.  Any family dealing with someone with these illnesses knows the difficulty in stopping it from happening.


The problem today is, medication for mental problems works ONLY if coupled with good therapeutic interactions with people trained to handle mental health problems!  One of the difficulties of dealing with psychopaths who suddenly kill is the inherent, evolutionary development of our brains which rewarded people who successfully killed and eliminated their victims from the gene pool.


Humans enjoy murder so much, a great deal of our ‘entertainment’ is killing people.  We really, really, REALLY love watching murderous mayhem.  The movie being watched by the most recent victims of mass murder was all about…mass murder.  Parts of our brain are very turned on by mass murder.  We lust for this, greatly.  It is barely disguised by pious pretenses that we wish to save humanity.


This is why I get so angry about the ‘End of Times’ chatter.  This comes from all directions.  Religious fanatics howl about this.  Climate change believers yell about this nearly nonstop.  There is a long, long, long list of people who believe humans are at an end and there is a lot of chatter about how humans should be eliminated.   Naturally, people who have little control over how their brains process all this fall for this end of times chatter and try their best to enable this to happen.


All my long life, I have fretted over the existence of a massive, immense arsenal of nuclear and hydrogen bombs and thousands of nuclear power plants, all ready to blow up and annihilate us.  We have lived collectively with this Sword of Doom hanging on a slender thread.  All it requires is just one psychopath leader screaming about the End of Times and deciding that if he or she kills all humans, this will be fixed.  And then boom.  We are all dead.


The latest psychopath to play god managed to kill only a handful of people.  The leaders of various factions and empires, on the other hand, kill millions:  Deaths in Pakistan suicide attack is part of the ongoing culture/religious war tearing through Muslim nations as the US empire arms alternately, governments and then rebels while seeking to destroy or weaken both as we see with Syrians Fleeing Capital Leave Bodies and Bombs Behind thanks to the US arming rebels there.


Israeli Military Ordered to Prepare Syria Invasion as the Jews worry that Palestinians may be taking over half of Syria and are being rapidly armed.  The Shi’ite/Sunni warfare there has great complexity as there are several different tribal groups fighting each other.  All of these hate the Jews, of course, by will cynically ask for arms from Israel and its partner in crime, the US.


The Syrian ruler is ‘evil’ but any ruler like the Saudis, are allies so of course, tribal revolts in these revolting dictatorships are armed and assisted in suppressing rebels quite violently as US Increases Planned Military Aid to Yemen being a constant example of this murderous hypocrisy at work.


No Muslim regime is as intolerant as the Saudi:  Saudis to Non-Muslims: Respect Fast or Be Expelled is a typical example.  The US is psychopathic when these intolerant rulers are paraded about as fine allies who are to be protected.  While Iran is evil because they support Shi’ite uprisings against Sunni oppression.


Last of all, Japan workers ‘told to lie about radiation’ is news in dying Japan.  The End of Times pathology is running full-blast there.  Collective alienation from nature, from life, from hope is killing that nation pretty rapidly.  Hopelessness is seeping like a poison into Europe, too.  Hopes that some sort of magic solution will save us is coupled with despair for the future and this is causing people to be emotionally unbalanced.


Alas!  Humans are designed by evolution to be filled with foreboding and despair!  Unlike all other animals, we can foresee our own deaths and this is why we created religions in the first place: to give us hope.  Alas!  Due to evolution, our brains then turned this into a killing machine.  An excuse to be psychopathic in the extreme.  It is a paradox.  And all things are paradoxical due to how evolution works: killers survived, their victims did not pass on their genes.





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