
What are the ways to push forward what email designers, marketing industry influencers, digital agency & startup folks can do to with the diversity that email marketing offers? Don’t forget 89% of marketers say that email is their primary channel for lead generation, a huge business driver.

Here are the videos from the Future of email Marketing Conference, where a great line up of speakers presented new approaches future-forward tools and techniques to to the old challenge of engaging leads and customers.

Spray and Pray is Not the Way – Becs Rivett

Becs Rivett (@becksr) email designer, strategist and blogger showed that the old “email blast” model is out and how trigger-based emails, contextual relevancy and more are essential to running a successful email strategy. With a surprise cameos by Microsoft Clippy and Morpheus (which explains the header image, if you were wondering).

Is Context the New Segmentation? – Matt Hayes

Being relevant and timely with your content is everything for marketers. But does timing beat content? Being able to personalize and swap images at precise time of open provides some interesting opportunities to engage and amaze your audience.

Matt Hayes (@matthewhayes) from Kickdynamic shows how brands have used dynamic images to send engaging content, and explains the technology behind these techniques.

Split-Testing your Emails the less worse way – Parry Malm

Email split testing and subject line testing is not new. The “Howling Mad“ Parry Malm (@parrymalm) of Phrasee shows how people in white lab coats would do A/B Split testing – after they saw the movie Anchorman that is.

The Future of Email Design – Sam Beddoes,

Sam Beddoes (@B3ddoes) from Action Rocket displays advanced techniques seen in amazingly designed email campaigns – and adds some “what’s next”. Showing the opportunities to send engaging email right now… and preparing for the ones just out of reach.

The Art of the Pixel in Email: Pixel Art – Mike Ragan

Pixel art is rather novel approach for “designing with images off in mind“. Mike Ragan (@mike_ragan) from Action Rocket , shows some of the campaigns that use Pixel Art and the benefits of this technique.

Thanks to Ros Hodgekiss from Campaign Monitor and Elliot Ross from Action Rocket who hosted the #FutureofEmail conference and graciously let me share these recordings on the blog.

We have the Future of Email Marketing on tape – 5 inspiring videos

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