recently, some strange behaviour popped up when editing c/c++ files in emacs: Whenever I want to write a comment, the first / I enter will open a buffer of type *tramp/spc C* with error message
ssh: could not resolve hostname c: Name or service not known
My research has brought me as far as finding out that this is related to tramp-mode, something I never used or even knew that it exists. So, my question is: How can I get rid of this behaviour?
Using emacs24, installed from the Ubuntu 16.04 repos, if that matters.
Thanks for any advice.
EDIT 16/12/16
this most have something to do with my .emacs as the buffer is not popping up when starting with emacs -q.
Active modes in my editing buffer are
Abbrev Auto-Complete Auto-Composition Auto-Compression Auto-Encryption Blink-Cursor Electric-Indent File-Name-Shadow Font-Lock Global-Auto-Complete Global-Font-Lock Line-Number Menu-Bar Mouse-Wheel Tool-Bar Tooltip Transient-Mark