
Activities taking place at the Ellwood City Area Public Library include the following:

Monday, September 19, at 1:30 p.m. – Afternoon Book Discussion Group for Adults. The group will discuss the book, “The Lola Quartet,” by Emily St. John Mandel. New members are welcome, so call the library at 724-758-6458 for more information.

Wednesday, September 20, at 10:00 a.m. — “Coloring for Adults,” a weekly program that is free and open to the public. “Coloring for Adults” is a new concept in helping to reduce the stresses of everyday life. Call the library for more information.

Thursday, September 22, at 3:00 p.m. – “Food 4 Thought,” a book discussion group for students in 9th grade and up. The group will discuss the book, “Under the Never Sky,” by Veronica Rossi. Call the library for more information.

Thursday, September 22, at 6:00 p.m. — Adult Knitting Group. This group meets year-around to work on individual projects and socialize with others who love knitting. Members provide their own materials. New members are always welcome, so call the library now for more information.

Saturday, September 24, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. – “Ellwood City Fall Fest.” The library will be taking part in this annual celebration by selling “walking tacos” out front on Lawrence Ave. and by hosting the 2nd Annual Golf Ball Roll-Off that day. The Roll-Off will take place at 2 p.m. Participants have a chance to win $1,000 by buying two numbered golf balls which will be rolled down the library’s “parking lot golf course!” All proceeds benefit the library. Tickets are available at the library. Call for more information.

Two fall gardening programs presented by the Master Gardeners of Lawrence County will be held at 6:00 p.m. at the library on September 27 and October 19. The September 27 program will feature “Plants in Archaeological Sites: What They Tell Us” and will focus on the recovery of plant remains from archaeological sites. Attendees will get to examine carbonized plant materials under a microscope. The October 19 program features the topic, “Mighty House Plants and the Magnificent Orchid.” There is a $5 registration fee, but walk-ins are welcome. Call 724-654-8370 to register or for more information.

“Movie Nights for Adults” continue monthly with the next movie night set for Wednesday, September 28. Featured are new-to-DVD films and refreshments. The events are free and open to all area adults. Call the library for more information or to discover the title of the film to be shown.

The library’s annual Book Sale is scheduled for October 3-8. A wide variety of books are featured as are DVDs, Audio Books on CD and Music CDs. Donations are still being accepted and can be brought to the library during regular business hours. Books of all types in good condition are welcomed. However, the library will NOT accept any encyclopedias, no textbooks, no magazines, no Readers’ Digest Condensed books and no VHS tapes. Call the library for more information.


The following are memorial contributions received by the library in July. Memorials are published on a weekly basis in this column and represent a portion of the contributions received in any given month.

In memory of Arthur L. St. Clair from Lorraine and Scott Silvester.

In memory of Rita M. Scopellite from Buddy and Jaye.

In memory of Doris L. (Loveable) Steele from Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fornataro; Bob and Judy Kunselman; and Marcia Sigler.

In memory of Charles Stiger from Debbie Moffatt.

In memory of Amy S. Sullivan from Betty Donley and family.

In memory of Anthony P. “Tony” Tino Jr. from Frank and Ethel Ferrante Aquino; The Hungarian Home; Daniel and Stephanie Loccisano; Chuck and Bev Means; and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sanders.

In memory of Nick Tomeo from Audrey Patterson, and from the Samuel Teolis Funeral Home Inc.

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