
Hey y'all! I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day. My social media was just flooded with love--it was a nice change from the usual negativity I see lately.

I loved seeing all of the roses, and speaking of roses, remember a few weeks ago when I shared my review of the Lancome La Rose Blush? See the original post here. I talked about making my own and a few of you suggested that I do it, so welcome to today's post!

Since the original Lancome La Rose is $60 and sold out in most places, I had to make a comparable diy version. And it is SO easy.

You'll need--

artificial rose
blush, shadow, or highlight
round box
optional: pink paint for box, rose gold marker for edge
glue gun
rubbing alcohol

Choose your rose. I wanted one that closely resembled the original Lancome rose in color. Make sure the rose is clean and free from dust. I used a blast from a keyboard air cleaner for mine.

Remove stem and all leaves.

TIP: Make sure the rose fits in the small box.

Choose your color. I have an eyeshadow from Maybelline in Seashell that is pretty much a dupe. But for those not into highlight, you can choose an eyeshadow or blush.

TIP: If using blush/shadow, make sure the shade matches the rose in color as well.

METHOD 1: Just dip the clean rose into a blush/highlight/shadow and swirl around to coat the top. Just to apply to face, use a brush.

METHOD 2: Add a little rubbing alcohol or makeup setting spray (not the dewy kind) to a small bowl and scrape into it your shade. You should have more color than alcohol.  Mix well. I used the blush for this demonstration because it photographed better.

Using a small brush, paint the top of the rose petals with your mixture and allow to dry. I used a different rose for this one, since it was blush, so you could tell the difference.

Paint box pink if desired. The rim on the original Lancome is rose gold, so you can use a paint marker for the edge to mimic it.

Hot glue the rose to the bottom of the box. Use a brush to apply product to face. Keep the lid on when not in use.

METHOD 3: Pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol into a spray bottle. Spray the rose gently and then brush pigment on top. Allow to dry.

METHOD 4: Mix makeup setting spray with the pigment and spray on rose.

Other things I tried but didn't like as much: vegetable glycerin with color (too heavy/greasy), coconut oil with pigment (too thick, no matter how I did it), painting just individual petals (like those in the background of my pics) and rubbing them on my face (kinda silly, but a good idea for travel but there's paper blush/highlight already).

I'm wearing the blush and the highlight. It is very natural-looking on the skin.

I found Maybelline Seashell to be a pretty good dupe. On the first finger is the Lancome and on my middle finger is the Maybelline.

And here they are side by side, with the Lancome on the bottom. Pretty similar!

What do you think of this DIY?

SEE ALSO: Beauty DIYs with roses (use those leftover roses from Valentine's Day)

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