

For @obsidianstudy |

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| Sleep Series 2/2

Tis I, Kitty, a studyblr, popping in again to explain things that are not studyblr related!! This Sleeping Guide will be divided into 4 parts, the basics (everything you need to know), a mythbuster section, a section about napping, and lastly, a misc section! Here we go!

I. The Basics

- Without sleep, your mental and physical health will suffer greatly. Here is a list of side effects.

-  There are many, many benefits to sleeping. Here are the benefits.

- Waking up between sleep cycles is the best way to wake up. Calculate sleep cycle (x x ) here. Additional REM info (x ) here.

- stick to a schedule and routine: Use this printable. So when that time come, your body will be accustomed to it and be ready. This includes weekends.

-  Nicotine / Alcohol / Caffeine are very Bad before bed. Don’t drink at least 3 hours before bed.  Drink tea instead!! (I swear I feel like Iroh sometimes. TEA!) Here are tea recipes for sleep ( x )  my personal fave is Sweet Sleep.

-  To get better sleep, use your bed for 2 things only: sleep and The Intimacy. (y’all should know what I’m talking about.)

- Make the room, dark /quiet /comfortable (i.e mattress is supportive and comfy. Lifetime for mattress is usually 9-10 years ) + room is cool (60-67 degrees)

- Avoid electronics at least 1-2 hours before bed.

- Do quiet activities at least an hour before bed. i.e reading (something boring), writing, meditating etc.

- If you are suffering from serious problems with sleeping, please call a professional to help! Cuz you might be suffering from some serious sleep disorders!

II. Myth-Busting

Q: I should drink milk before I go to bed.

A:       Depends. The  tryptophan in milk is not in such a large amount to induce sleep + it can sometimes make you feel full.  So really try an alternative light snack Here’s a list of good snacks to eat, and not to eat for that matter. (and no, milk doesn’t help you gain weight either.) In spite of all that, A cup of milk is good in moderation, but it’s effects is mostly psychological.

Q: I should count sheep before I go to bed

A:             NO NO NO. Counting sheep is not effective unless you are an ancient shepherd. To soothe their worries about (their sheeps ofc) they count them. A more effective way to soothe your anxiety is think of a pretty landscape like a waterfall or a beach.Of course,  if sheep counting works for you, that’s okay too!

Q: Everyone needs 8 hours of sleep at night!!

A:          It can definitely vary from person to person! For adolescents, it’s usually 7-9 hours. For adults, it’s usually 7-8 hours, but it can definitely vary around these ranges! Another thing about adolescents is that they have a different clock, they sleep later during the night and wake up late in the morning! (that’s why we are always tired cri)

Q: We fall asleep immediately.

A:       Not true! It takes an average of 14 minutes for a regular person to fall asleep. So make sure to plan that in your sleep cycle as well! (Go to bed 14 minute in advance to allow you time to fall asleep)

III. Napping

The best way to pay your sleep debt is through napping! But there is actually very specific times you need to nap. I advise not napping in the late afternoon (after 4:00pm) because it is too close to bedtime. I am gonna quote what @studygene  said in her sleeping masterpost cuz it was very accurate in helping me nap. (thank you tulip for being a blessing)

“ 1- 5 minutes (micro naps): great for shaking off sleepiness.

10-20 minutes (power naps): ideal for a boost of alertness and energy; usually limits your sleep at the Stage 1 and 2 of sleeping, making it easier to get up and get moving.

60 minutes: best for improving memorization. A little grogginess when waking up. Best before a presentation or meeting.

90 minutes (the full cycle): Improves creativity, emotional memory and procedural memory. Best before an impending deadline or a big test. Avoids sleep inertia and makes it easier to get up. “

Try to create a comfortable napping environment for yourself. Use some ~relaxing music~ to help you! Here’s some examples!

-Ghibli Cafe Jazz (my fave !!! the entire channel is A+++)

-Rainymood (great white noise I sob)

-Mi  Disney and Studio Ghibli playlist MPs

IIII. Misc.

Other Sleeping Masterposts

Lack of Sleep @studysthesia / @studyingzoo

Sleep? Sleep @studygene

Time To Sleep @ofminervas

Getting a good night’s sleep @highschoolering

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