
by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

A weekly roundup of the best writing links from around the web.

Twitterific writing links are fed into the Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine (developed by writer and software engineer Mike Fleming) which has over 39,000 free articles on writing related topics. It’s the search engine for writers.

Happy New Year!  Today I’ve got the top tweets from last year at the top of the post and then the rest of the tweets since my last Twitterific afterward. Oddly, some of the top tweets didn’t want to hyperlink…they were most uncooperative.  :(   If  you’re interested in those links, you could copy-paste them into your browser, and they’ll pull up. Sorry about the hassle. Hope you all have a great 2017!

Top Tweets 2016

Turn Off the Static So You Can Hear the Tiny Whisper:  http://ow.ly/wcj3306CD2b  @virginiafranken #TopTweets2016

6 Keys to Write a YA Novel That Connects With Teen Readers:  http://ow.ly/Xo80306y0ZK  by Eleanna Sbokou @write_practice #TopTweets2016

Is It Really Possible To Do It All?  http://ow.ly/drrJ306K4cJ  @KaraIsaac #TopTweets2016

Once Taboo, Gay Characters Are Taking Over YA Fiction:  http://ow.ly/rbTw306ONaA   @broadly  @mitchsunderland #TopTweets2016

Why Most Amazon Reader Reviews are Worthless:  http://ow.ly/VEnY306OMMs  @PeterRivaAuthor #TopTweets2016

11 Examples of Facebook Ads That Actually Work (And Why):  http://ow.ly/83An306OM5O  @soph_bern #TopTweets2016

7 Details You Need to Think About When Writing Historical Fiction:  http://ow.ly/dHrX306K1DH  @WarrenAdler #TopTweets2016

Building a Chapter for Emotional Impact:  http://ow.ly/pcgr306N5Pz  @kcraftwriter #TopTweets2016

12 stages of the Hero’s Journey With 2 Examples:  http://ow.ly/OKtw306N5rD  @DavidKThorpe #TopTweets2016

Mind Mapping for Authors:  http://ow.ly/YDao306pBOM  by Chris Fox #TopTweets2016

Copyright Rules for Settings:  ow.ly/PN7j305FxKb @SusanSpann  @RMFWriters #TopTweets2016

Mentor a Writer: Lessons from Biking: ow.ly/wFss30603p1 @FictionNotes #TopTweets2016

7 Tips for Avoiding Book Marketing Trends That No Longer Work:  http://ow.ly/neex305CDRM  @Bookgal #wkb71 @WritersDigest #TopTweets2016

Writing Tricks That Work: Transcribe Screenplays:  ow.ly/aV0y305LMmI @GoIntoTheStory #TopTweets2016

Slang, Jargon, Insider Lingo: 11 Ways to Make Dialogue Authentic:  ow.ly/5a2h305Ud4K @RuthHarrisBooks #TopTweets2016

17 Questions for Writers to Ask Themselves While Reading: ow.ly/gKq5305rC0l @Writers_Write #TopTweets2016

5 Tips on Writing & Illustrating Children’s Books:  ow.ly/Il0J305OeaL @inkyelbows #TopTweets2016

Mentally Ill Women Belong In Your Stories, Too:  ow.ly/d6KJ306gcSB  @gaileyfrey  @tordotcom  #TopTweets2016

5 Things Learned About a Writing Career While Running A Half-Marathon:  ow.ly/i0sX305FxNQ @TeeMonster  @ChuckWendig #TopTweets2016

Elements of a Good Story:  ow.ly/xwWY3063fsc  @CockeyedCaravan #TopTweets2016

Vampires: Origins, Evolution, and Role in Fantasy Fiction:  ow.ly/Cghq3063f2G  by Leo Elijah Cristea #TopTweets2016

The Importance of Fiction:  ow.ly/prfM305CzcE @KristineRusch #TopTweets2016

The Structure of a Murder Mystery:  ow.ly/QIc23067D2Z @woodwardkaren #TopTweets2016

4 Easy Ways to Market Your Book:  ow.ly/CAyc30604zX @Bookgal #TopTweets2016

20 Reasons Why You Should Read Literary Magazines:  ow.ly/3XdD3066yiX @nickripatrazone  @The_Millions #TopTweets2016

Writing Sad Scenes: Why to Avoid Tears:  ow.ly/iykX305CE7q @ryancaseybooks #TopTweets2016

Elizabeth S. Craig on Series Challenges, Writer’s Block, Tips for Goal-Setting: http://ow.ly/KLyQ307ysta @reethu_ravi #wkb44

How to Write When Life Turns Upside Down: ow.ly/Mh6O305vAHG @RuthanneReid #TopTweets2016

How to Write about Something You Know Nothing About:  ow.ly/4SKm305xRrq @marthamconway  @WomenWriters #TopTweets2016

On #NaNoWriMo and Finding Time:  http://ow.ly/x7gO305kkXF  @Ava_Jae #TopTweets2016

8 Ways To Salvage Your Yearly Writing Goals:  http://ow.ly/8Hyv305cWP6  @missriki #TopTweets2016

Increase #NaNoWriMo Success With Word Sprints:  http://ow.ly/5cqg305k6um  @WritersEdit   @KyraThomsen #TopTweets2016

5 Things To Do Before #NaNoWriMo:  http://ow.ly/Szvu305klMS  @KMHodgeAuthor  @WomenWriters #TopTweets2016

4 Writing Myths and Why They Suck the Ink out of Writers:  http://ow.ly/KuHY3058XlC  by Eric Roberts @ProWritingAid #TopTweets2016

Should You Go KDP Exclusive Or Go Wide? http://ow.ly/JDfH305rjSH @pippadacosta @susankayequinn @IndieAuthorALLI #TopTweets2016

7 reliable grammar resources for writers: http://ow.ly/TcoW3056g8A  @nownovel #TopTweets2016

Pitch Your Novel Perfectly:  http://ow.ly/xI0H3051fWm  @SusanSpann #TopTweets2016

15 Story Beats to Keep Your #NaNoWriMo Novel on Track:  http://ow.ly/iGWm305k6Sc  @HeatherJacksonW #TopTweets2016

#NaNoWriMo Prep: Using Positive Reinforcement And Rewards:  http://ow.ly/8hK4305k79A  @KhaosFoxe #TopTweets2016

5 Types of #NaNoWriMo Participants and the Tools You Need:  http://ow.ly/tXWK305kkZD  @Magic_Violinist #TopTweets2016

3 ways sentences turn: http://ow.ly/BQBu305hM8X  @kseniaanske #TopTweets2016

Fear of success is more debilitating than fear of failure:  http://ow.ly/UWQy305aSSb  @annerallen #TopTweets2016

Paul Beatty: 1st American to Win Man Booker Prize:  http://ow.ly/mAsw305CSGI  @ManBookerPrize @Porter_Anderson #TopTweets2016

How To Write 50,000 Words In A Month With @grantfaulkner   http://ow.ly/pcaT305kmav  @thecreativepenn #TopTweets2016

Writing To Find The Hero In Ourselves:  http://ow.ly/u7de304G4QU   @cpbhaven #TopTweets2016

3 Ways To Use The Setting To Steer Your Story’s Plot:  http://ow.ly/WOCE305euao  @AngelaAckerman #TopTweets2016

Stephen King’s 20 Tips for Becoming a Frighteningly Good Writer:  http://ow.ly/ehMs305j8kn  @GlenLong #TopTweets2016

10 Creativity Catalysts to Win #NaNoWriMo:  http://ow.ly/rgiF305kokY  @joebunting #TopTweets2016

Plan Your #NaNoWriMo Novel In 15-Minute Sessions:  http://ow.ly/RW6A305kkR9  @Write_Tomorrow #TopTweets2016

UK’s Man Booker Prize Shortlist of 6 Books:  http://ow.ly/wa43304dnCY  @Porter_Anderson @pubperspectives #TopTweets2016

Using Twitter to Make Powerful Connections:  http://ow.ly/ybgY3043Ona  @dkparsonswriter for @JaneFriedman #TopTweets2016

24 Most Controversial Books of All Time:  http://ow.ly/Uoei303zmgh  by Nicholas Politan @ElectricLit #TopTweets2016

Ethics of Writing About Your Kids: http://ow.ly/XuDS3043LXG  @HitlessWonder   @heatherklanier  @AmyMonticello  #TopTweets2016

Authors using ‘trigger warnings’ to indicate disturbing content:  http://ow.ly/CNSy3047IwN @Porter_Anderson @writerunboxed #TopTweets2016

Why Can’t Irish Writers Escape the Sea? http://ow.ly/dk4C303DGkS  @Creative_Career #TopTweets2016

After publishing an acclaimed novel, writer ‘promptly went broke’:  http://ow.ly/Bo7V304lOpX  @merritttierce @marieclaire #TopTweets2016

Writing Authentic Settings And Keeping A Series Fresh:  http://ow.ly/1Phq304EIAb  @tobywneal  @thecreativepenn #TopTweets2016

Dos and Don’ts of Writing About the Disabled:  http://ow.ly/dKl8303wecB  @nicolaz @lithub #TopTweets2016

How to Write a First Draft:  http://ow.ly/hThX304fp6L  @hodgeswriter #TopTweets2016

Starting a Writing Business:  http://ow.ly/KRKR303zm9t  @Rachel_Aaron #TopTweets2016

Writing About People Who Don’t Look Like You: Empathy as Craft:  http://ow.ly/gBbo303AIN5   @brandonrambles #TopTweets2016

3 Ways to Hack Your Environment to Help You Create:  http://ow.ly/vQq4303Ng3i  @fosslien  @molliewest #TopTweets2016

Plotting Film Noir:  http://ow.ly/nRFM3040N0g  @KieronMoore #TopTweets2016

Is too much pre-writing immobilizing you?  http://ow.ly/oa9i304Jh8G #TopTweets2016

47 Tips Writers Need When Their Creativity Goes AWOL:  http://ow.ly/VyTb304kUN5  @LauraJTong @writetodone #TopTweets2016

The pantsing vs plotting debate:  http://ow.ly/sZJN303EDcr   @AkileshAyyar  @The_Millions #TopTweets2016

One question to make your novel sell: does it turn? http://ow.ly/VpPE304kVwd  @kseniaanske #TopTweets2016

Dialogue and Subtext: The Spoken and the Unspoken:  http://ow.ly/AmMV303N8Su  by Joni Fisher @WomenWriters #TopTweets2016

9 Lessons Learned About Writing From Walking 100km In A Weekend:  http://ow.ly/pn13303oikM  @thecreativepenn #TopTweets2016

How to Write Dialogue in a Narrative Paragraph:  http://ow.ly/jK3H302rXjD  @ProWritingAid #TopTweets2016

The Geek Writer: Using Technology to Self-Publish Your Novel:  http://ow.ly/8idE3031KAb  @ProWritingAid #TopTweets2016

How did children’Â’s lit evolve from prim morality tales to Captain Underpants? http://ow.ly/JjAE303dyTU  @xwaldie  @Slate #TopTweets2016

Tips for better query letters:  http://ow.ly/myG8303FLys  @Michelle4Laughs @TheIWSG #TopTweets2016

The 5 Most Common Mistakes Writers Make When Seeking Book Reviews:  http://ow.ly/BEWQ303qAUZ  @CSLakin #TopTweets2016

Aaron Sorkin On How To Write A Gripping Monologue:  http://ow.ly/Rfgi303b4W5  @woodwardkaren #TopTweets2016

Worldbuilding Tips from the UK Editor of The Martian:  http://ow.ly/J3Wg303qALu   @mjcr  @ReedsyHQ #TopTweets2016

5 Emerging Women Authors Intimately Explore Place: http://ow.ly/quzp303a0wc  @KristenRadtke  @ElectricLit #TopTweets2016

How to Find and Reach Influencers to Promote Your Book:  http://ow.ly/DhvX302UWUH  @AngelaAckerman #TopTweets2016

Let Go of Perfectionism:  http://ow.ly/M3zR303b4PD  @woodwardkaren #TopTweets2016

The Difference Between Beta Readers and ARC Readers:  http://ow.ly/qJ4V302QWlP  @MelissaFlicks @BadRedheadMedia #TopTweets2016

10 Steps to a Successful Book Launch:  http://ow.ly/QfoX302ZB46  @msheatherwebb #TopTweets2016

10 Steps to an Unputdownable Book:  http://ow.ly/GDxh302ZsHj  @nownovel #TopTweets2016

Creativity has its seasons:  http://ow.ly/nm3K303aV6u  @austinkleon #TopTweets2016

6 Tips For Getting More Traffic on your Author Blog:  http://ow.ly/IPJv302tcwA  @annerallen #TopTweets2016

How to Plot If You Hate Plotting:  http://ow.ly/ciga303l4C2   @brianawrites #TopTweets2016

When Is Your Writing Done?  http://ow.ly/LKeK303jxa1  @Lindasclare #TopTweets2016

How to Get the Story Out of Your Head and Onto the Page:  http://ow.ly/ROGB302y5wg  @jennienash #TopTweets2016

Burn after Reading: On Writerly Self-Immolation:  http://ow.ly/Yr2S302Xfpu  @nickripatrazone  @The_Millions #TopTweets2016

Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Potato Leek Asparagus Soup #recipe @LucyBurdette http://bit.ly/29mk5dt  @CleoCoyle #TopTweets2016

8 steps to finding a writing routine that works for you:  http://ow.ly/Hx1E301dhek  @word_smiths @Write_Track #TopTweets2016

Paris Bookstore Offers Print-on-Demand:  http://ow.ly/e4EJ301Fxfq  @pressfuturist @pubperspectives #TopTweets2016

Helpful editing tools:  http://ow.ly/6Waq301nRk7  @nancylin90 #TopTweets2016

What Getting Published At 16 Teaches About Becoming a Writer:  http://ow.ly/FWW0302iAsM  @BannerCatherine @lithub #TopTweets2016

5 Reasons You Should Still Pursue a Traditional Book Contract:  http://ow.ly/iuzt301tA0Y  @tinaannforkner   @WomenWriters #TopTweets2016

Reading habits and the Classics with Bestselling Author @KMWeiland :  http://ow.ly/13bP301ZyHh  @thewritingtrain #TopTweets2016

Why Calvin and Hobbes is Great Literature:  http://ow.ly/yX2Q302lHKg  @GabbyBellot @lithub #TopTweets2016

How Horror Author @peterstraubnyc Crafts His Opening Chapters:  http://ow.ly/QqrV301Yzii  by Tina L. Jens @BlackGateDotCom #TopTweets2016

Artists: how to graciously say no to anyone and free up creative time:  http://ow.ly/yAyg301B0hb  @austinkleon #TopTweets2016

How to turn your Word doc into a finished book in fewer than 10 min: http://ow.ly/8PfO302HNfy  @ReedsyHQ @RicardoFayet #TopTweets2016

Elizabeth S Craig ‏@elizabethscraig  26 Dec 2016

5 Reasons You Should Still Pursue a Traditional Book Contract:  http://ow.ly/iuzt301tA0Y   @tinaannforkner   @WomenWriters

5 Obstacles Every Writer Must Face and How to Overcome Them:  http://ow.ly/AGYN301QVkJ   @ChadRAllen #TopTweets2016

8 Classic Openings and Why They Work:  http://ow.ly/S9hi302kB6r   @robvlock #TopTweets2016

How to Choose, Develop, & Research a Setting:  http://ow.ly/oKsy302qwB8   @tessaemilyhall #TopTweets2016

Flip Your Characters To Twist A Plot:  http://ow.ly/HHqg300wknI   @Writers_Write #TopTweets2016

10 ways to get more writing done:  http://ow.ly/diEJ300tBIc   @Creativindie #TopTweets2016

Auditioning an editor:  http://ow.ly/XSZe300VSpC    @ColeHeartedGirl @RWANYC #TopTweets2016

10 Ways to Win with WordPress:  http://ow.ly/i5es300p69o  @jonreed @publishingtalk #TopTweets2016

7 Ways to Make Your Historical Novel Come Alive: http://ow.ly/9vHL301feOo   by Alison Love @WritersDigest #TopTweets2016

Using Minor Characters to Explore Theme:  http://ow.ly/GbKY300WqRe   @dougeboch #TopTweets2016

How To Find  The End”:  http://ow.ly/Iqgd301aSdR   @HazelGaynor  @WomenWriters #TopTweets2016

What Makes a Book Successful? A Case Study of 4 Bestselling Books:  http://ow.ly/QLNp300HbCO   @sabsky #TopTweets2016

How to write science fiction:  http://ow.ly/is6F300p5YQ   @MDeAbaitua @publishingtalk #TopTweets2016

‘The Last Book My Father Read’: After Decades of Hard Work, a Retirement in Books: http://ow.ly/BKO8301piKM   by Patrick Ryan #TopTweets2016

How a writer wrote 29 stories in 29 days:  http://ow.ly/s4YX301dgNM   @sophiegood @Write_Track #TopTweets2016

The Next Novel You Read May Have Been Chosen by a Computer:  http://ow.ly/WbwZ300SAgL   @chelsebaum @ElectricLit #TopTweets2016

Is ‘Confessional Poetry’ still a relevant term? http://ow.ly/EHaM301fe78   @desi_writers @MominaMela #Toptweets2016

Why You Should Take Your Book Publishing Contract to a Lawyer:  http://ow.ly/hrqG300Q8UE   @monicamclark #TopTweets2016

Troubled Waters: Causeways of Shingle, Sand, and Ice in Horror:  http://ow.ly/cny33012CEi   @ThisIsHorror by V.H. Leslie #TopTweets2016

George Orwell’s Personal Guide on the Motivation to Write:  http://ow.ly/2o8x301aRYr   @katekrake #TopTweets2016

Mentoring Women Writers:  http://ow.ly/gWvt300Nimi   @mandajjennings @WomenWriters #TopTweets2016

How to Create a Successful Protagonist:  http://ow.ly/3bij301aTkR   @josephrbates #TopTweets2016

Winning the World’s Largest Online Writing Contest:  http://ow.ly/RmSV300Hy3G   @ReedsyHQ @oakenthoughts #TopTweets2016

12 Ways Not to Write a Mystery Novel:  http://ow.ly/ChGo3060tpq  by Jacqueline Diamond for @annerallen  #TopTweets2016

The @nytimes is doing a series on writing spaces called ‘A Writer’s Room’: http://ow.ly/SxKa300EbvO  #TopTweets2016

Maintaining Passion for a Story:  http://ow.ly/4njCoB   @stdennard #TopTweets2016

Interview with @mark_haddon on banned books, hate speech and childhood memories:  http://ow.ly/Pnf830084sI   @danpjsheehan #TopTweets2016

Simple Tricks to Unstick Your Plot: Where Is Everyone? http://ow.ly/4nmv05   @stdennard #TopTweets2016

Why rural lives and literature are in crisis:  http://ow.ly/uxaE3002jKn   @thelithub by Matthew Neill Null #TopTweets2016

Small Talk & Escape Plans: A Holiday Survival Guide for Introverts:  http://ow.ly/aDCD307qs9I  by Lindsay Hood @livequiet #wkb31

.@SalmanRushdie on Poetry, Being a Reader, and Going to the Movies:  http://ow.ly/oZ54300mmGE    @holdengraber @thelithub #TopTweets2016

6 Ways To Tell the Difference Between a Supportive and Toxic Writer:  http://ow.ly/DELn3009Xh7   @DCampoamor  @WritersDigest #TopTweets2016

The Point When Everything Changes:  http://ow.ly/4nmuN4   @stdennard #TopTweets2016

Writing:  When It’’s Not Like a Movie:  http://ow.ly/kSGJ300d3F0   @joeberhardt #TopTweets2016

Battling Tired Tropes: Hate-at-First-Sight Love Stories:  http://ow.ly/4njCr2   @stdennard #TopTweets2016

5 reasons listening to audiobooks can improve our writing:  http://ow.ly/4mYAB6   @JasonMHough #TopTweets2016

15 Ways to Boost Your Social Media Marketing in Under an Hour:  http://ow.ly/jrgd3002abG   @Ashread_  @buffer #TopTweets2016

Productivity of pulp writers:  http://ow.ly/Zc7P300evox   @DeanWesleySmith #TopTweets2016

3 Steps to Reinvigorating Your Writing:  http://ow.ly/4npgpJ   @chicklitgurrl #TopTweets2016

5 Comparisons Not To Make For Your Book:  http://ow.ly/4n6nId   @ChuckSambuchino #TopTweets2016

Stephen King: What We Can’’t Say Enough:  http://ow.ly/4ns9oE   @JonathanJanz #TopTweets2016

The Literary Spy Novel: 5 Recommendations:  http://ow.ly/4n1XmY   @paulvidich @ElectricLit #TopTweets2016

How to Turn an Idea into a Story:  http://ow.ly/4nuClk   @DelilahSDawson #TopTweets2016

Building Blocks of a Novel: Paragraphs: http://ow.ly/10v6O0   @JulieEshbaugh #TopTweets2016

How to Write a Novella:  http://ow.ly/10iU7m   @EvaDeverell #TopTweets2016

Plot Don’’t Preach: The Art of Picture Book Writing:  http://ow.ly/ZM6mj   by Sue Bradford Edwards @womenonwriting

10 Tips to Pitch Your Book to Review Bloggers:  http://ow.ly/10pcVn   @missriki #TopTweets2016

How Targeting Genre Can Make a Difference in Your Writing Career:  http://ow.ly/103Xau   @CSLakin #TopTweets2016

Breaking down the 98 Bookbub tips:  http://ow.ly/103XgI   @zackheim #TopTweets2016

On Not Writing: An Illustrated Guide to Anxieties: http://ow.ly/ZM5EJ   by Ingrid Rojas Contreras @ElectricLit #TopTweets2016

Top 50 Websites for Indie Authors:  http://ow.ly/10r2YL   @Bookgal #TopTweets2016

Imposter Syndrome and the Writing Community: http://ow.ly/4mMw5j   @jules_chronicle for @ava_jae #TopTweets2016

Give Your Latest Book a Boost With Home Page Branding:  http://ow.ly/10e4Ms    @cksyme #TopTweets2016

15 Steps to Self-Pub and Record an Audiobook for $85: http://ow.ly/103WAi   @Miles_Anthony #TopTweets2016

6 Ways to Make Your Villain Likable:  http://ow.ly/4mMvXY   @mythcreants  by Chris Winkle #TopTweets2016

How much does it cost to self-publish a book? @ReedsyHQ shares its data:  http://goo.gl/IiGPGT  #TopTweets2016

Writing About History: Truth or Dare: http://ow.ly/4mL9FR   @NatachaTormey @womenwriters #TopTweets2016

7 Must-Have Features for Great Author Website Design:  http://ow.ly/4mMuXy   @ferol #TopTweets2016

5 Tips To Sustain You While Querying:  http://ow.ly/4mIV5n   @kcraftwriter #TopTweets2016

3 Common Qualities for Science Fiction Lovers:  http://ow.ly/10iUnv   @PeevishPenman #TopTweets2016

How Romance Writers Woo Readers Through Facebook:  http://ow.ly/ZZujo   @rcutlerSpark @bookworksnyc #TopTweets2016

3 Top Tips For Delivering A Sensational Speech:  http://ow.ly/10nzb0   @Writers_Write #TopTweets2016

The Logistics of World Building: Algebra for Fantasy Writers: http://ow.ly/ZBfub   @brianstaveley @tordotcom #TopTweets2016

6 Illustrations That Show What It’s Like in an Introvert’s Head:  http://ow.ly/ZzsT4   @fosslien @molliewest @livequiet #TopTweets2016

The High School English Teacher Who Changed My Life: 12 Writers Reflect:  http://ow.ly/ZibhA   @nickripatrazone @lithub #TopTweets2016

The Diversity of Today’s Cutting Edge Sci-Fi:  http://ow.ly/Zx1X5   @soniagracelm @fantasyfaction #TopTweets2016

Terrible Writing Advice From Famous Writers:  http://ow.ly/Zx0JN   by Danielle Dutton @lithub #TopTweets2016

6 Lessons from ‘Still Writing’ by Dani Shapiro:  http://ow.ly/Zx1In   @karenmarston #TopTweets2016

How to run a Kindle Scout campaign:  http://ow.ly/Z7dvk    @CindyRMarsch @indieauthoralli #TopTweets2016

Surviving Writer Envy:  http://ow.ly/YIyHq   @msheatherwebb @writerunboxed #TopTweets2016

The Things We Do to Promote the Books We Write:  http://ow.ly/Zi4Ys   @summerbrennan @lithub #TopTweets2016

How To Overcome Distraction And Finish Your Book:  http://ow.ly/ZtmBC   @standoutbooks #TopTweets2016

An app for writing faster (that suggests we’re writing all wrong): http://ow.ly/Zi4BZ   @Jacob_Brogan @FutureTenseNow #TopTweets2016

“Everything I Need to Know about Dialogue, I Learned from Aaron Sorkin”: http://ow.ly/Yyo2K   by Dave King @writerunboxed #TopTweets2016

The ominous ordinary: horror writers finding scares in the everyday:  http://ow.ly/ZfrBb   @damiengwalter @guardianbooks #TopTweets2016

5 Valuable Writing Tips from Madeleine L’’Engle:  http://ow.ly/Zx09q    @ladieswhowrite #TopTweets2016

How to Pitch Your Book to Review Bloggers and Not Get Ignored:  http://ow.ly/Zl4Qw   @missriki @lithub #TopTweets2016

Class, Imperialism, and The Man in the Yellow Hat:  http://ow.ly/Z84rz   @SheenaKFallon @electriclit #TopTweets2016

Tips for Writing through the Holidays:  http://ow.ly/KB1T307mUsn  @aimiekrunyan #wkb31

3 Common Qualities for Science Fiction Lovers:  http://ow.ly/Zi3EU   @PeevishPenman #TopTweets2016

17 characters who found a fresh start in the apocalypse: http://ow.ly/Ztngl    @TheAVClub #TopTweets2016

Ways Writers Can Vanish from the Literary World: http://ow.ly/ZoGVa   @poetrynews @cindyskylar #TopTweets2016

10 Great Vanishings in Literature: A Reading List:  http://ow.ly/ZfrTE    @IdraNovey @electriclit #TopTweets2016

Building a Relationship with Readers:  http://ow.ly/XT264    @ronvitale #TopTweets2016

Amazon Search URL Anatomy: ISBN, Ref, and Keywords:  http://ow.ly/YfABK    @DaveChesson #TopTweets2016

Trailer parks in crime fiction: http://ow.ly/YQrxg   @mkinberg #TopTweets2016

16 Self-publishing Predictions:  http://ow.ly/XIJ0C   @DebbieYoungBN #TopTweets2016

The Unlikely Character That Will Take Over Your Story:  http://ow.ly/Y2DnJ   @Chris_Kokoski #TopTweets2016

Why Successful Writers Need To Do More Than Write:  http://ow.ly/XMUum   @bwilliamsbooks #TopTweets2016

Why So Many People Write at Starbucks:  http://ow.ly/YcEvA   @Larry_Kahaner #TopTweets2016

3 Reasons Your Books Aren’’t Getting Amazon Reviews:  http://ow.ly/XXVXV    @nmeunier #TopTweets2016

7 Tips for Using Hands-On Research to Enrich Your Writing:  http://ow.ly/Y3uaY   @DelilahSDawson #TopTweets2016

Indies get a free book formatting tool from @ReedsyHQ: http://ow.ly/YnttM   @Porter_Anderson #TopTweets2016

How a Writer Turned Her Blog Into A Book : http://ow.ly/Xjh7U   @hungrywriting @womenwriters #TopTweets2016

Beware the “Writing Rules Police”: http://ow.ly/2QyX305UgmJ  @annerallen #TopTweets2016

Should Educators Be Writers?  http://ow.ly/YreWX   @MrsSokolowski #TopTweets2016

Why authors shouldn’t worry about selfpub book launch sales: http://ow.ly/Y2CZ2   @JohnDoppler @IndieAuthorALLI

7 Steps to Jumpstart Kobo eBook Sales:  http://ow.ly/YkLjG    @Miles_Anthony #TopTweets2016

A Room of One’’s Own: the Place in One’’s Head:  http://ow.ly/XIIWU   @jaqhazell @womenwriters #TopTweets2016

5 tips to protect ourselves from copyright infringement violations:  http://ow.ly/Yfy5r   @pokercubster #TopTweets2016

How to market YA fiction (and get more book reviews):  http://ow.ly/YrebN   @Creativindie #TopTweets2016

How to Write a Fight Scene in 11 Steps:  http://ow.ly/Yt0Of    @betternovelproj #TopTweets2016

Awards Notes: Frankfurt’s Best Adaptation and the Arabic Fiction Award:  http://ow.ly/oXb4307ihQb  @Porter_Anderson #wkb64

Accidental Outdated Slang in YA:  http://ow.ly/WyMtz  @HeatherJacksonW #TopTweets2016

“10 Misconceptions a College Education Taught Me about Writing”:  http://ow.ly/ti9H305Ufgd  @annerallen  #TopTweets2016

6 Quick Tips for Author Marketing:  http://ow.ly/Wp4jY   @kayelleallen #TopTweets2016

A Novel Performance: 30 Days In Seattle’s Central Library:  http://ow.ly/WlR5j   by Gabriela Denise Frank #TopTweets2016

Writing Characters with Mental Health Issues:  http://ow.ly/WR4FZ   @oliviavetrano #TopTweets2016

Be Realistic About Your Writing Resolutions: 5 Tips:  http://ow.ly/WxmGN  @writers_write #TopTweets2016

Crime fiction: when a character finds a body in his home: http://ow.ly/iZnS307iqX9  @mkinberg #wkb44

George RR Martin: when writers just can’t finish their books: http://ow.ly/XgpEj   @guardianbooks @michelledean #TopTweets2016

Talking Taboo: Writing About Sensitive Topics:  http://ow.ly/X9K25   from The Daily Post #TopTweets2016

A History of Punctuation for the Internet Age:  http://ow.ly/WKgDM   @AdrienneRaphel @NewYorker #TopTweets2016

How to Write a Novel Worthy of Publishing: http://ow.ly/WH1Tu   @MCristianoWrite #TopTweets2016

7 Lessons from 1 Writer’s 1st Year as a Published Author:  http://ow.ly/WirkF   @MelindaFriesen #TopTweets2016

17 Christmas gifts for writers:  http://ow.ly/QEdX307it6S  @pubcoach #wkb31

5 Marketing Models for Self-Publishing Success:  http://ow.ly/XH3Fn   @JaneFriedman #TopTweets2016

5 Writing Apps to Help You Finish that Book: http://ow.ly/X3bmG   @DIYMFA #TopTweets2016

How to Know Your Characters More Intimately:  http://ow.ly/Wg8HG    @BenSchmitt5 #TopTweets2016

Can Better Writing Make Climate Change Less Polarizing? http://ow.ly/S0y0307ihe3  @MarkPiesing @pubperspectives #wkb89

WordPress: 5 Themes for Writers and Readers:  http://ow.ly/X9L54   by Cheri Lucas Rowlands #TopTweets2016

Creativity and Inspiration / Miscellaneous

5 Benefits of Using a Typewriter on Your First Draft @GiveMeYourTeeth

Creativity and Inspiration / Goal setting

5 Ways to Turn Inspiration into Results @katekrake

Creativity and Inspiration / Inspiration

3 Ways In Which Music Can Inspire Writing @rsmollisonread

Reading while writing @nevalalee

15 Inspiring, Unique Settings to Write @cathysbaker

Creativity and Inspiration / Productivity / Writing Quickly

How to Create a Progress Bar @JMNeyGrimm

Use Skeleton Outlines to Write Faster @Jenn_Mattern

Creativity and Inspiration / Success

9 Nighttime Routines of the Mega-Successful @Inc

Creativity and Inspiration / Writing Life

Avoid These Regrets on the Writing Journey @EdieMelson

10 Experienced Writers on the Power of Gratitude @colleen_m_story

9 Questions Writers Hate to be Asked @LitReactor

How Writers Can Walk the Tightrope of Work and Life @BadRedheadMedia

5 Ways to Nurture Your Creativity During Christmas @SusanMayWarren

Your Found-in-Fiction Cautionary Holiday Travel Guide @Keith_Rice1

7 Packing Tips to Lighten the Writer’s Voyage @PatPDonovan

Focus On Lessons Learned Not Tasks Complete @katekrake

17 Christmas gifts for writers @pubcoach

Small Talk & Escape Plans @livequiet

Genres / Fantasy

The appeal of monsters in fiction @FaithBoughan

Genres / Mystery

Cozy Mystery Writing @woodwardkaren

Crime fiction @mkinberg

Elizabeth S. Craig on Series Challenges, Writer’s Block, Tips for Goal-Setting @reethu_ravi

Genres / Screenwriting

Mid Point Pit Stop [Because Your Screenplay Is Too Long] @ozzywood

Genres / Young Adult

Top 5 Tips For Writing Compelling Young Adult Fiction: by Jessica Clausen

Promo / Miscellaneous

Pointers for Writing Book Discussion Questions @ZoeMMcCarthy

How to Conduct a Year-End Review for Your Writing @Kristen_E_Pope

How to Double up or Triple up on Your Book Promotion @Naked_Determina

Promo / Ads

11 Examples of Facebook Ads That Actually Work (And Why) @soph_bern

Promo / Blogging

Eight Tips For Sustainable Blogging @postaday

Promo / Book Descriptions and Copywriting

4 Hot Tips To Writing A Sell Sheet’s Calls-To-Action @jckunzjr

Promo / Book Reviews

Why Most Amazon Reader Reviews are Worthless @PeterRivaAuthor

How to print advance reader copy (ARC) books using @IngramSpark @Wogahn

Promo / Newsletters

Newsletters @clarewhitmell

Cleaning up a newsletter subscriber list @JamiGold

Publishing / Miscellaneous

A Book Production Checklist for Indie Authors @carlaking

Create A Great Book Dedication In 4 Easy Steps @jckunzjr

The Future Of Books @thecreativepenn

Publishing / News / International Publishing

Comparing European Book Fairs @Porter_Anderson

Modest Growth in Italy’s Publishing Sector @pubperspectives

Awards Notes @Porter_Anderson

Publishing / Process / Contracts

Negotiating Editorial Control in Publishing Contracts @MattKnightBooks

Publishing / Process / Legalities

US Publishers Tell Trump @Porter_Anderson

Writing Craft / Miscellaneous

30+ Words To Watch Out For As You Write @LizaWiemer

Building a Chapter for Emotional Impact @kcraftwriter

How to Hook the Reader: by J.U. Scribe

Can Better Writing Make Climate Change Less Polarizing? @MarkPiesing @pubperspectives

Writing Craft / Arc

12 stages of the Hero’s Journey With 2 Examples @DavidKThorpe

Writing Craft / Beginnings

Your First Act is not a plot device @MikhaeylaK

Writing Craft / Characters / Arc

Questions to Help You Come Up with Archetypes and Character Arcs @CSLakin

Writing Craft / Characters / Development

5 Tips for Writing Appealing Characters @WritersDigest

Writing Craft / Conflict

Use Conflict to Propel Your Story Forward @ml_keller

Writing Craft / Diversity

Diversity is the Point at Swedish Children’s Book Publisher @Porter_Anderson

Once Taboo, Gay Characters Are Taking Over YA Fiction @mitchsunderland

Writing Craft / Literary Devices

How to Uncover the Magic of Metaphor @LHowardWrites

Writing Craft / POV

Heat Up Point of View for Greater Reader Empathy @jamesscottbell

Writing Craft / Pre-Writing / Outlining

An Outline for Pantsers @WritersDigest

Writing Craft / Revisions / Critiques

Need a Book Editor? 4 Factors to Help You Find the Perfect Fit @outsideeye

6 Ways To Organize Beta Reader Feedback @sacha_black


What I’ve Learned in 2016 – by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig 2016 felt like a very busy year for me, alt…

Twitterific Writing Links – by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig A weekly roundup of the best writing links …

How to Write a Novel Worthy of Publishing @MCristianoWrite #TopTweets2016

“10 Misconceptions a College Education Taught Me about Writing” @annerallen #TopTweets2016

Beware the “Writing Rules Police” @annerallen #TopTweets2016

Why So Many People Write at Starbucks @Larry_Kahaner #TopTweets2016

Top 50 Websites for Indie Authors @Bookgal #TopTweets2016

12 Ways Not to Write a Mystery Novel @annerallen #TopTweets2016

The Next Novel You Read May Have Been Chosen by a Computer @ElectricLit #TopTweets2016

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