
 by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

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(developed by writer and software engineer Mike Fleming) which has over 19,000
free articles on writing related topics. It's the search engine for writers.

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Mike Fleming worked with author and
writing coach James Scott Bell to offer an online, interactive, writing program
to help make your next novel great. It's called "Knockout Novel" and
you can learn more about it at Knockout

Big news for BEA--6 top indies have a
booth. Is the BEA ready? http://bit.ly/16em6Vl
@bellaandre @cjlyonswriter @Porter_Anderson @hughhowey

Garroting as a
murder method in crime fiction: http://bit.ly/Z7qbHM

Can we love our second book as much as
our first? http://bit.ly/Z7z97L @HartJohnson

What do authors owe publishers?Ann
Patchett's remarks in @thebookseller cause furor: http://bit.ly/12JdgKp @MickRooney7777

The need for self-pub work to be
well-produced--and the associated costs: http://bit.ly/13L23dw
@miralsattar @Porter_Anderson

Creating great blurbs from negative
reviews: http://wapo.st/18iREXv
@RonCharles @washingtonpost

How to Write a Book in 3 Days: Lessons
from Michael Moorcock: http://bit.ly/14EMh3g
via @this_distracted

3 Ways to Add Repetition That Pleases
Readers: http://bit.ly/14YQyOJ @KMWeiland

A closer look at Amazon's fan fiction
program, Kindle Worlds: http://bit.ly/11jgGp4
@flourish @scalzi @Porter_Anderson

A free directory of
cover designers, formatters, freelance editors, and more: http://bit.ly/nolbXq

The Search Engine for Writers: http://hiveword.com/wkb/search

11 Ways Stay-at-Home Moms (and Other Busy
Folks) Can Find Time to Write: http://bit.ly/10wUfYe
@KMWeiland @devtflaherty

The Reality of Writing for Content Mills
— 14 Writers' True Stories: http://bit.ly/15vRwWQ

Why We (and our characters) Fall in Love:
http://bit.ly/10wUO4v @FaeRowen

5 Writing Lessons 1 Writer Learned from
Being an Editor: http://bit.ly/15vRFJO
@diymfa @emilywenstrom

A reluctant poet: http://bit.ly/10wVarJ

The Rule of Three in Writing: http://bit.ly/15vSd2q @SKRViLL

Getting Comfy with the Discomfort: http://bit.ly/10wX2km @SarahrCallender

What 1 writer loves about notebooks: http://bit.ly/15vTkiP @Jennifer_Castle

Speculative fiction: the superset of all
possible literature: http://bit.ly/10xal4g

Washington Post's Outlook avoids these
words and phrases: http://bit.ly/15wNPjO

Why The End Of Professional Magazines May
Be In Sight: http://bit.ly/10xNnKq

Selling Yourself as a Writer: http://bit.ly/15wO12x @robertleebrewer

Labels of an introverted writer: http://bit.ly/10xNJk9 @hopeclark @danasitar

The Point of the Paperback: http://bit.ly/15wOtOg @nicholebernier

Inventing New From Old: http://bit.ly/15wOxNQ @mooderino

3 Storytelling Methods to Improve Your
Writing or Speaking: http://bit.ly/10xO5qZ
@dennisbrooke @bloggingbistro

3 Ways to Reuse Your Research: http://bit.ly/15wOJNj

"I Love Your Story Anyway!" --
Tales From the Unintended Audience: http://bit.ly/10iAzdQ

10 tips for handling public pressure and
online vitriol without losing it: http://bit.ly/10NQ1KG

7 Tips for Choosing Your Book Cover Art: http://bit.ly/10iAE15 @charmaineclancy

Maximizing Your Fallow Season: http://bit.ly/10NQf4u @JMHochstetler

How to Write Great Analogies: http://bit.ly/10NQUmx @ava_jae

8 Types of People Who Attend Writing
Conferences: http://bit.ly/10iBhaW

Converting Posts to Resource Pages: http://bit.ly/10NRCjG @JFBookman

When The Writing Challenges Are All
Mental: http://bit.ly/10NRH7b

Don't Be a Hater: On Lit Mags and Their
Covers: http://bit.ly/10iBsTB @grubwriters

Do We Expect Too Much Realism in Our
Stories? http://bit.ly/10NRUXW

Robert Frost's 10 favorite books: http://bit.ly/10iBD1f @csmonitor

11 quick + dirty things about writing: http://bit.ly/10NSAwv @justinemusk

2 tips to help you build your online
presence: http://bit.ly/10iBURN

Writers Writing About Writers Writing
About …  http://bit.ly/10NSO6J

What It Takes to Be a Real Author CEO: http://bit.ly/10iBYks @kristenlambtx

The Sting of a Negative Review: http://bit.ly/10NT0CY @V_Rossibooks

Busting publishing myths: http://bit.ly/10iCaQJ @rachellegardner

Self Esteem and Avant-Garde Cinema: http://bit.ly/10NTcC8 @scriptmag

Literary Agents Are Watching Blogs &
Amazon Bestseller Lists: http://bit.ly/10iChMl

7 Publishing Tips 1 Writer Learned at the
Writer's Digest Conference: http://bit.ly/10NTjxI

Making a Social Media Marketing Calendar:
http://bit.ly/10iCmPY @vgrefer

How To Get Honest Book Reviews: http://bit.ly/12rcgco @woodwardkaren

What do readers want from front matter
and end matter? http://bit.ly/YOxBQ0

When you don't want a blog--the basic
author website: http://bit.ly/YOyc4j

25 Tactics to Promote Your Blog via
Facebook and Twitter: http://bit.ly/12reh8B

The Short Story on Structuring Your Short
Story: http://bit.ly/12remsV @storyfix

The Real Reason Why Science Fiction
Westerns Are Such a Hard Sell: http://bit.ly/YOytEn

An analysis of 1 book's opening: http://bit.ly/12reKaJ @Janice_hardy

Physical attribute thesaurus--head: http://bit.ly/YOyBUj @angelaackerman

Your Website Images - Be Careful What You
Delete: http://bit.ly/YOyHeH @karencv

Top 20 Greatest Sci-Fi & Fantasy TV
Show Finales: http://bit.ly/12rf75b

Five Year Writing Plans: http://bit.ly/YOyRmc

"Most contemporary literary fiction
is terrible" : http://bit.ly/12695X5
@salon @jrobertlennon

Tips for effective linking in WordPress
blogs: http://bit.ly/10ICCJL

Burning the Manuscripts: http://bit.ly/1269EjS @henriettepower

Spice Up Your Writing: http://bit.ly/10ICXMB

Trading favors and our integrity: http://bit.ly/126a5dY @KSElliott_Shark

Advice for trad. published writers now
interested in self-pub: http://bit.ly/10IDqi3

The Numbers Game: What to do after you've
submitted a short story: http://bit.ly/10IDuy6

Fantasy Weapons – the Good, the Bad, and
the Ugly: http://bit.ly/10IE8vB @Chilari

How to move your story: http://bit.ly/126xb44 @lindasclare

7 strategies for ebook pricing: http://bit.ly/YFkQ82 @digibookworld

The Five Cornerstones of Dramatic
Characterization: http://bit.ly/126xJqK
@thecreativepenn @DavidCorbett_CA

Utopia and Dystopia – The Many Faces of
The Future: http://bit.ly/YFl27h

3 Tips for Hooking Readers: http://bit.ly/126y6Se @MissyTippens

The Thin Line between Character Strengths
and Flaws: http://bit.ly/YFt2VX @jamigold

Are We Badgering Readers? http://bit.ly/10EnkBj @BTMargins

Creating Your Fantasy Bible: http://bit.ly/YFtfbu @ThereDraftAgain

Leave In Everything: http://bit.ly/10EnpoC @mooderino

Using Zombies To Eliminate Passive Voice:

How to Stop Self-Sabotaging: http://bit.ly/10EnHvt @RealE

How to Increase Tension in your Story: http://bit.ly/YFu5VO @shalvatzis

Break the Rules to Become a Best Seller: http://bit.ly/10EnIzv @livewritethrive

5 Things Fiction Acquisition Editors
Never Say: http://bit.ly/YFubg0 @novelrocket

It's not enough to write the book.  Self-pubbed authors must think about
business: http://bit.ly/10EnNTQ

Links to help with the querying process: http://bit.ly/YFuibD @ingridsundberg

Editors: Freelance v. In-house: http://bit.ly/10EnSa6 @fictorians

Dear author: your name is your brand.
Here's why: http://bit.ly/YFutUc

4 Words That are Killing Your Prose: http://bit.ly/16b7zJQ @write_practice

The Care and Feeding of Secondary
Characters: http://bit.ly/16b87iO

Algorithms—Are They Killing the
"Kindle Revolution"? http://bit.ly/13igsKD

3 Ways to Improve Your Author Website
Today: http://bit.ly/16b8zNV @janefriedman

Handling conflict in a virtual world
(esp. in online writing communities): http://bit.ly/16b9qOE

Elements that can make a story fail: http://bit.ly/YTTn4J

Know Your Characters: http://bit.ly/129iL3c

The Three Levels of Commitment: http://bit.ly/YTTxt1 @jeffgoins

5 Ways Publishers Can Be More Like
Start-Ups: http://bit.ly/129iVaO

Short story prompts: http://bit.ly/129nQbF @storyadaymay

4 Ways Blogging Will Make You a Better
Writer: http://bit.ly/104TJUm @diymfa

Self Publishing Video Tutorials: http://bit.ly/10cxgkl @galleycat

No Matter the Genre, Many Great Books
Start With a One Sentence Idea: http://bit.ly/1422Ups

Why 1 writer chooses to write erotic fan
fiction: http://bit.ly/1423tzy @ClarionUCSD

The Writing Conference Trifecta: http://bit.ly/18Kt6I7

Write a killer first line: http://bit.ly/1423SBY @MartinaABoone

The art of story Velcro: http://bit.ly/18KtBlt @Rachel_Aaron

What Downton Abbey Can Teach us About
Tension: http://bit.ly/18KudaM

Agent lessons from a conference panel: http://bit.ly/1426zU6

Comparison is the thief of joy: http://bit.ly/18KuL06 @tawnafenske

Life with a Writer: http://bit.ly/18KvWN6 @GingerJohnson_

Pitching dos and don'ts: http://bit.ly/14288Bi @gordonwarnock

Should Being Creative Feel Good? http://bit.ly/18Ihv9q @brandenbarnett

Agent advice for better manuscripts: http://bit.ly/18Kwvq9

When writers hesitate to send out their
work: http://bit.ly/10ygY5j @evilwriters

What 1 writer does when she gets stuck
while writing: http://bit.ly/10yh90o

Instant gratification and pacing: http://bit.ly/10yhf8s @KristenJett

How 1 agent prepares for an author
submission: http://bit.ly/17uiHkG

Writers Write – Seeing the Cliché Through
New Eyes: http://bit.ly/10yhznE

A Peek at the Real Life of That Writer
You Envy: http://bit.ly/17uiWw5 @TiceWrites

What would you write if you weren't
afraid? http://bit.ly/YMHwmS

Full Shot for Full Effect: http://bit.ly/13pqd9J @livewritethrive

The Agony and the Ecstasy:
Self-Publishing: http://bit.ly/13pqlG9

The Slow Language of Sculpture, the Fast
Language of Words: http://bit.ly/13pqsBR

What New Skills Do Publishers Need to
Navigate in Publishing? http://bit.ly/YMI4Ju

The 3 forces that are shaping 21st
century book publishing: scale, verticalization, and atomization: http://bit.ly/13pr1LS @PassiveVoiceBlg

4 ways to improve your writing through an
online writing workshop: http://bit.ly/YMInEj

How To Write Episodic/Serialized Fiction:
http://bit.ly/13prjSP and http://bit.ly/13prmhu @woodwardkaren

Storytelling--Know the Three Levels of
Tradecraft: http://bit.ly/YMIEqG

The end game: http://bit.ly/14c1ety @JoeMoore_writer

When characters age in a series: http://bit.ly/14c1tVg @rachelnseigel

Writing partner etiquette: http://bit.ly/14c1LM3 @KenLevine

How to Use Stream of Consciousness: http://bit.ly/14c1SXW @kmweiland

5 Easy Ways to Overcome The Fear of
Public Speaking: http://bit.ly/14c22yy

Why We (and Our Characters) Fall in Love:
http://bit.ly/1098GoW @FaeRowen

Defeat Distraction: Refocusing with
Purpose: http://bit.ly/14c2pJq @LeoBabauta

Script To Screen: "Young
Frankenstein": http://bit.ly/1098Nkt

Beating Creative Block: 10 Ways to Bring
Back Creativity: http://bit.ly/1098ZjJ

How to start a group blog: http://bit.ly/14c3vEU @diymfa

The Pros of Professional Development: http://bit.ly/14c3IrO @bluemaven

How to Create an Author Page on Facebook:
http://bit.ly/1099v1f @juliemusil

5 Rules For Writing A Murder Mystery:
Keeping the Murderer Secret Until The End: http://bit.ly/109anCM

The History of Serialized Fiction Gets a
New Chapter: http://bit.ly/109asGR

Owen Egerton's 30 Writing Tips: http://bit.ly/10Z28ut @woodwardkaren

Words don't exist in a vacuum: http://bit.ly/12JzVVF @lkblackburne

Why writers should use food in their
stories: http://bit.ly/10Z2n8N

How James Patterson Made 94 Million
Dollars Last Year: http://bit.ly/12LP9e0

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