
Today we are glad to announce the official release of GenStage. GenStage is a new Elixir behaviour for exchanging events with back-pressure between Elixir processes. In the short-term, we expect GenStage to replace the use cases for GenEvent as well as providing a composable abstraction for consuming data from third party systems.

In this blog post we will cover the background that led us to GenStage, some example use cases, and what we are exploring for future releases. If instead you are looking for a quick reference, check the project source code and access its documentation.


One of the original motivations for creating and designing Elixir was to introduce better abstractions for working with collections. Not only that, we want to provide developers interested in manipulating collections with a path to take their code from eager to lazy, to concurrent and then distributed.

Let’s discuss a simple but actual example: word counting. The idea of word counting is to receive one file and count how many times each word appears in the document. Using the Enum module it could be implemented as follows:

While the solution above works fine and is efficient for small files, it is quite restrictive for large inputs as it loads the whole file into memory.

Another issue with the solution above is that the Enum.flat_map/2 step will build a huge list, with all the words in the file, before we effectively start counting them. Again, for a large document, this means more memory usage and a waste of processing time in building a list that will be traversed right after.

Luckily, Elixir provides a solution to this problem (and has provided it for quite some time): streams. One of the advantage of streams is they are lazy, allowing us to traverse collections item by item, in this case, line by line, instead of loading the whole data set into memory. Let’s rewrite the example above to use streams:

By using File.stream! and Stream.flat_map, we build a lazy computation that will emit a single line, break that line into words, and emit such words one by one without building huge lists in memory when enumerated. The functions in the Stream module just express the computation we want to perform. The computation itself, like traversing the file or breaking into words in flat_map, only happen when we call a function in the Enum module. We have covered the foundation for Enum and Streams in another article.

The solution above allows us to work with large datasets without loading them all into memory. For large files, it is going to provide much better performance than the eager version. However, the solution above still does not leverage concurrency. For a machine with more than one core, which is the huge majority of machines we have available today, it is a suboptimal solution.

That said, how could we leverage concurrency in the example above?

During my ElixirConf 2015 keynote, I discussed one of the most immediate solutions to this problem which was to convert parts of your pipeline to separate processes:

The idea is that Stream.async would run the previous computations in a separate process that would stream its messages to the process that called Enum.reduce. Unfortunately, the solution above is less than ideal.

First of all, we want to avoid moving data between processes as much as possible. Instead, we want to start multiple processes that perform the same computation in parallel. Not only that, if we are requiring developers to place Stream.async manually, it may lead to inneficient and error prone solutions.

Although the solution above has many flaws, it has helped us ask the right questions:

If Stream.async is introducing new processes, how can we guarantee those processes are supervised?

Since we are exchanging messages between processes, how can we do so with back-pressure? After all, if one process cannot process data as fast as it receives them, we want to slow down the processes sending the data so we guarantee the slowest process does not get overflown with messages

We have jumped through different abstractions trying to answer those questions until we have finally settled on GenStage.


GenStage is a new Elixir behaviour for exchanging events with back-pressure between Elixir processes. Developers who use GenStage only need to worry about how the data is produced, manipulated and consumed. The act of dispatching the data and providing back-pressure is completely abstracted away from the developers.

As a quick example, let’s write a simple pipeline that will produce events as increasing numbers, multiply those numbers by two, and then print them to terminal. We will do so by implementing three stages, the :producer, the :producer_consumer and the :consumer, which we will call A, B and C respectively. We will go back to the word counting example at the end of this post.

Let’s start with the producer that we will call A. Since A is a producer, its main responsibility is to receive demand, which is the number of events the consumer is willing to handle, and generate events. Those events may be in memory or an external data source. For now let’s implement a simple counter starting from a given value of counter received on init/1:

Note: all of the modules in the GenStage project are prefixed with the Experimental namespace. That’s why the examples below and your code should alias Experimental.GenStage at the top of your files.

B is a producer-consumer. This means it does not explicitly handle the demand because the demand is always forwarded to its producers. Once A receives the demand from B, it will send events to B which will be transformed by B as desired and then sent to C. In our case, B will receive events and multiply them by a number given on initialization and stored as the state:

C is the consumer which will finally receive those events and print them every second to the terminal:

With the stages defined, we can start and connect them:

As soon as we subscribe the stages, we should see items being printed to the terminal. Notice that, even though we have introduced a sleep command to the consumer, the producers will never overflow the consumer with data. That’s because the communication between stages is demand-driven. The producer can only send items to consumers after the consumers have sent demand upstream. Producers must never send more items than consumers have asked.

One consequence of this design decision is that parallelizing stateless stages like the consumer above is really straight-forward:

By simply starting multiple consumers, the stage B will now receive demand from multiple stages and dispatch events to those stages which are now running concurrently, always picking the stage that is able to process more items. We can also leverage concurrency from the opposite direction too: if the producer is the slow stage in a pipeline, you can start multiple producers and have the (multiple) consumers subscribing to them.

In order to know which consumer should receive a particular event, producer stages depend on a behaviour called GenStage.Dispatcher. The default dispatcher is the GenStage.DemandDispatcher we have briefly described above: it will collect the demand from different consumers and dispatch to the one with highest demand. This means if one consumer is slow, maybe because we increased its sleeping time to 10 seconds, it will receive less items.

GenStage for data-ingestion

One of the use cases for GenStage is to consume data from third-party systems. The demand system with back-pressure guarantees we won’t import more data than we can effectively handle. The demand dispatcher allows us to easily leverage concurrency when processing the data by simply adding more consumers.

During the Elixir London Meetup, I have live-coded a short example that shows how to use GenStage to concurrently process data stored in a PostgreSQL database as a queue:

GenStage for event dispatching

Another scenario where GenStage can be useful today is to replace cases where developers would have used GenEvent in the past. For those unfamiliar with GenEvent, it is a behaviour where events are sent to an “event manager” which then proceeds to invoke “event handlers” for each event. GenEvent, however, has one big flaw: the event manager and all event handlers run in the same process. This means GenEvent handlers cannot easily leverage concurrency without forcing developers to implement those mechanisms themselves. Furthermore, GenEvent handlers have very ackward error semantics. Because event handlers are not separate processes, we cannot simply rely on supervisors restarting them.

GenStage solves those problems by having a producer as the event manager. The producer itself should be configured to use GenStage.BroadcastDispatcher as its dispacther. The broadcast dispatcher will guarantee events are dispatched to all consumers in a way to not exceed the demand of any of the consumers. This allows us to leverage concurrency and, not only that, having the “event manager” as a producer gives us much more flexibility in terms of buffering and reacting to failures.

Let’s see an example of building an event manager as a producer:

The EventManager works as a buffer. If there is demand but not events to be sent, we store such demand. If there are events but no demand, we store such events in a queue. If a client tries to broadcast an event, the sync_notify call will block until the event is effectively broadcast. The bulk of the logic is in the dispatch_events/3 function that takes events from the queue while there is demand.

By implementing the event manager as a producer, we can configure all sorts of behaviours that is simply not possible with GenEvent, such as how much data we want to queue (or for how long) and if events should be buffered or not when there are no consumers (via the handle_subscribe/4 and handle_cancel/3 callbacks).

Implementing event handlers is as straight-forward as writing any other consumer. We could in fact use the C consumer implemented earlier. However, given event managers are often defined before the handlers, it is recommended for handlers to subscribe to managers when they start:

Such guarantees that, if a supervised EventHandler crashes, the supervisor will start a new event handler which will promptly subscribe to the same manager, solving the ackward error handling semantics we have seen with GenEvent.

The path forward

With the release of GenStage v0.3.0, we have reached an important milestone as GenStage can be used as both event managers and a way to exchange events between processes, often external data sources, with back-pressure.

The v0.3.0 release also includes the GenStage.stream function, which allows us to consume data from a GenStage as a stream, and GenStage.from_enumerable which allows us to use an enumerable or a stream, like File.stream!, as a producer. Closing the gap between stages and streams.

However, we are far from done!

First of all, now is the moment for the community to step in and try GenStage out. If you have used GenEvent in the past, can it be replaced by a GenStage? Similarly, if you were planning to implement an event handling system, give GenStage a try.

Developers who maintain libraries that integrate with external data sources, be it a RabbitMQ, Redis or Apacha Kafka, can explore GenStage as an abstraction for consuming data from those sources. Library developers must implement producers and leave it up for their users to plug the consumer stages.

Once we get enough feedback, GenStage will be included in some shape as part of the standard library. The goal is to introduce GenStage and phase GenEvent out in the long term.

We, on the Elixir team, have just got started too. The next milestone for GenStage is to revisit the original problem and provide developers a clear path to take their collection processing code from eager, to lazy, to concurrent (and then distributed).

As seen earlier, today we allow developers to transform eager code into lazy by introducing streams.

While the above is helpful when working with large, possibly infinite collections, it still does not leverage concurrency. To address that, we are currently exploring a solution named GenStage.Flow, that allows us to express our computations similarly to streams, except they will run across multiple stages instead of a single process:

And the highly optimized version:

Flow will look at the computations we want to perform and start a series of stages to execute our code while keeping the amount of data being transfered between processes to a minimum. If you are interested in GenStage.Flow and how the computations above are spread across multiple stages, we have written some documentation based on the prototypes we have built so far. The code itself is coming in future GenStage releases. We will also have to consider how the GenStage.Flow API mirrors the functions in Enum and Stream to make the path from eager to concurrent clearer.

For the word counting problem with a fixed data, early experiments show a linear increase in performance with a fixed overhead of 20%. In other words, a dataset that takes 60s with a single core, takes 36s on a machine with 2 cores and 18s in one with four cores. All of those gains by simply moving your computations from streams to flow. We plan to benchmark on machines with over 40 cores in the short term.

We are very excited with the possibilities GenStage brings to developers and all new paths it allows us to explore and research. So give it a try and let us know! GenStage, flows and more will also be the topic of my keynote at ElixirConf 2016 and we hope to see you there.

Happy coding!

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