

Dedicated Bulk Email Servers

MMS provides fully managed dedicated Linux servers configured to host mail, web and database applications. Linux hosting packages include Apache web server, mod_perl, and Qmail, Clam Antivirus, Spam Assassin, and MySQL database. All plans include 24×7 monitoring, firewall security, and managed support for server hardware and software.

24×7 Monitoring

MMS monitors hardware and software on our dedicated servers 24×7. Hardware monitoring tracks CPU usage, RAM utilization, disk space and system load. If we detect a potential issue, we quickly replace the hardware with new component(s). On the software side, we watch server load, MySQL functionality, mail status and web server status. If an application does not respond properly, it is automatically restarted and a technician is notified.

Performance Monitoring

From your control panel, you can easily access and review your server’s performance including CPU usage, system load, and bandwidth usage and mail traffic. We routinely monitor server charts to help determine when machines are overloaded or underutilized.


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