
Did you know that in 2014 a bike sharing program will be starting up in Pittsburgh?  This is exciting news for those of us who bike.  Pittsburgh’s bike culture has been growing for years, and the increasing number of bike lanes and “sharrows” throughout the city have been great steps in making the area a safer place for cyclists.  Bike sharing is another great way to promote safe cycling, primarily by getting more cyclists out on the road. Although we’re a long way from being another Copenhagen, I love that Pittsburgh has been making so many strides to help make cycling a bigger part of how we travel.

One nice thing about a bike sharing program is that you don’t have to worry about bike maintenance.  Even though bikes require far less maintenance than cars, you still to know how to do the bare minimum when you ride your own bike a lot.  However, if you do have your own bike and take it to the shop rather than work on it  yourself, you might be surprised to find how easy a lot of basic bike maintenance really is.  Books like Complete Bike Maintenance or The Bike Book can teach you what you need to know about basic bike care and repair.

If you’ve never considered commuting by bicycle instead of by car, you might be surprised to find out how easy it really is.  On days when I bike home from work, I love being able to zip past backed up traffic on the busy street where I live.  Everyday Cycling: How to Ride a Bike for Transportation (Whatever Your Lifestyle), The Enlightened Cyclist: Commuter Angst, Dangerous Drivers, and Other Obstacles on the Path to Two-Wheeled Transcendence, or Biking to Work are all great books to check out if you’re thinking about making the switch to even occasional bike commuting. And if you’re looking for a good way to get to work, Bike Pittsburgh’s Bike Map is a great way to find bike-friendly routes throughout the city.

Finally, I leave you with this: a new design by a Swedish company that could do away with bike helmet hair forever!


Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: bike sharing, cycling, irene

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