
Do not adjust your monitor or press your glasses firmly to your face, you read the headline correctly: the world of virtual reality is set to be introduced into the elevator repairs business. When we think of virtual reality, we associate it with video gaming or something out of Minority Report, however it’s going to be utilised within lift maintenance very soon.

Microsoft are always coming up with new technology, and the new HoloLens is an extremely futuristic bit of kit. The HoloLens is “the world’s first fully self-contained, holographic computer, enabling you to interact with high definition holograms in your own world.” Sounds a little tricky, right? Basically, the HoloLens is going to transform the ways we communicate and explore.

A German lift company called Thyssenkrupp are going to use the HoloLens to give a whopping 24,000 lift technicians the facility to visualize and identify maintenance issues ahead of the job. The technology is being used because Thyssenkrupp feel that it could vastly improve their response time, increase their efficiency and ultimately improve the time of lift service interruptions.

Using HoloLens, the Germans feel that the job of a lift engineer will now become safer, as they are able to identify problems before actually setting foot in a lift. The technology will run through Skype, which is available to all HoloLens users, and allows technicians to be hands-free while on the job, even when making remote calls to share holographic instructions between users.

The HoloLens certainly points to an interesting technological advance in the field of lift maintenance and engineering, and we’ll just have to see how successful the new procedures will be for Thyssenkrupp.

At Elevators Ltd, we are the leading provider of high quality lift maintenance services, and please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us for any more information on the services that we provide!

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