The Recent Arrest Of Adam Kokesh was (Yes ) Another Staged Event ! The NWO Need Kokesh to still give out NWO Spin on The News and they set this Arrest thing up to work on The Emotions of all involved . Now when he gets out of Jail and He still continues his Goal to march with Guns More will join him . OR if he calls it off Pro Kokesh Gun March Patriots will be even more angry at The Anti Gun March Patriots . Divided We Fall ! () The Recent Arrest of Adam Kokesh Inspired me to find this Video to help you understand how Kokesh and Friends Are NAZI NWO Government Plants in The Fake Alternative Youtube Media ! Thanks To People Like Myself The Elite NWO SCUM saw that Kokesh and all his friends in The Fake Youtube Media were being exposed because his march on Washington DC with Guns.
That Video was Published on Dec 8, 2012 and Here's The Information that was provided on The Video .
December 6, 2012 by SusannePosel
Trolls appear all over the internet, in forums, comment threads and social media.
Some are misinformed people that inadvertently assist the CIA-sponsored trolls are taxpayer funded to discredit factual information on the Web. Julian Assange's new interview with RT is covered. And in tandem are fake alternative media sites with ties to Strafor and those that participate in keeping this information from their readers for the sake of popularity, clicks to their websites and keeping their listeners as paying customers to their sponsors. We also discuss how the internet is government controlled and the future of the internet called US Ignite. It's A Trap ) Adam Kokesh Armed 10,000 Man March Is A Set Up !! )
Do Not Be Confused My Dear Patriot Friends ! I Know I Post Alex Jones and Main Stream Alternative Media On My Web Site , But Like I always say There is Truth in The Things they are saying and It's Much More Information than Radio , TV and other forms of Media . Just examine what they are saying and toss out the things that seem Retarded and investigate more into The things that sound like Common Sense :) Wishing You A Great Day :) Terry Ronzio Running For US Congress For The 4th time in 2014 ( To Inspire Our Greatest Patriots who are Our Soldiers and Veterans To Run For Public Office :) The Rest Of This Blog Is A Great Blog I Did Called (The NWO Jesuits: Puppet Masters Of Gold and World Domination (William Dean A. Garner / VERITAS Radio ) How Far Down The Rabbit Hole Do You Want To Go ? This Blog I Did Will Help you Understand How Adam Kokesh and Friends are just more Puppets Of The People who Run Our World ! (The NWO Jesuits : Puppet Masters Of Gold and World Domination ! ) William Dean A. Garner discusses how the Jesuits rule the world, using celestiophysics and ancient methods to control We The People. William Dean A. Garner has studied the human element that runs our world and how, for more than 30 years. He is a former biophysicist, US Army Airborne Ranger, corporate mercenary with 211 overseas missions, and is now senior editor at Adagio Press, based in Cape Town, South Africa. He writes and speaks about the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, and how they control the world, and the steps We The People can take to counter their machinations. ( The NWO Jesuits : Puppet Masters Of Gold and World Domination ! ) () (William Dean A. Garner on VERITAS Radio | The Jesuits, Celestiophysics, Gold and World Domination)
This was Segment 1 of 2. Segment 1 is being provided as a courtesy of VERITAS Radio. To listen to Segment 2 of this exclusive interview, subscribe at to watch the rest.
Veritas is censorship- and commercial-free and survives on your voluntary subscriptions. Thank you for supporting our work. ~Mel Fabregas () () (ob) (p) (g) () () () Here's The Link To My Blog ( The Truth Behind The Sinking Of The Titanic And The Corruption Surrounding Its Destruction.) Here's The Link To My Blog (The Titanic Truth About The Federal Reserve Fiat Empire) () () () () Here's The Link To My Blog (I'm Cell Phone / Wi-Fi Free To Save The Honey Bee : ) Here's The Link To My Blog ( Beware Of The Silence Of The Bees/Save The Honey Bee Save Our Children's Future) Here's The Link To My Blog ( Save The Honey Bees Save The World ) Here's The Link To My Blog ( Bilderberg Elite Love Their Mad Scientist J. Craig Venter : Creator Of Synthetic Organism "Synthia") Here's The Link To My Blog ( Lauren Moret : Agenda 21( Land Grab ) Is Part Of Elites Weird Science Project ! ) Here's Link To My Blog (The Venus Flytrap Project ( The Elites Vision Of No People In Their Mad Science World ) () () () () () () (911) () () () () () () () () (WAR PIGS) ()
Here's The Link To My Blog (John B. Wells : America's Nazi Secret ( Nov. 17,2012 Coast to Coast am ) Here's The Link To My Blog (Obama To Push Gun Ban To Disarm America As His DHS Buys Up Ammo ) Here's The Link To My Blog (The Nuclear Power Industry Was Designed To Produce Depleted Uranium So The Elites Could Create And Sell DU Weapons ! ) Here's The Link To My Blog (The Devil's Game: MI6, CIA Run The Muslim Brotherhood - Dr. Stan Monteith Reports ) Here's The Link To My Blog (The Oliver North Bill Clinton George H.W.Bush Fast And Furious CIA Drug Ops ! ) Here's The Link To My Blog (Illuminati Dynasties That Run The Nwo with Author Fritz Springmeier )() () The Rest Of This Blog Is Another Blog I Did about William Dean A. Garner when He Was Interviewed On Red Ice Radio :) Enjoy :) William Dean A. Garner was formally trained as a research biophysicist, with a background in physics and electrical engineering. Following his tour in Army special operations, he worked for international private military companies. He's the bestselling author of 17 ghostwritten books and has also has edited many books, including Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. In addition to ghostwriting and editing, Dean has mentored six NY Times bestselling authors and is currently a book publisher. He joins us to discuss his latest book, Who Really Owns Your Gold: The Intended Global Meltdown of 2012 - 2014. Garner argues that the Jesuits hold more power and influence over world affairs than any other group. The Vatican has called for a reform of the global monetary system and a global public authority, a world central bank, to rule over the world's financial affairs. We'll talk about the philosophy of the Jesuits and how they incorporate celestial physics into their model to rule the world. Dean urges that "We the People" have one last golden opportunity to defeat the first sphere of influence, a global dark and sinister cabal that rule together with the House of Rothschild and their extensive network of sycophants and minions. ( Illuminati , World Control, Gold & The Jesuits - William Dean A. Garner (Red Ice Radio )
() () ( Red Ice Radio - William Dean A. Garner - Hour 1 - World Control, Gold & The Jesuits)
() () () () () () () The Illuminati Originated from Los Alumbrados 1491 , this order was banned in Spain , then Ignatius Loyola founded The Society of Jesus together with Pierre Fabre & Francis Borgia (Papal Bloodline).The Bavarian Illuminati was created in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt for the Jesuits because the Jesuits where banned in 83 countries.
This is also where all the Jew Blaming today comes from , many people will think that its the Jews because their research will lead them to Adam Weishaupt and The Rothschilds and so forth , but these are all Papal Jews and infact Catholic and no Jew anymore.
So its the Jesuits (Vatican) that control the whole Illuminati together with all these Vatican Knighthoods and societies like the CFR , Trilateral Commission , United Nations , Club of Rome , Bilderberg , Chatham house , British Crown , AIPAC ( FRITZ SPRINGMEIER FreeTruth Show Feb. 2012 Part 1)
() 3/1/2 hour interview with author of the 'Bloodlines of the Illuminati' Fritz Springmeier with FreeTruth Show host patrick lynch. Springmeier's first UK interview.
See Fritz Springmeier's blog at The Illuminati language. Hidden in plain view. () ( FRITZ SPRINGMEIER FreeTruth Show Feb. 2012. Part 2 )
() ( FRITZ SPRINGMEIER FreeTruth Show Feb. 2012 Part 3)
() () () () () () (fin) " The Blueprint For Success Over Tyranny Is The First American Revolution " Terry Ronzio 2006 ()THE WISE PATRIOT WILL ALWAYS OUT FOX THE HOUNDS OF TYRANNY !!! () () (militia) () () () (UN) () () () () () () ()