Dr Wil Spencer, Naturopath, VMSP, Author and Researcher is an advocate for Nature. His work extends into multiple areas of investigative research and education regarding human and environmental health relative to identifying and restoring the degraded conditions of natural homeostasis, most often due to industrialization and the misunderstanding of the importance of microorganisms. Operating from the conviction that nature has evolved with an innate wisdom of energetic signatures that influence and interrelate with one another to form a natural, healthy terrain of existence and co-existence, Wil believes all conditions of illness and imbalance are correctable through restoring the elements of nature's design. Wil has applied this conviction successfully in his work reversing and healing conditions of human health, animal health, plant health, including reversing the affects of genetic modification and increasing the nutritive values of food, reversing the many issues of honey bee health, restoring vitality to soils and compost, water purification and air quality.
www.bodyelectrician.com. ( The Vaccine & Flu Epidemic Fraud )
( The Vaccine & Flu Epidemic Fraud )
This Video Published on Jan 16, 2013
The Vaccine & Flu Epidemic Fraud
Contact information for our guests:
*GUEST: Michael Belkin: Michael Belkin is co-author of the book Vaccine Epidemic
Mr. Belkin is a financial market strategist and author of the Belkin Report -- a market and economic forecasting service for global institutional investors. Previously, Mr. Belkin was a vice president in the equity department of Salomon Brothers and is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley Haas Business School.
In 1998, Michael's daughter died only hours after receiving the hepatitis B vaccine, subsequently Mr. Belkin has testified before Congress, attended CDC, FDA and IOM meetings and has appeared in numerous media reports as a vaccine safety advocate.
Mr. Michael Belkin has a rock band The Refusers, featuring his unvaccinated 11 year old son on drums. The Refusers' latest rock video: First Do No Harm has been viewed 284,700 times on YouTube in the two months since it was released.
Check out band Belkin's band The Refusers here: http://www.reverbnation.com/therefusers
Listen to our indie hit song "Do You Want a Flu Shot?"
Join The Refusers also on facebook http://www.facebook.com/TheRefusers?sk=wall
Michael Belkin has a vaccine science and news blog http://therefusers.com/category/refusers-newsroom/
*GUEST: Patrick Jordan
Farmer, Author, Researcher of Vaccines , Politics & the Occult. Mr. Patrick Jordan will talk about how the KILLER FLU is manufactured.
"Welcome to The Edge of the Cliff. From this point forward you may choose to step off into Free Fall into The Abyss or you can go back to your Former Life as a Slave Work Unit never once having seen the Mechanical Perfection of Crystalline Pure Evil. Free Fall isn't so bad once you get past the screaming. The PDF section has a few documents that are essential to understanding the planned assaults on Hu-manity." ~ Patrick Jordan
ICD-999, Vaccine Induced Diseases, The Chronic Serum Sickness Postulate is my first book and it will give you undeniable proof of Vaccines as Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Patrick Jordan is an author and agriculturalist. Being from the farm, he calls himself a Mechanist. Mechanism is his tongue-in-cheek invented religion where things have to work or you must fix them or get rid of them. Nearly everything on this planet plantation does not work and is beyond repair. Mechanism of Action is a principle of Chemistry that describes Why and How a particular function occurs so that it is knowable and reproducible. A Mechanism of Action approach to Life is the only thing that will allow us to destroy the Lies thus allowing things to work. Education of people who have been selectively bred to be docile and whose nervous systems have been unrecoverably damaged cannot achieve the 'awakening' or 'mass action' that those who seek Truth hope for. Patrick's work can be found at www.vaccinefraud.com including free PDFs that outline Mechanism of Action so that you can figure out what can be done about it. Specific, individual responses to the escalating assaults that are waged against us must be formulated and applied by the very few geniuses left among us. Study of the Occult and all things religious, forces the conclusion that only women or a woman will be the sole Mechanic to fix this mess. () Studies Find Flu Shots Can Harm Your Heart, Infant And Fetus
Thursday, January 17th 2013
Flu vaccines, according to the best scientific evidence available today, will only work against 10% of the circulating viruses that cause the symptoms of seasonal epidemic influenza. Additionally, flu vaccines have been found to elicit inflammatory reactions that may harm the human heart, the developing fetus, and the fragile immune systems of our infants. So, do the theoretical benefits really outweigh the known harms?
In a recent article, The Shocking Lack of Evidence Supporting Flu Vaccines, we addressed the surprising lack of empirical evidence supporting the use of flu vaccines in the prevention of seasonal influenza, in children under two, healthy adults, the elderly, and healthcare workers who care for the elderly.
The reality is that vaccines not only do not work as advertised, but they represent a significant health threat, likely on the same order of magnitude as influenza itself, due to their well-known role in compromising immunological self-tolerance (autoimmunity), as well as by eliciting a wide range of adverse health effects associated with the use of adjuvants, preservatives, foreign animal DNA and cell byproducts, adventitious viruses, and other so-called "inactive ingredients," including even the unnatural route and method of antigen administration itself.[i]
Basic Virology Facts Reveal Trivalent Flu Vaccines Are At Best 10% Effective
But it shouldn't take expensive, elaborate, time-consuming research to grasp the obvious limitations in effectiveness of flu vaccines from the perspective of this fundamental fact of influenza virology:
Over 200 viruses cause influenza and influenza-like illness which produce the same symptoms (fever, headache, aches and pains, cough and runny noses). Without laboratory tests, doctors cannot tell the two illnesses apart. Both last for days and rarely lead to death or serious illness. At best, vaccines might be effective against only Influenza A and B, which represent about 10% of all circulating viruses." (Source: Cochrane Summaries).
Indeed, if facts like these were not so commonly ignored or denied, and it was the actually clinically-confirmed, unequivocal "evidence" that drove the so-called "evidence-based" medical system into its annual, seasonal influenza-induced, mouth-foaming frenzy of pro-vaccine propagandizing and proselytizing, we might look at this ritual of mass vaccination as something other than just a profit-, policy-, and, for the masses, faith-based indoctrination, which sadly it has become.
"Science-Based" Medicine Unwilling To Look At Empirical Evidence On Vaccine Harms
Similarly, were those self-avowed "skeptics," and would-be advocates of "science-based medicine," who claim vaccinating is always safer and more effective than not vaccinating, to acknowledge research indicating the limitations and increasing failings of vaccination, as well as the value of natural influenza flu alternatives,* they might someday earn the right to use powerful-sounding words like "Science" and "Evidence" in their crusade against your access to the empirical truth and your right to bodily self-possession, i.e. your right to make free and informed decisions for yourself to engage or disengage from medical interventions, that carry a known risk of harm and even death.
The reality is that many top biomedical journals cannot and will not suppress the truth concerning the many unintended, adverse health effects of vaccines. This would, after all, be both immoral and illegal, especially when human lives, and particularly the lives of our most vulnerable, our children, are on the line. In other words, by publishing empirical research that shows vaccines are not safe and effective a priori, many thwart the party line, as represented by the policies and official statements of the CDC, the FDA, and the ACIP, and many online skeptic bloggers (anti-anti-vaccine groups, if you will; most whom fail to grasp the foolishness of such a dialectic, since they rarely take a critical look in the mirror) who claim those refusing vaccines, or educating about their harms, are guilty of crimes, or have blood on their hands.
Flu Vaccines Found To Increase Heart Attack Risk
For example, a concerning study published in 2011 in the International Journal of Medicine revealed a fact rarely addressed by conventional health authorities, or the mostly uncritical mainstream media, namely: flu vaccines result in inflammatory cardiovascular changes indicative of increased risk for serious heart-related events such as heart attack.[ii]
Titled, "Inflammation-related effects of adjuvant influenza A vaccination on platelet activation and cardiac autonomic function," their study concluded:
Together with an inflammatory reaction, influenza A vaccine induced platelet activation and sympathovagal imbalance towards adrenergic predominance. Significant correlations were found between CRP [C-reactive protein) levels and HRV [heart rate variability] parameters, suggesting a pathophysiological link between inflammation and cardiac autonomic regulation. The vaccine-related platelet activation and cardiac autonomic dysfunction may transiently increase the risk of cardiovascular events.
The four main areas of concern mentioned above are:
Platelet Activation: An indicator of increased risk for pathological clotting and/or obstruction of a blood vessel, e.g. heart attack, embolism or stroke.
Sympathovagal imbalance towards adrenergic predominance: An indication of disturbed autonomic regulation within the heart.
Elevation of C-Reactive Protein: An indicator of inflammation-mediated cardiovascular disease risk.
Reduced Heart Rate Variability: An indicator of increased heart disease risk.
Flu Vaccines Found To Adversely Affect Pregnant Women
This study is not, however, the first to raise concern over states of pathological inflammation caused by flu vaccines, and vaccines in general. In 2011, the journal Vaccine published a study titled, "Inflammatory responses to trivalent influenza virus vaccine among pregnant women," which found that flu vaccination causes measurable increases in inflammation in pregnant women which may increase the risk of preeclempsia and other adverse outcomes such as preterm birth.[iii] In this study both CRP and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α levels increased to concerning levels between one to two days after vaccination. Should we be surprised, considering flu vaccines still contain highly inflammatory, neurotoxic and immunotoxic heavy metals, such as mercury-based thimerosal? Even when the precautionary principle is employed, and mercury-based adjuvants removed in tacit recognition of its profound dangers, aluminum hydroxide is then used to replace it, injected directly into the bodies of healthy infants in the name of synthetically modifying and "improving" their immunity (see: Can We Continue To Justify Injecting Aluminum Into Children?).
And so, despite the fact that vaccine-induced disruption and dysregulation of a pregnant woman's immune system could compromise her pregnancy, resulting in birth defects[iv] and miscarriage (which is a well-known phenomena within the veterinary field: vaccine-induced abortion), the CDC has defied both common sense and the precautionary principle by urging pregnant women to receive flu vaccines, without informing them of their true risks.
Infants At Risk of Pathological Inflammation Following Vaccines
Just as disturbing is the CDC's recommendation that all infants, six months or older, receive flu vaccines on top of an already burgeoning vaccination schedule, which begins at the day of birth with the STD vaccine containing hepatitis B surface antigen, despite clear evidence that infants experience cardiorespiratory complications and C-reactive protein responses as a result of all vaccines, administered either singularly or simultaneously in combination. One 2007 study published in the Journal of Pediatrics, found that 85% of newborn infants experienced abnormal elevations of CRP when administered multiple vaccines and up to 70% in those given a single vaccine. Also, overall, 16% of infants were reported to experience vaccine-associated cardiorespiratory events within 48 hours postimmunization. [v]
Suffice it to say, vaccinating against the flu (or any pathogen) is not as safe and effective as we are being told. But please do not adopt my opinion on the matter as your own. Do your own research, and feel free to review some of the underreported and/or otherwise suppressed research on vaccination we have collated at our Vaccine Research and Education page.
*Never mind the timelessly and often cross-culturally confirmed and reconfirmed evidence contained within "orally transmitted" traditional, plant-based medical systems, used the world over.
[i] GreenMedInfo.com, Adverse Health Effects of Vaccination
[ii] Gaetano A Lanza, Lucy Barone, Giancarla Scalone, Dario Pitocco, Gregory A Sgueglia, Roberto Mollo, Roberto Nerla, Francesco Zaccardi, Giovanni Ghirlanda, Filippo Crea. Inflammation-related effects of adjuvant influenza A vaccination on platelet activation and cardiac autonomic function. J Intern Med. 2010 Sep 1. Epub 2010 Sep 1. PMID: 20964738
[iii] Lisa M Christian, Jay D Iams, Kyle Porter, Ronald Glaser. Inflammatory responses to trivalent influenza virus vaccine among pregnant women. Vaccine. 2011 Sep 20. Epub 2011 Sep 20. PMID: 21945263
[iv] Margaret A K Ryan, Tyler C Smith, Carter J Sevick, William K Honner, Rosha A Loach, Cynthia A Moore, J David Erickson. Birth defects among infants born to women who received anthrax vaccine in pregnancy. Am J Epidemiol. 2008 Aug 15 ;168(4):434-42. Epub 2008 Jul 2. PMID: 18599489
[v] Massroor Pourcyrous, Sheldon B Korones, Kristopher L Arheart, Henrietta S Bada. Primary immunization of premature infants with gestational age
() () The CDC Wants You to Murder Your Unborn Baby With A Flu Shot!
“Pregnant Women Need a Flu Shot! If you're pregnant, a flu shot is your best protection against serious illness from the flu. A flu shot can protect pregnant women, their unborn babies, and even the baby after birth.”
Here is the link to read more :
Here is What Flu Shots do to Unborn Babies
“Documentation received from the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) states that between 2009 and 2010 the mercury-laden combined flu vaccinations have increased Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systems (VAERS) fetal death reports by 4,250 percent in pregnant women.” (WAR ON OUR CHILDREN AND FAMILY ) (wi/fi/cellphone free) () () () () () () () () () () () () () Many More Sheriffs Vow Not To Enforce Federal Gun Control Laws
Oregon law enforcers lead national fight against Obama gun grab
Steve Watson - Jan 17, 2013
Following Oregon Sheriff Tim Mueller’s lead, three more Sheriffs in parts of Oregon announced Wednesday in letters to U.S. Vice President Joe Biden that they would refuse to enforce any federal gun laws that are unconstitutional.
Crook County Sheriff Jim Hensley told local reporters “I’m going to follow my oath that I took as Sheriff to support the constitution.”
“I believe strongly in the Second Amendment,” Hensley added, urging “If the federal government comes into Crook County and wants to take firearms and things away from (citizens), I’m going to tell them it’s not going that way.”
Hensley told KTVZ.COM that he read Sheriff Mueller’s letter and it spurred him to make a stand. “I said, you know what? It’s a clear statement. He hit the nail right on the head,” Hensley said.
Referring to the recent mass shootings that have been cited as justification to move to impose strict new laws, Hensley said, “Banning firearms and magazines, that is not going to cure the problem.”
“They are addressing the wrong topics,” Hensley added. “Kids for years now play video games in which they have committed thousands of homicides. I believe those games are teaching kids games they shouldn’t be doing, instilling a mindset to kill as many people as in a video game.”
Hensley’s letter, like Mueller’s, states: “Any federal regulation enacted by Congress or by executive order of the President offending the constitutional rights of my citizens shall not be enforced by me or by my deputies, nor will I permit the enforcement of any unconstitutional regulations or orders by federal officers within the borders of Crook County, Oregon.”
“In summary, it is the position of this Sheriff that I refuse to participate, or stand idly by, while my citizens are turned into criminals due to the unconstitutional actions of misguided politicians,” the letter concludes.
In comments to the media, Hensley added “Some people go so far as to ask, ‘Well, are you going to fight our military when they come to take our guns?’ I say absolutely not – we’re not going to get into a gun battle with our fellow citizens. But I will do everything in my power to defend their right to the Second Amendment.”
In addition to Sheriff Hensley, another Oregon Sheriff, Larry Blanton of Deschutes County, told reporters that he will also stand with the Second Amendment.
“Right now, I support the Constitution and I support the Second Amendment,” Blanton said. “I support our citizens and other citizens’ rights to own and bear arms. That’s my stand. Always has been, always will be.”
Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer also penned a letter to Biden, stating: “I will not tolerate nor will I permit any federal incursion within the exterior boundaries of Grant County, Oregon, where any type of gun control legislation aimed at disarming law abiding citizens is the goal or objective.”
“We live in a free society,” Palmer wrote, “and firearms ownership and the right to defend ones self from becoming a victim of a criminal act or from a far reaching government attempted to enact laws that are unconstitutional.”
Coos County Sheriff Craig Zanni wrote a letter to “the citizens of Coos County,” stating:
“I have and will continue to uphold my Oath of Office, including supporting the Second Amendment rights of our citizens.”
“I will also continue to be an avid supporter of Oregon’s Concealed Handgun License Program and in protecting the confidential personal information of each license holder,” Zanni added.
Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin also sent a letter to the Vice President saying that he “will refuse to participate in, nor tolerate enforcement actions against citizens that are deemed unconstitutional.”
Elsewhere in the country, Kentucky Sheriff Denny Peyman of Jackson County, blazed a trail earlier this week by assuring residents that he would not allow guns to be seized under his jurisdiction.
“They asked ‘how are you going to pull these guns?’, and I said ‘you are never going to pull a gun from Jackson County,” said Peyman, adding, “I am responsible for the people inside this county… I couldn’t justify, if Obama passes this, it doesn’t matter what he passes, the sheriff has more power than the federal people.”
Minnesota, Pine County Sheriff Robin Cole wrote an open letter to his residents to inform them that he does not accept that the federal government supercedes State authorities when it comes to regulation of firearms.
“I do not believe the federal government or any individual in the federal government has the right to dictate to the states, counties or municipalities any mandate, regulation or administrative rule that violates the United States Constitution or its various amendments,” Cole wrote.
Cole said that the right to bear arms is “fundamental to our individual freedoms and that firearms are part of life in our country.”
The Sheriff said he would refuse to enforce any federal mandate that violates constitutional rights, and that he would consider any new federal regulation on guns to be illegal.
In Alabama, Madison County Sheriff Blake Dorning told WHNT News 19 that his office will not enforce new gun control legislation if he feels those laws violate the Second Amendment.
“The federal authorities can try to enforce it,” said Dorning. “I’m the Sheriff of Madison County. I took a constitutional oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America, to defend the Constitution of the State of Alabama, even if it takes my life. That is my position.”
In Texas, Smith County Sheriff Larry Smith has also said he will not enforce an unconstitutional law that takes away firearms from law abiding citizens in Smith County.
“I will not enforce an unconstitutional law against any citizen in Smith County. It just won’t happen.” Smith said.
In Florida, Martin Co. Sheriff Bill Snyder says that any gun control legislation will not matter and it won’t change how he and his deputies do business, because he is not empowered to enforce Federal Law.
Rest assured, there are many more Sheriffs, as well as state and local police who know that they are not required to enforce Obama’s gun control executive orders.
Richard Mack, founder of The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, and a regular guest on the Alex Jones Show commented “Now we have good sheriffs who are standing up and defending the law against our own president.”
“I will tell Mr. Obama and everybody else who wants to impose gun control in America, that whether you like it or not, it is against the law,” said Mack.
The 23 executive orders Obama announced yesterday apply only to the federal government, not local or state law enforcement. Without action by the House, it is therefore unlawful to enforce the decrees on sheriffs and other law enforcement departments across the nation.
http://www.infowars.com/many-more-sheriffs-vow-not-to-enforce-federal-gu... () (fin) Gun Confiscation Bill Introduced in Congress
IRS credit to citizens who allow government to confiscate their firearms.
On January 13, 2013, H.R. 226 was introduced in the House of Representatives by Connecticut Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro. The bill will amend the 1986 IRS code and allow a credit if taxpayers “surrender” their guns to the government.
Cited as the “Support Assault Firearms Elimination and Reduction for our Streets Act,” the proposed legislation represents another effort to convince citizens that they must voluntarily turn in their guns as a civic duty and to do their part to reduce “gun violence” and protect children, as Obama said yesterday.
The bill is yet more evidence that federal and state governments are now pulling out all stops short of door-to-door confiscation in their coordinated effort to disarm the American people.
Strikingly honest language included in the legislation specifies that the bill is part of the government’s “program to reduce the number of privately owned weapons,” in short, a program to disarm the American people.
The bill contains an exhaustive list of so-called “assault weapons” that will garner a $2,000 tax credit, including the much demonized Bushmaster AR-15 allegedly used in the Newtown Sandy Hook massacre.
The bill was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means on January 14, 2013.
The inclusion of the IRS in the government’s attempt to grab guns is especially foreboding considering its effort to act as a Obamacare compliance enforcer. In July, we reported on a revelation made by Texas Republican Rep. Kevin Brady that the tax agency planned to hire up to 16,500 new agents.
American taxpayers must reject such cynical enticements and stand together and support the Second Amendment against all attacks by Obama and Congress.
The latest foray against the Second Amendment and the founding principles of the republic commenced soon after the Sandy Hook incident on December 15 when California Democrat senatorDianne Feinstein exploited the tragedy to call for an attack on America’s “gun culture.”
“I hope and trust that in the next session of Congress there will be sustained and thoughtful debate about America’s gun culture and our responsibility to prevent more loss of life,” Feinstein said. “I will do another assault weapons ban.”
New York governor Andrew Cuomo jumped on the anti-Second Amendment bandwagon a few days later, on December 21, and proposed gun confiscation in the state. “Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option,” Cuomo said. He was egged on by notorious gun-grabber advocate and New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg who also demanded Obama use unconstitutional executive actions against the Second Amendment.
On December 30, Feinstein said America needs to “bite the bullet” and restrict the gun rights of Americans following comments by president Obama that he would support draconian legislation aimed at the Second Amendment.
Over the next two weeks, the establishment media launched an intense anti-Second Amendment campaign and produced corporate polls in favor of “common sense” gun bans. Alex Jones appeared on the Piers Morgan Show and a flurry of pro and con pundits and commentators debated the finer points of stripping Americans of their right to own firearms.
On December 16, Obama and Joe Biden went on national television accompanied by a gaggle of children and pushed the federal government’s anti-Second Amendment agenda. Obama brazenly signed a number of unconstitutional executive actions during the performance instructing the government to roll back the Second Amendment.
Read More Here: http://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/gun-confiscation-bill-introduced-i... Washington State Reps battle UN Agenda 21 with new bills
Washington State recently made news after local farmers in association with the Washington State Farm Bureau adopted new policy blocking all aspects of U.N. Agenda 21.
United Nations Agenda 21 is based off of the The Commission on Global Governance's controversial 1995 report entitled "Our Global Neighborhood" that calls for more power to the United Nations in countries affairs, including the United States.
One of the most troubling aspects of this is the United Nations claim that it has the authority to change policy in the United States and even dictate what people can or can't do on their own private property under the supposed guise of environmentalism to the point of restricting massive amounts of land to American citizens.
Residents across the country and in Washington State are attempting to block Agenda 21 by stopping its policies that are often labeled under more friendly names such as "sustainable development", a term coined by the United Nations. Opponents of Agenda 21 point out that they agree on taking better care of the planet but it needs to be left out of the hands of foreign government's, especially when the proposed plans are far beyond anything rational.
Washington Republicans Matt Shea, David Taylor, and Jason Overstreet, a group known for their principled and consistent support of the constitution, sponsored 3 new bills that would halt any foreign encroachment on private property.
The first bill, HB 1164, would prohibit the use of international law to infringe on property rights within the state. Rep Jay Rodne, the primary sponsor of HB 1165, proposses prohibiting the state of Washington and it's political subdivisions from adopting and developing enviromental and developmental policies that would infringe or restrict private property rights without due process. The third bill, HB 1167, would repeal growth management planning requirments already on the books in Washington in chapter 36.70A RCW, a bill that "is the single largest attack on private property rights in Washington State over the last 23 years," says Rep David Taylor.
"We have seen an exceeding number of bills in the Legislature embracing and implementing actions derived from international laws, regulations and policies. The Growth Management Act is a prime example of the state implementing international policies related to 'sustainable development'. In addition, the state has purchase land in North Central Washington with the rational being the protection of important Canadian species. It is incumbent upon us to ensure we are upholding the Constitution and that taxpayer money is being properly spent. I encourage citizens to contact their Legislator and ask them to support House Bills 1164 and 1165," said Rep David Taylor.
People are encouraged to email and call Washington Representatives to ask them to sponsor these bills. A list of Reps and their contact info can be found here:
http://www.examiner.com/article/wa-state-reps-battle-un-agenda-21-with-n... — () () ( Ben Franklin : The Mad Satanic Elite Scientific Oligarchy Must Be Obliterated ! )
Here's The Link To My Blog http://electronzio.com/?q=node/541 ( Lauren Moret : Agenda 21( Land Grab ) () () () () (Sheep Alert) The number one way to tell if someone is a sheep, is if they still believe the government's version of 9/11/01 () ( Dr. Judy Wood ( Benjamin Franklin's Thoughts On The Dustification Of The Towers And Building 7 )
Here's The Link To My Blog http://electronzio.com/?q=node/575 (Dr. Judy Wood, Neil Kramer & Eric Larsen - Veritas Radio - 09-07-12 - 9/11 Discussion Panel ) Here's The Link To My Blog http://electronzio.com/?q=node/531 ( On 911 The Towers Did Not Burn Up Or Slam To The Ground , They Turned To Dust In Mid Air ( Judy Wood ) Dr. Judy Wood - Where Did the Towers Go?
http://youtu.be/ZWjktDuIhR8 Here's The Link To My Blog http://electronzio.com/?q=node/588 (Douglas Dietrich :History Of Occultism & Satanism In US Military / On C2C am and Red Ice Radio ) Here's The Link To My Blog http://electronzio.com/?q=node/529 ( Dr. Alan Sabrosky /Next 911 Will Be A Mossad ( Rothchild Zionist ) Operation !)( 911 for dummies )
() () () () (A Little Neglect May Breed Mischief)
Here's Link To My Blog http://electronzio.com/?q=node/268 (FDA AMA NWO BIG PHARMA DEPOPULATION AGENDA - OFFICIAL LIES vs REAL CURES ) Here's Link To My Blog http://electronzio.com/?q=node/281 (Monsanto's Crimes Against Humanity ) Right Now In America There Are Patriot Leaders That Still Will Not Face The Truth That 911 Was an Inside Job ! I Blame Americas Ignorance On These Patriot Leaders , Because it is through their Greed For Political Power In Their Party that keeps their followers turned against The Real Truth ! People Run And Scream Truth-ER when They Find Out I Know The Truth , But I still Walk Towards Them With It Like A Torch because They Must Face The Truth Because The Whole World Needs The American Patriots To Be United Against Both Political Evil Demon Parties ! Both Parties Are Parties Of Treason and There Is No Reforming A Party Of Power Pigs ! The American Government Is The Enemy Of The World And The One True Enemy Of The American People ! Killing Bin Laden was Such A Stupid Move On The Chess Board Of The Info War ! Killing A Dead Man who had been dead for almost 10 years ! I Will Make Them Never Forget Their Ignorance ! Ever Since Then They have been out in The Open Like Scared Rats Making stupid Moves . Never Fear God Is Working His Magic and Great Patriots Around The World Are Ready To Bring All The Chemtrail Planes Crashing To The Ground ! These Evil Bastards Have No Imagination , because Their Inbreeding Over The Years Has Made Them Simple Minded and Great Patriots In High Places in Our NATO Military Will Out Fox These Hounds Of Tyranny ! I Know One Thing and So Do They . They Can Not Go After Our Guns Here In America , and I Feel While they Keep Us Busy Thinking about Our Guns They're going to Hit Us with Less And Less Freedom Of Speech On The Internet ! As You see in my Case on Youtube ! That Is Why People Must Do What I said in My Blog About 2013 is The Year Of The Liberty Tree ! We Must Get Out There In The Streets Now , But Not Like Occupy ! Every Gathering Should Be A Surprise Gathering . Same Message New Liberty Tree ( I've Included That Blog At The Bottom Of This One ) ! Yes I'm Very Angry that there are so many Stupid American Patriot Leaders That Just Want A Jihad On Islam ! The Real American Jihad Should Be Directed at All The American Government Leaders From Town Government All The Way To The Gang Of 535 Devils In Washington DC ! Terry Ronzio () () () () () () (fnwo) () () () ( 2013 : Year Of The Liberty Tree ! ) Well Obama And The New World Order Nazi's Are Off To A Fast And Crazy Start ! I think that 3 million Patriot March On Washington DC That I've been Talking about for 6 Years Should Be Now ! Starting Tonight : All Patriots Should Meet at A Rally Point in their home town every night after supper like ( A Modern Day Liberty Pole / Liberty Tree ) ! This is not an Occupy Move , this is a Move to save Our Liberty and Gather as Patriots for a few Hours To Show Our Leaders at The Town Level that This Is OUR TOWN ! Pass This Message On Brave Patriot ! It All Starts Right Here One Persons Fire For Liberty Sending A Message To Another Patriot that Has That Same Fire To Start A Giant United Flame For )))====> FREEDOM ! Lets Call It A Smoke Signal Since I Call My Walking For For The Troops And Patriotism ( The War Path ) ! Occupy Is Dead Long Live The New Sons And Daughters Of Liberty ! I was a Good Boy Scout and I always Could Light A Fire With One Match :) Time To Tell Our Local Puppets That This Is Our Town ! Hey That's It We'll Call it The This Is Our Town Movement ! Here's A Great Song to Help Our Message Move across America and The World Today(z) () (This Is )))=====> OUR TOWN )
() () (fin) 2013 Year Of The Tree ! Tonight You Started A Gathering Around A Liberty Tree In Your Home Town And At The Same Time A Forest Of Liberty Sprang Up In Towns All Over The USA And The World ! It Is A Dream I Have :) Taking Back Our Country Town By Town , County By County , State By State :) Let The Puppet Leaders Know ))))====> THIS IS OUR TOWN , This Is OUR COUNTY , This Is OUR STATE , And Most Of All Washington DC IS OUR CAPITOL ! USA , USA , USA ! This Message was A Seed To Plant A Forest Of Liberty Trees All Around The World In Just One Day ! () Here's The Link To My ( Save The Honey Bees ) Facebook Like Page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Save-The-Honey-Bee/378541242240346 () Here's The Link To My (Fukushima Save Japan's Kids ) Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fukushima-Save-Japans-Kids/40591984615127... () Here's The Link To My Rescue ( Marine SGT Charles Dyer) Facebook Like Page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Marine-SGT-Charles-Dyer/375971002495947?r... Here's The Link To My (NDAA Minutemen of Pennsylvania South West / West Virginia Pan Handle )Facebook Like Page https://www.facebook.com/pages/NDAA-Minutemen-of-Pennsylvania-South-West...... ()(fin) () () () () (Tyrant Puppet ) () () (Obama To Push Gun Ban To Disarm America As His DHS Buys Up Ammo )
Here's The Link To My Blog http://electronzio.com/?q=node/408 (Obama To Push Gun Ban To Disarm America As His DHS Buys Up Ammo )Be Brave , Be Strong , , Stand Tall , Walk Proud , And Most Of All Talk Loud , because We Our The Voice Of Our Greatest Young Patriots In The Military ! We Walk The Path Of Freedom And Truth For Them On The Home Front Fellow Patriots To Arms ! The Red Coats Are Here The Red Coats Are Here ! () () UNITED WE STAND () Thank You For Reading And Passing My Blogs To Your Friends :) Wishing You A Very Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year ! :) Terry Ronzio Running For US Congress For The 4th Time In 2014 P.S. I Have Already One Because I Inspired You To Fight For The Truth :) And ))))====> FREEDOM :)
() (Rise Of Patriots) () () ()() ( Smoke Signals ) () Wishing You A Great Day :) Terry Ronzio (mrT) () () () () () Here's The Link To My Blog http://electronzio.com/?q=node/689 ( Covering Up 911 Truth : Goliath Media Deception , And Propaganda Machine , Is Always Ready Disrupt The Focus Of The Masses )