
The ocean near former Fukushima NPP is still highly radioactive reports new findings by Tokyo University experts.

GLR on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theghostlettersreport

Referring articles: http://www.nature.com/news/ocean-still-suffering-from-fukushima-fallout-...

http://www.whoi.edu/website/fukushima-symposium/overview( Proof Of Fukushima NRC FOIA Government Cover-up !)

( Tokyo University Experts Report That Ocean Near Fukushima NPP is Extremely Radioactive)

() ( Fukushima: NRC FOIA Government Cover-up Proof p1/3)

(Fukushima: NRC FOIA Government Cover-up Proof p2/3 )

( Fukushima: NRC FOIA Government Cover-up Proof p3/3)

full length radio show here Plume-Gate: Inside the NRC FOIA transcripts cont.

please subscribe to HatrickPenry on youtube here http://www.youtube.com/user/hatrickpenry?feature=results_main

I only recorded the fukushima section of the broadcast because my computer was messing up. It took me about 8 hours to just get this section rendered and uploaded.

Links here document 1: http://pbadupws.nrc.gov/docs/ML1204/ML120400493.pdf

document 2: http://pbadupws.nrc.gov/docs/ML1212/ML12122A949.pdf

document 3: http://pbadupws.nrc.gov/docs/ML1212/ML12122A300.pdf

document 4 (note page 87): http://pbadupws.nrc.gov/docs/ML1210/ML12102A210.pdf

document 5 (NTTF recommendation July,2011): http://pbadupws.nrc.gov/docs/ML1118/ML111861807.pdf

See also:

People & Power - Danger Zone: Ageing Nuclear Reactors

Arnie Gundersen's video analyzing design flaws in the AP1000 reactors:

Nuclear Regulatory Commission daily reports (what's happening at nuclear plants near you):


News & Politics

Tags: Gundersen Fairewinds EPA NRC Jaczko Svinicki Apostolakis Magwood TEPCO Ostendorff waste corium contamination evacuation health radiation radioactive isotopes uranium strontium cesium plutonium Bq Sv Sievert Geiger alpha beta gamma Becquerel fuel pool reactor meltdown melt-through cancer leukemia genetic mutation Pacific ocean bioaccumulation bioconcentration salmon sea food USA Japan Fukushima Daiichi Daini Noda Hosono Edano restart Vogtle TMI ( Fukushima Cooling Stopped at #3, TEPCO Broke, Palisades Radioactive Release update 11/6/12)

An action packed update for you today.

TEPCO is Broke trying to pay for compensation to people, clean up this disaster, and "cover it up" one might say. The Government (well, actually the people need to pay the government, so the government can pay TEPCO, so Tepco can pay the people) Tepco lives, people die. It's just that simple.

Economic down turn for Japan blamed on "other things" than Fukushima nuclear disaster. Is anyone surprised?

According to the Russian news agency Prima Media, from January to September in this year, the radiation dose exceeded of Russia standard value was detected from 319 goods, such as used car, food, medical supplies and others which were imported from Japan, to the Russian Far East ports.

The Russia customhouse did not accept importing 284 goods, then, send back to Japan.

145 goods send back to Japan in whole last year, due to the radiation dose exceeded of standard value was detected in the Russian Far East area.

But, It will reach almost double compared to 2011 with this year, even until September.

Palisades nuclear plant in Michigan had yet ANOTHER problem. It's one of the Worst Preforming nuclear plants in the country. Leaking radioactive tritium. This time, the plant leaked at a DIFFERENT place than before and "they just can't figure it out"... See:


Liquefaction building of homes discussed

Fukushima unit 3 cooling stopped and won't be "fixed" until the weekend!

Nine Mile Island Scram in New York.

Still debating Ohi fissure - jeepers, is a fault active if it's Currently not moving? I wonder...

Latest Headlines: http://enenews.com/

Tepco: Cooling system suspended at Fukushima Spent Fuel Pool No. 3 — Will not resume until weekend

NRC: Steam vented into atmosphere through 'monitored release path' at Michigan nuclear plant — "No immediate safety concerns... here's what happened" (VIDEO)

Filmmaker: Hope is hard to come by in Fukushima — To this day women having abortions for fear of genetic damage, families breaking up

Feds: Release of 'unknown amount' of 'unknown substance' due to 'unknown cause' off Louisiana coast — Helicopter investigating incident

Update: Emergency shutdown after water level inside NY reactor dropped — NRC: Cause unknown; Recovery procedures in effect

TV: Problem during reactor restart process at New York nuclear plant damaged by Sandy

NHK: Concerns rising at Fukushima plant — 16,000 workers have quit, 'severe working conditions' blamed (VIDEO)

Officials: Severe thunderstorm warning for Louisiana sinkhole — NOAA: This is a dangerous storm; Deadly cloud-to-ground lightning; Winds over 60mph; Destructive hail (MAP)

Fukushima Mothers: Daughter has so many thyroid cysts doctor can't count them all — Hospital told not to test kids

Blowout in Gulf of Mexico: Wellhead releasing 'unknown product' into water off Louisiana coast (MAP)

US Paper: Fukushima kids playing above nuclear waste — Public parks are now unmarked radioactive dumps

Report: What is going on at Daiichi? Fukushima fallout increased Nov. 2-4 — Highest back-to-back days in months (CHARTS)

Coast Guard: Incredible damage from NY/NJ oil spill; 'Grab bag' of contaminants also suspected — ABC: Acrid stench of petroleum in air (VIDEO)

Gov't Nuclear Expert: Immediately halt Japan's only 2 operating reactors — "It's certain there's an active fault"

Gundersen: Nuclear fuel pool started to heat up at New Jersey plant due to Sandy — They were bringing in fire pumps because of all the problems (AUDIO)

Fukushima Daiichi Worker: "We're looking at a Chernobyl-type situation, maybe worse" -Book

Smoke came out from location nearby recent fire at Fukushima Daiichi (MAPS)

Press Release: Earth below giant Louisiana sinkhole being 'moved up'

Tokyo Bay cesium even higher than levels reported off Fukushima — Nearly entire sea floor contaminated by 2014 (VIDEO)

NHK: Gov't assumed Fukushima Reactor No. 1 'completely ruined' within days of 3/11 — Reddish-brown smoke shot up after explosion says nuclear expert eyewitness (VIDEO)

Bill Maher: Nuclear power has problems... see Japan (VIDEO)

AP: Decision expected today on shutting down Japan's only operating nuclear plant — Even 'a gray zone' of quake uncertainty likely means reactors to close () ( Fukushima Still in a World of Hurt update 11/7/12)

Heightened concerns about Fukushima Daiichi: Nuclear Watch: Still Struggling baby steps mean "progress". No Real plan yet for decommissioning these MONSTERS.

Experts remain split over fissures under Ohi plant - not to self: when the fissure/fault "BECOMES ACTIVE" IT'S ALREADY TOO LATE.


Lots of radioactive parts from Japan Rejected from Russia (twice as many as last year)

Energy reform meeting scheduled.

Radiation monitors underreport data

http://enenews.com/ HEADLINES:

Gov't: UK nuclear facility is 'intolerable risk' — Radioactive waste poses significant risks to people and environment

Time: Conditions at 3 US reactors from Hurricane Sandy were similar to what caused Fukushima disaster

TV: 200% as many radioactive products returned to Japan this year than in 2011 says Russian report (VIDEO)

Asahi: Fukushima Daiichi a Theme Park? Tourists 'treated' to re-enactment of explosions — Beeping geiger counters, people crying out... more

Caldicott Live on TV as US Election Called: "About half of Japan is contaminated" — Huge censorship on what's happening with Fukushima... Host interrupts to say Obama re-elected (VIDEO)

Tepco: Cooling system suspended at Fukushima Spent Fuel Pool No. 3 — Will not resume until weekend

NRC: Steam vented into atmosphere through 'monitored release path' at Michigan nuclear plant — "No immediate safety concerns... here's what happened" (VIDEO)

Filmmaker: Hope is hard to come by in Fukushima — To this day women having abortions for fear of genetic damage, families breaking up

Feds: Release of 'unknown amount' of 'unknown substance' due to 'unknown cause' off Louisiana coast — Helicopter investigating incident

Update: Emergency shutdown after water level inside NY reactor dropped — NRC: Cause unknown; Recovery procedures in effect

TV: Problem during reactor restart process at New York nuclear plant damaged by Sandy

NHK: Concerns rising at Fukushima plant — 16,000 workers have quit, 'severe working conditions' blamed (VIDEO)

Officials: Severe thunderstorm warning for Louisiana sinkhole — NOAA: This is a dangerous storm; Deadly cloud-to-ground lightning; Winds over 60mph; Destructive hail (MAP)

Fukushima Mothers: Daughter has so many thyroid cysts doctor can't count them all — Hospital told not to test kids

Blowout in Gulf of Mexico: Wellhead releasing 'unknown product' into water off Louisiana coast (MAP)

US Paper: Fukushima kids playing above nuclear waste — Public parks are now unmarked radioactive dumps

Report: What is going on at Daiichi? Fukushima fallout increased Nov. 2-4 — Highest back-to-back days in months (CHARTS)

Coast Guard: Incredible damage from NY/NJ oil spill; 'Grab bag' of contaminants also suspected — ABC: Acrid stench of petroleum in air (VIDEO)

Gov't Nuclear Expert: Immediately halt Japan's only 2 operating reactors — "It's certain there's an active fault"

Gundersen: Nuclear fuel pool started to heat up at New Jersey plant due to Sandy — They were bringing in fire pumps because of all the problems (AUDIO)

Fukushima Daiichi Worker: "We're looking at a Chernobyl-type situation, maybe worse" -Book

Smoke came out from location nearby recent fire at Fukushima Daiichi (MAPS) () ( Fukushima Radioactive Contamination update 11/9/12)

Published on Nov 9, 2012 by MsMilkytheclown

Dang, this it the THIRD time I tried to upload this video. I had to redo it over and over.

Okay, so we have TEPCO explaining why they need to increase a measly 100 decontamination workers to a "whopping" three hundred. Um, I think they need a LOT more than THAT, but apparently "cost" is an "issue".

Tsunami debris expected to hit US and Canada in the next month.

F'n CNN gave me third party copyright notice for including simple "news" about Japan trucking radioactive debris across the country to burn it. You can see the lovely propaganda video by clicking the link below, instead of having Professor Busby explain it to you in plain Facts!

IAEA wants to hook up with Iran in December.

Radioactive sludge piling up in Japan. (still)

Kids getting Bullied for being from Fukushima.

A woman born in Fukushima was elected to Hawaii US Senate. It should be interesting to see what happens there!

and FINALLY: http://enenews.com/ Headlines

TEPCO to try and remove steel debris on top of fuel racks in No. 3 pool — Concern about liner? (PHOTOS)

Tepco President: I will come clean your house in Fukushima

Photos: Smiling mascot asks Fukushima kids to gargle to 'stay safe' from radiation — Radioactive sparkles on happy children

Officials: Sabotage at California's San Onofre nuclear plant?

AFP: Cracks found in South Korea nuclear reactor

State Rep: Sinkhole disaster could go on for "many, many years" — We need to understand what may happen if this thing goes any further (VIDEO)

Now 7 quakes at Magnitude 4 and above in Fukushima since yesterday

Intense M5.5 quake hits Fukushima — Aftershocks follow in exact location minutes later (MAPS)

Top Official Warns: Sinkhole could go 'a lot' further, potential is substantial — 'A lot' of information has yet to come out (VIDEO)

CNN: Debris from near Fukushima nuclear plant is being ground up, then burned in other parts of Japan (VIDEO)

"Astonishing": Thyroid abnormalities found in Fukushima kids declared 'ok' by gov't — Officials ordered doctors to stop examining patients

4 quakes M4.0 and above hit Fukushima in 24-hour period

TV: Methane "much closer" to community than previously detected near giant sinkhole — Pressure now just below surface — Officials want to test every structure built on ground

AP: Fukushima native elected to U.S. Senate

'Wind Turbine Syndrome' gets 4-minute segment on Colbert Report's post-election day show (VIDEO)

Sheriff: Giant Louisiana sinkhole may expand beyond control — Professor: It could be a 'significant' event (VIDEO)

Official Statement: Methane accumulating 20 feet underground near community by giant Louisiana sinkhole — "Immediate actions... to protect public safety" mentioned (AUDIO)

Kyodo: Fukushima radiation 'underreported' — Metal boxes in monitors are blocking radioactivity — Hundreds of locations in multiple prefectures affected

Gov't: UK nuclear facility is 'intolerable risk' — Radioactive waste poses significant risks to people and environment

Time: Conditions at 3 US reactors from Hurricane Sandy were similar to what caused Fukushima disaster

TV: 200% as many radioactive products returned to Japan this year than in 2011 says Russian report (VIDEO)

Asahi: Fukushima Daiichi a Theme Park? Tourists 'treated' to re-enactment of explosions — Beeping geiger counters, people crying out... more

special thank you to RedButtonStudio for the sound track.

*SIGH* I'm glad THAT loaded okay this time! ( The Next Fukushima is Ready & Waiting... update 11/14/12)

Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear, joins Thom Hartmann. You would think Japan would do everything it could to avoid another nuclear disaster - but you'd be wrong. What's the latest news coming out of Japan right now - and has America learned anything from the Fukushima devastation?

The ridiculous mascot Japan is using to warn children not to walk in radioactive puddles, etc, is named Kibitan. Absolutely ridiculous! Meaning:

causing or worthy of ridicule or derision; absurd; preposterous; laughable: a ridiculous plan.

New camera shows radiation levels

Japan's space agency and a leading machinery maker have developed a camera for use at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant. The device is designed to help in cleaning up leaked radioactive materials.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and Mitsubishi Heavy Industry unveiled a prototype of the camera on Thursday. The device has a sensor for high radiation.

The camera shows levels of radioactivity on a monitor in red, yellow or green for different levels of contamination.

The developers say it will help protect people working on decontamination and check the effectiveness of their work.

The device can capture views of 180 degrees -- much wider than those of other cameras.

The makers plan to market the product by next March.

Reporter: Massive steam dump from New Jersey's Salem nuclear plant during Sandy had 'little' radiation -Officials

Report: Anti-nuclear blogger's home raided by police — Computer equipment seized (VIDEO)

Yahoo News: Cesium over 500,000 Bq/kg detected in canal soil nearby Fukushima gov't offices

AP: Massive tornados sweep through Japan — Filmed hovering along coastline — Warnings issued (VIDEOS)

NHK: Tepco doesn't deny radioactive materials are seeping into Pacific (VIDEO)

Tepco to construct bulbous cover over Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 (PHOTO)

Researchers: Continuing radioactive leaks from Fukushima Daiichi — "There must be a source" — 300,000,000,000 becquerels a month thought entering Pacific

trouble adding description box today, "unknown reasons" some changes are not saved... according to YouTube. Thanks YouTube. ( Fukushima Unit 3 SFP, More Contamination in Fish & Tokyo: Gundersen p.1/2)

() () ( Fukushima Unit 3 SFP, More Contamination in Fish & Tokyo: Gundersen p.2/2)

Unit 3 Fuel Pool Repairs Support 'Detonation' and More Contamination Found in Fish and Tokyo Suburb

Events in Japan begin the Fairewinds weekly podcast this week. Gundersen analyzes TEPCO's recently released plans to install a protective cover over Unit 3 and discovers more proof that a detonation (not deflagration) did indeed occur in Unit 3 back in March 2011. Gundersen then analyzes recent radiation readings in Japan and concludes that the contamination is not abating.

Nov 14th 2012: Tepco Press Release

Fukushima trout log radioactivity level over 100 times gov't limit

The muddy issue of cesium in a lake

Latest Headlines: http://enenews.com/

Scientists: "The very lowest levels of radiation are harmful to life" — We have to rethink exposure levels from nuclear plants

Japan Times: Time bomb in Tokyo metropolitan area — Experts warn of accumulating Fukushima contamination

Fukushima worker fell 13 feet outside Unit 4 — "No radioactive material was attached on his body" — Fractured spine

Fukushima child suspected to have thyroid cancer -Kyodo

Japan Experts: Contamination from Fukushima "is almost irreversible" in coastal sediments

"Significant concentrations" of Niobium-95 were reported by Japan gov't after 3/11 -Study

Gov't: Radioactive black powder near Tokyo is ok, doesn't need decontamination

Kyodo: Radioactive trout over 100 times gov't limit caught in Fukushima river

The Guardian posts Fukushima film: Reactors not repaired at all — With one more quake Japan will cease to exist; Resulting destruction will take half of planet along with it (VIDEO) () (Fukushima Burning Radioactive Sludge & calling it Energy: Update 11/19/12 )

It just keeps going from Bad to Worse. It's not bad enough that Japan denies the severity of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, now it has the audacity to claim that burning it's radioactive Sludge as it turns to Methane (and considered Safe fuel)! It's bad enough that they are trucking radioactive debris all over Japan to lose the control group of health effects in the future. I'm just sitting here shaking my head once again. This is Absolute Madness! And Why the Hell do they say that Japan is OBLIGATED to store the radioactive sludge in Every Prefecture, can't they just keep it all localized in the Exclusion Zone? WTF. Two words: Felonious Criminality.

NGO's to examine Tsunami debris on the West Coast of the United States and offer less than a quarter of a million dollars to help clean up the debris. What a JOKE!

NEARLY HALF OF ALL CHILDREN in Fukushima Prefecture now (already) have Thyroid Cysts.

Energy policy "up in the air" as Noda dissolves the Lower House.

World bank says the temperature will rise by 4 degrees by 2100, however, the article said the temperature would rise by 3 (three degrees). Whatever, make up whatever you want to cover the nuclear industry's ass.

http://enenews.com/ latest headlines:

ABC Radio: "Who's to blame for radioactive fish? Tepco denies cesium contamination is from Fukushima"

Gundersen: Tokyo soil so hot it should be sent to nuclear waste dump — Really severe releases hit city (VIDEO)

Watch: Serious health problems after entering Fukushima evacuation zone (VIDEO)

Asahi: Another child with 'thyroid problems' — Officials can't say if directly related to Fukushima crisis

Top scientist suggests contaminated water is "actively being pumped out" into ocean from Fukushima plant -Reuters (VIDEO)

Gundersen: Cover at Fukushima Unit 3 looks like a mall superstore — Reactor building so severely damaged it can't support structure (AUDIO)

German TV: 42% of Fukushima children now with thyroid disorders — Official blames too much seafood? (VIDEO)

Scientists: "The very lowest levels of radiation are harmful to life" — We have to rethink exposure levels from nuclear plants

Japan Times: Time bomb in Tokyo metropolitan area — Experts warn of accumulating Fukushima contamination

Fukushima worker fell 13 feet outside Unit 4 — "No radioactive material was attached on his body" — Fractured spine

Fukushima child suspected to have thyroid cancer -Kyodo

Louisiana sinkhole grows to 8 acres — Witness: "Ridiculous" amount of oil outside hole — 80,000 gallons of removed from surface (VIDEO)

Japan Experts: Contamination from Fukushima "is almost irreversible" in coastal sediments

"Significant concentrations" of Niobium-95 were reported by Japan gov't after 3/11 -Study

Gov't: Radioactive black powder near Tokyo is ok, doesn't need decontamination

Kyodo: Radioactive trout over 100 times gov't limit caught in Fukushima river

The Guardian posts Fukushima film: Reactors not repaired at all — With one more quake Japan will cease to exist; Resulting destruction will take half of planet along with it (VIDEO)

Nuclear Engineer: To me it means Tepco knows about a rip in spent fuel pool liner at Fukushima Unit 3 (VIDEO)

US importing food from Japan that's considered unfit to eat there? (VIDEO)

Newspaper: "Disturbing risks" have emerged at NJ's Oyster Creek nuke plant after Sandy — Reactor may be decommissioned early

Reporter: Massive steam dump from New Jersey's Salem nuclear plant during Sandy had 'little' radiation -Officials ()

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