
KLV-26S550A-KLV-32S530A-KLV-32S550A-KLV-32S550A/L-KLV-32S550A/T-KLV-37S550A {EX2T CHASSIS}

KLV-26S550A > GE, India, ME, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Thailand.

KLV-32S530A > ME, Thailand.

KLV-32S550A > GE, India, Iran, ME, New Zealand,Philippines, Russia,South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia.

KLV-32S550A/L > GE, ME, Philippines, Russia, South Africa.

KLV-32S550A/T > GE, ME, Philippines, Russia, South Africa.

KLV-37S550A > GE, India, Iran, ME, Thailand, Tunisia, Philippines, Russia.


KLV-32S530A, 26, 32, 37 S550A [RM-GA016]

LED Display Specification

LED Display Control

LED Pattern.

When safety shutdown occurs, Standby LED display reports the cause by using the blinking patterns as indicated below.


The figure shows LED display when SHUT DOWN is caused by audio failure. It repeats flashing for a specified number of times in 0.3sec/cycle and has a 2 seconds interval of lighting off.

Note that a 2 seconds interval of lighting off is fixed regardless of abnormal state types.

Viewing the Service Diagnosis Display

* While TV on standby mode, press the following sequence on the Remote commander.

(if wrong key is pressed or passed 3 seconds during each process, cancel entering the self-diagnosis display.)

* To Exit, press the <I/Power> key.

KLV-32S530A, 26, 32, 37 S550A [RM-GA016]


Note: Each of the  blinking repeats every 2 seconds.

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