
Online TNEB Bill payment:

TNEB has provided online electricity bill payment option which is very useful for consumers to avoid big queues in TNEB offices.The electricity due amount can be paid online with having penalty before due date.


Step1: In order to TNEB bill, you need to register in TNEB and need to get user Id and password. The credentials will be used further for online bill payment.

Select region clicking on the select tab:

Step2: In the following page, the consumer number and LT/HT page need to entered and verify the details


Step3: Once you set the username and password in the TNEB , the registration part is over and you can use the user name and password for later bill payments.

Step4:For online TNEB bill payment, go to the site https://www.tnebnet.org/awp/home

Online Payment of Low Tension Electricity Bill is available for the entire state of Tamil Nadu.Consumers can pay their LT electricity bills through internet,Post Offices, bank counters, Kiosk machines,mobile phones. For making online payments click 'Login' button. Also Consumers can register complaints. 

Step5: When you click on Log in page directs to page where you can enter username and password

Step6: Your consumer number and amount will showned in the next page and click on the ticket button near to the bank

Step7: This will direct to the page where to you can select your bank for bill payment. Once you select the bank , you can click on 'Pay'button to confirm the payment which will direct to the Bank gate way and log in page for online bill payment.



Explain the process of registration briefly.

is the home page of TANGEDCO Limited. A link is available for online
payment which leads to another web portal. In this portal, new user sign
up is available. Choose this and enter the details required. The
service no details are available in the white meter card or in the
previous receipts. Choose the region appropriately. An automatic email
will be generated on submission of registration particulars and on
confirmation through the link on the email, the user is said to be
successfully registered.

What is consumer no?

The consumer no is the service no available in the white meter card or in the previous receipts.

How to key in the consumer no in the New User Registration page?

consumer (or) service no has to be entered in the box provided for this
purpose. If the details available in the White meter card are not
legible or is not confirming to the requirement, kindly see the example.


If the service no written in the card is 5 - 5 - 5, then the service no is 0050055

To which region do i belong ?

The first 3 digit of your consumer number is your section code. Kindly browse my region link to find your region.

Is an e-mail id essential?

Yes. Without a valid mail id registration cannot be successful.

What will happen if i type a wrong mail id?

take care to correctly type the mail id. If typed wrongly, the
automatic confirmation mail cannot be received. Without confirmation
through the link in the mail, you may not be able to login to your

How to pay using debit/credit card?

can pay using credit / debit card of any one of the bank listed under
(Any Master / Visa credit card or Debit card of the following banks can
be used for making payment) through the 'PAYMENT GATEWAY OPTION' by
selecting one of the available gateway whose bank charges are displayed.
After entering into any one of the gateways, give your debit/credit
card details when asked and proceed for payment.

Can I pay for multiple services? Can I pay for owner / tenant / relative / friends?

You may pay for any number of services. The service nos. can be added using the Add Consumer No button.

How can I monitor the bill payments?

may have to regularly check up bill status available in www.tneb.in web
site. For registered consumers, a mail is generated as soon as the
reading is made available from the field.

Should I have to print the e-receipt everytime?

essential. It is only for the purpose of record. You may view payment
report in the login and also bill status in www.tneb.in web site.

There is no entry made in the white meter card if I pay online. Is it mandatory to go to the section office for making entries?

No. The payment details are available in the database.

When will the data be available in the www.tneb.in site?

The details will be uploaded to the concerned regional servers on the subsequent working day.

What shall I do If Receipt Is Not Generated / Error Page Displayed ?

a successful transaction, if error page is displayed instead of the
receipt , kindly check whether your bank account is already debited
with the amount of earlier transaction before attempting to pay again
for the same service no. If debited, please do not attempt to pay again
for the same service no. The receipt will be sent to your registered
email id in reasonable time after receiving the confirmation from the
Bank. Also the receipt can be viewed in the payment report in your login

My transaction is not successful. If I try again, it states that it is already paid. What should I do?

transaction is broken and will get reconciled automatically within next
three working days. Check your bank account . If found debited, please
do not attempt to pay again for the same service no.

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