
As you know I have been selling on Amazon since December of 2013 and loving it! I love to shop so it’s great stress relief for me and I have needed it recently. Jessica Larrew has taught me, giving me everything I need to succeed in her course ABC Boot Camp which is $300. I know not everyone has $300 to spend right now (start saving it!) or you might want more information (AKA pushed off the cliff since you are afraid to jump) before you plunk down $300.

This is why I am excited to introduce Dennis Becker’s new book to you “The Amazing Amazon Genie: FBA“. FBA stands for Fulfillment By Amazon and it is rockin’ my world. What I would like to do is recommend you grab this new book from Dennis, and after you devour all 139 pages and are sure you want to rub your Amazon lamp and have your FBA Genie appear go with Jessica’s course. Let me tell you why real quick, Jessica has a private Facebook group for anyone who purchases her course and you will be able to ask your questions in the group. Not only ask your questions in the group but share your victories with other sellers and trust me we love to cheer each other on. In addition to this group Jessica has an additional group on Facebook that she privately coaches called Successfully Selling Inner Circle For Amazon Sellers, it is a secret group but it has taken my business to the next level.

Let’s get back to Dennis who I adore, when it comes to online retail Amazon is a powerhouse. It has been said that people buy from whom they know, like and trust. There is no getting around it people like, know, and trust Amazon. Their reputation for great customer service, fast shipping, pretty much having everything you can think of for sell that your heart desires has made them this powerhouse.

This powerhouse that they have become has created so many opportunities for every day people like you and I. Let’s recap some of the ways:

Amazon’s Affiliate Program

Kindle Publishing (self publishing)

Fulfillment by Amazon

I am sure there are more ways that I am unaware of at this time. Amazon is no longer just the world’s biggest book store. In order to have the largest selection of merchandise they allow and want people just like you and I to stock their warehouses for their online shoppers. They do everything within their power to help sellers like us, one way is their Amazon Prime program that gives members free 2 day shipping, video, and more….

Let’s ponder on this a moment, what other outlet do you know is as fearless as Amazon? I say fearless because they know they can’t do it alone and they allow anyone who wants to send in boxes of product to them and they do all the work. This work consists of marketing the merchandise, taking orders/payments, packing and shipping to the customer, handling returns, and then filling our bank accounts with cashola every 2 weeks.

Let’s compare apples to oranges here… I have been actively selling online since the end of 2008 that is 6 years ago. It took the last 3 years for me to see profit in my affiliate commissions, social media services, and offline services. I started this in December of last year and the profit is coming in already. You can be profitable with Amazon FBA quickly but you need to have a good teacher. By the time you finish reading “The Amazing Amazon Genie: FBA” you will be on your way to seeing profit for yourself.

Fulfillment by Amazon is changing my life, let me quote my father: “Everything you have done or invested in has not panned out.” I have never been more happy for him to eat his words. And it’s not that my father does not believe in me, he has just seen me fail for the last 6 years, along with my husband seeing the same. Do you have any idea how exciting it is for me to tell my husband or my father my payout amounts which I am reinvesting right now back into Amazon and intend to do so through July. Let me tell you 4th quarter is Amaze Balls when it comes to profit!

When I say I tried everything I mean everything, direct sales, Multi-Level Marketing and in the direct sales business I built a small team only to have my up line steal it from me. That won’t happen here and trust me I’m not crying over that spilled milk. The only things that have worked for me are affiliate marketing, product creation, Kindle publishing, and Fulfillment by Amazon. So, yes you should care about Fulfillment by Amazon, especially if you believe in having multiple streams of income.

I digress by sharing parts of my story with you, let me get back to the book and some of the topics it is going to share with you:

FBA Opportunity Basics

Quick and Easy Guide to Getting Started

Understanding FBA Fees and Your Profits

What to Sell on Amazon

What is Retail Arbitrage

Prepping your Shipment and Pricing your Items

Private Labeling

FBA Logistics

Advanced Tips and Tricks

This is just a peak into what Dennis will share with you. By the time you finish reading his guide you will be “Jones’in” to get started.  Going through this book has reaffirmed I have made the correct choice to start a FBA business, and my next step is private labeling.   I am thrilled that I started out with retail arbitrage, it has given me the capital I will need to get started with the private labeling.  Not only the capital but also develop a great relationship with Amazon and understanding the requirements that go along with the privilege of selling on Amazon.

There is a chapter that talks about “working this business on your own terms”.  Let’s revisit my direct sales days for a moment, with Amazon FBA I don’t have to book parties or should I say beg my hostess to re-book and then beg / harass her guests to book their own party.  Nor is it a requirement for my business to generate a minimum amount of sales in a month to hold a title.  No recruiting people so they can work their tushies off for you to make a profit, at their expense and their dreams.

Another thing Dennis talks about is the cons that is what I love about him, he is very clear along with being black and white about everything.  He details out everything so you don’t lose money, and shares valuable tools that I use all the time in my FBA business.  On page 57 he talks about paid tools and the 2nd one he mentions is my bestie when I go out sourcing and is a one time fee of just $15.

Make sure you grab The Amazing Amazon Genie:  FBA today read it and wet your appetite for selling on Amazon and then come join me at ABC Bootcamp.  I enjoy reading, watching step by step video demonstrations, and interacting / networking in groups.  This is an excellent guide, you can not lose with “The Amazing Amazon Genie: FBA” you will gain the knowledge you need to start your own business.  So tell me what is your dream?  Do you want to be to work from home, get your significant other out of their day job, work when you want?  You can do all these things and more with this book.


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The post The Amazing Amazon Genie: FBA by Dennis Becker appeared first on Eleanor Prior.

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