

I’m a very bad Nostradamus. An example is Valentino and Martina, if someone tells me that being a father was going to be so much fun, for sure I had children before (irony or not irony, your choice ) In the last past years I was kind of a technologies consumer and thanks to Avanade, I was able to connect this world with the business world, so at the end I have a particular vision of this package all togheter.

In recent years I have been a developer and is something that has delighted me, programming is one of the most fun and creative activities that exists. Then over time I became interested in improving the quality of my work and I realized that the most important thing for this is to have a good team. So I discovered SCRUM, learned to exploit Visual Studio as a work tool and to know people in order to make projects fun way forward (the USB missile launcher for the developers that break a build! ))

And for a few years, the trend I see is that future innovations come from the hardware line. Caution, I am not stupid and I know that Facebook or Twitter are software products. However, if look you in detail, today large advances are becoming smaller. Within a couple of years, our smartphone will be our body with internet connection. There are new wearables technologies that goes beyond a smartwatch for controlling music, enhance our quality of life. Clocks that control our vital signs all the time, can be now connected to large data centers that can process these data in real-time and predict future problems or help us make decisions to improve our standard of life (or children!).

The advent of low consumption technologies, as BLE allow pruning place Beacons in many parts and these beacons are then the entry point for advertising solutions, Geolocation solutions, car crash detection, etc. In recent years the tablets and they were characterized by highlighting the wintel and choose the path for the duration of the battery, today the advances of Intel in this aspect are amazing! Can you imagine the power of an I7 processor but with the consumption of a Pocket Watch? Thus no wait that long.

In addition to devices increasingly smaller in size, the way in which we interact with technology is also changing. There are large spaces sensor like Kinect, nearby sensors like Leap Motion, wearables like the Google Glasses or virtual as the Oculus Rift. All of these are betting by new forms of human interaction with information, some will succeed and the other not; the important thing is that you have them and you have to choice to use them or not. An example of this, is the work with a touch laptop, sure that if you have a Surface Pro and use it as a working tool, your interaction elements are keyboard, mouse, and the touch screen. Is probably my you’re after making swipe and touch in “older” computers, but way you interact already has evolved.

Today there are projects that are committed to create tactile surfaces everywhere, only with a strap connected to your mobile you can project and interact on any site. Again, it is a rare bet, you have insured the success, however little by little new doors are opening.

And this is the world of consumption, for users of street, in the business worlds the changes are even more important. Platforms such as Arduino, help us to prototype very quickly, and with very low production costs. Did you noticed the amount of Arduino out what projects? You know that most sensors for control of home, car, etc. tend to have basic Arduino

It is true that all innovations are based on Hardware + Software and in the second part we have a very important role the developers. But also is true that, as in the past years, if you want to be a good developer, best salt in your comfort zone and start thinking more down to Zeros and ones, begins to think in hardware mode. I can assure you that it’s fun (hard very hard) and also has very interesting outputs on the market.

Today is Friday, and if I keep writing I can finish on Sunday because the change will be brutal. This post is actually a beacon that left today to have a base line within 3 years and change, and improve my abilities of prediction (certainly not I have told what we do with Prediction at Avanade, it is impressive!)

Saludos @ Home

El Bruno


Archivado en: Opinion, Personal

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