

An Official Publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

In This Issue

17th ICID - Hyderabad

News from ProMED

IMED 2016: Sessions

5th Edition of the GUIDE

ISID Council Nominations open

SSI/ISID Fellowship Report


ISID & Pfizer Awardees


Book Awards

Meetings Calendar & Announcements

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17th ICID

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17th ICID - Hyderabad, India - March 2-5, 2016

Updates on the International Congress on Infectious Diseases
Planning for the 17th ICID continues with assistance from the National Organizing Committee. The scientific program will encompass all of the fields of infectious diseases. You can keep up with ongoing changes, updates and modifications on the 17th ICID website at 17th ICID website


You will find the abstract guidelines and the electronic abstract submission system are now available on the 17th ICID website.

Awards available:

Sanofi Pasteur Awards for Communicable Disease Epidemiology

Travel Grant Awards for Young Investigators from India

ISID New Investigator Award

Elsevier Foundation Travel Grants for Early Career Women Scientists from Low or Lower-Middle Income Countries

ProMED Awards in Emerging Infectious Diseases

The deadline for abstract submission for these awards is NOVEMBER 1, 2015. Information about and guidelines for applications for awards for outstanding abstracts can be found at: Awards.

For updates on the 17th ICID:  17th ICID website

More 17th ICID Plenary Speakers:

'Challenges and Opportunities in the Management of Chronic Hepatitis B Infection'

Ching-Lung Lai is the Simon K Y Lee Professor in Gastroenterology and the Chair Professor of Medicine and Hepatology at the Department of Medicine, University of Hong Kong.

'MERS, Ebola, SARS and H1N1: Local and Global Responses to Viral Threats'

Paul Anantharajah Tambyah is currently Professor of Medicine at the National University of Singapore and Senior Consultant Infectious Diseases Physician at the National University Hospital. He is also Research Director in the Division of Infectious Diseases of the National University Health System.

'Tuberculosis: Challenges and Solutions in the 21st Century'

Congratulations to Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, MD, who has taken over as Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research & Secretary, Department of Health Research (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare) on 17th August, 2015, a position to which she brings with her vast experience in health research and research administration. Prior to this assignment, Dr. Swaminathan was Director, National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT) in Chennai since 2012. ISID is honored that she will participate as a plenary speaker.



17th ICID Sponsors:

News from ProMED


EpiCore is an effort to speed the recognition and validation of outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases in order to facilitate rapid responses.

A partnership between ProMED, the Skoll Global Threats Funds, Health Map, and TEPHINET, EpiCore leverages the skills and knowledge of epidemiologically trained health professionals around the world to identify disease outbreaks faster.

EpiCore.org is a digital platform that facilitates communication about potential infectious disease outbreaks between public health surveillance professionals and trained public health professions in the area of a rumored outbreak.

EpiCore users are trained volunteers who respond to occasional "Requests for Information" or "RFI's" sent via e-mail whenever they could contribute. You could be one of the global health professionals who will help shape the future of disease detection!

Questions: Contact us at info@epicore.org
Sign up now at: www.epicore.org

Emerging Disease Posts 2014
This word cloud is an illustration of the most talked about diseases on ProMED by region in 2014.

(Click to enlarge. Thanks to ISID intern, John Ramatowski for work on this word cloud.)

Avenues to Access ProMEDIf you are not currently a subscriber, you can sign up for ProMED for free at: Subscribe
Readers can follow all of the ProMED networks  on Twitter and Facebook by clicking related icons on each of the network webpages. Start at:www.promedmail.org.

The 2016 International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance - Save the Date!

November 4-7, 2016
Vienna, Austria

Planned session topics include:

Methods and Models of Disease Surveillance, Detection and Prediction

Lessons from the Ebola Epidemic

Emerging Zoonoses and Animal Health Threats

Biosecurity and Agents of Bioterrorism and Biological Warfare

Infections Related to Travel and Migration of Humans and Animals

Vectorborne Diseases

Epidemiology of Emerging Pathogens

Diagnostic Tests for Emerging Pathogens

Foodborne and Waterborne Pathogens

Specific Disease Threats: Pandemic, Avian, and Swine Influenza; Ebola and other Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers, MERS Coronavirus; Enterovirus D68; Rift Valley Fever; Drug-Resistant Pathogens; Chikungunya; Anthrax; Cholera, West Nile Virus; Poxviruses,Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies; Healthcare Associated Infections and Others.

Vaccines and Therapeutics for Emerging Diseases

Climate Change, Social, Political and Economic Factors in Disease Emergence

Epidemic Preparedness and Response

Submitted Abstracts (Oral and Poster)

Info: http://imed.isid.org/

Abstract submission: The deadline for abstract submission will be July 2016.

5th Edition: Guide to Infection Control in the Hospital

The 5th edition of A Guide to Infection Control in the Hospital is now available in a PDF format as a free download to members.
This handy manual contains 60 chapters that explain key principles and guidelines for reducing the rate of nosocomial infections and practical measures intended to improve quality of care, minimize risk, save lives, and reduce costs. Over 3,000 ISID members have already downloaded the Guide and have sent grateful acknowledgements and comments such as, "I am thrilled to have this wonderful resource."

If you are interested in receiving a personalized link to enable you to download a PDF copy of the Guide you can send an email request to membership@isid.org.

The print version of the 5th edition of the Guide in English may be purchased directly through the Society. Individuals from low and middle income countries may receive the Guide for free with the payment of postage only, upon request by contacting membership@isid.org.

Nominations Open for ISID International Council

On the occasion of the 17th ICID in Hyderabad, more than one-quarter of the ISID Council members will conclude their terms of service and the Society will have openings for new Council members from all regions. The nomination process is underway.

The ISID Council assists the Executive Committee in managing ISID's activities through participation on committees and working groups. The Council is distributed according to World Health Organization regions to ensure that all regions of the world are represented in the governing structure of the Society. Council members serve a six-year term. The Nominating Committee is actively seeking your recommendations for individuals who are interested in the activities of the ISID and who would become involved with the Society in its various programs. Self recommendations are welcome. More information on the ISID's Council.

Suggestions for nominees, or self-nominations with short statement of interest (not more than 150 words) and your CV should be sent to the attention of Laurence Mialot at laurence.mialot@isid.org. The ISID Nominations Committee will meet in October 2015 to consider all nominations.

SSI/ISID Fellowship Report

ISID and the Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases (SSI) jointly sponsor the SSI/ISID Infectious Diseases Research Fellowship Program. The purpose of this Fellowship Program is to support infectious disease physicians and scientists from developing and middle income countries through multidisciplinary clinical and laboratory training at select biomedical institutions in Switzerland. More information on the SSI/ISID Fellowship.

Gebreselassie Hiwot Mamo, Ethiopia

Dr. Mamo conducted her research in collaboration with scientists from the Infectious Diseases Divisions in Bern, Switzerland.

Final Report: Mamo

International Journal of Infectious Diseases

September 2015

Editor's Choice articles:
The dire sexual health crisis among MSM in the Philippines: an exploding HIV epidemic in the absence of essential health services LINK

Multifocal Cutaneous and Osseous Tuberculosis  LINK


The IJID is the official publication of the ISID and is now published in an open access format on a monthly basis. The IJID aims to provide a source of information relevant to professionals involved in the epidemiology, clinical diagnosis, treatment and control of infectious diseases with particular emphasis placed on those disease which are most common in less-developed countries.

The IJID publishes original clinical and laboratory-based research, reports of clinical trials, reviews, medical imagery and a limited number of case reports.To access the IJID and sign up for regular Table of Contents updates go to: http://www.ijidonline.com

ISID and Pfizer Independent Grants
for Learning & Change Awards

Announcing the Awardees
ISID and Pfizer Independent Grants for Learning & Change (IGL&C) collaborated in 2014 to offer a grant opportunity in the area of adult vaccination. The goal was to decrease health disparities by increasing access to or use of vaccinations by adults either individually or by population in low- and middle-income countries. A total of $1,000,000 was awarded.


Reaching the hard-to-
reach mobile pastoralists with the most appropriate vaccination scheme in Central Africa

Strategic Immunization Geo-
temporal Mapping Application (SIGMA)

Using novel packaging and delivery technologies to improve access to adult vaccines in low-
resource settings

Vaccination accessibility for child-bearing age women in low- and middle-income countries in Southeast Asia period 2015-2017

Information on researchers and project abstracts are posted on the ISID website. LINK.

Symposium on Emerging Infectious Diseases in the Time of Ebola

ISID at ICAAC 2015

Emerging Infectious Diseases in the Time of Ebola

This one-day workshop was developed by ISID and ProMED in collaboration with the American Society for Microbiology and was held on September 17, 2015 in San Diego.

Zoonotic diseases - those that can be transmitted between animals and humans - account for the majority of emerging infectious diseases. The one-day symposium fully embodied the One-Health model, recognizing the commonality of human, animal and environmental health. Experts discussed the effects of population changes, urbanization, migration and changes in climate on driving the emergence of new diseases and the re-emergence of old ones. In addition, highlighting the need for collaboration between disciplines to tackle EIDs in an interconnected world, speakers provided insights in information technology and innovative strategies used to detect and predict the next outbreak, economic implications of and incentives for reporting outbreaks, the use of genomics and new diagnostic tools to diagnose new pathogens and called for harmonization of regulatory requirements as a critical element to ensure the development and distribution of medications and vaccines during outbreaks. The workshop concluded with a session where professionals from the forefront of the Ebola epidemic discussed obstacles and successes they encountered while caring for patients in West Africa and challenged the role the WHO and governments played in responding to the outbreak.

and managing outbreaks.

Although the Ebola outbreak is not over yet, experts from all disciplines agreed that it was crucial to think beyond Ebola to prevent the next epidemic. Highlighting the importance of international and regional collaborations across borders and a multidisciplinary approach, they stressed the need for early detection, robust surveillance systems and strengthened health systems. The next epidemic will come and will likely be caused by a more contagious pathogen. We learned from the current outbreak in West Africa that the world is not ready to deal with a pandemic.

For the full program of the symposium go to  Symposium.

2015 BMA Medical Book Awards for Book on Emerging Infections

First Prize, Public Health Category
We would like to congratulate Onder Ergönül [ISID Council member], Füsun Can, Larry Madoff [editor of ProMED] and Murat Akova on winning the First Prize of 2015 British Medical Association (BMA) Medical Book Awards in Public Health with the book titled, Emerging Infectious Diseases: Clinical Case Studies. The book is an easy-to-use, extraordinarily informative text that belongs on every clinician's shelf,Clinical infectious Diseases wrote in a recent review. "A collaborative effort among scientists, clinicians, and public health workers is needed to combat emerging infections. This text was written for clinicians, with the content reflecting interdisciplinary perspectives. It elegantly synthesizes the clinical microbiologic, and epidemiologic information that is critical for patient diagnosis and for recognizing and mitigating outbreaks." (Clinical Infectious Diseases, August 1, 2015).
Chapter contributors include Eskild Petersen [ProMED parasitic diseases moderator and IJID editor], Larry Lutwick [ProMED bacterial diseases moderator], and Ziad Memish [ISID Executive Committee].

Available from Elsevier.

Calendar and Announcements

ISID Council Member, Dr. Sergio Cimermann has been elected to the presidency of the Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases.



ISID maintains a list of upcoming Infectious Diseases meetings worldwide on our website. Please see: CALENDAR

If you wish to modify your membership status at ISID please contact the Society at membership@isid.org

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