
Dear Colleague,

Antimicrobial resistance is the largest health issue on the planet. We've put billions into examining a threat that can cost us trillions to the world economy – now it is time to start discussing the solutions.

They key to success is bringing stakeholders together. That's why this year, we are proud to announce the first World AntiMicrobial Resistance Congress, taking place in Washington D.C. October 19-20, 2015. The focus is on sustainable business models and scientific hurdles that need to be overcome in order to spur continued antibiotic development. You can't discuss solutions without those who would be solving it – big pharma.

We are bringing the largest number of major pharmaceutical companies such as Actavis, Merck, MedImmune, andBasilea, together with funding and research agencies like BARDA, Pew Charitable Trusts, NIH, Wellcome Trust, andIMI together in one location to have the hard discussions on what is being done, and what still needs to be done, to combat the AMR threat.

Download the event brochure today to find out more >

World leaders from President Barack Obama to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon have issued frightening reports about where this threat is headed. Government and private institutions have helped to fund research to fill the void that big pharma left behind when they abandoned the space. Now, certain legislation, such as the GAIN Act in the U.S., is promising to change the direction permanently. Big Pharma is starting to listen.

Hear about the research and clinical plans for pharma and biotech companies still developing antibiotics. Witness the return of big pharma to the field. Engage with government and private stakeholders from across the globe.

Be a part of the solution. Book today.

Joining the speaking faculty this year are:

Hasan Jafri, Senior Director, Clinical Research and Development, Infectious Diseases and Vaccines,MedImmune

Barry Eisenstein, Distinguished Physician, Antimicrobials, Merck

Nathan Stasko, President and Co-Founder, Novan Therapeutics

Thale Jarvis, Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Crestone

Zhengyu Yuan, Chief Executive Officer, Slava Epstein, Co-Founder, NovoBiotic

Krishna Menon, Chief Scientific Officer, Cellceutix

David Melnick, Vice President, Clinical Development, Anti-Infectives, Actavis

Mark Jones, Head of Project Management / Head of Microbiology, Basilea Pharmaceutica Ltd.

Ian Friedland, Chief Medical Officer, Achaogen

Roger Beuerman, Chief Scientific Officer, SinSa Labs

Brian Woolhouse, VP, Customer Business, Merck

Jose Senna, Researcher, Bio-Manguinhos/ Fiocruz

The World AntiMicrobial Resistance Congress USA 2015 is a platform designed to encourage and expedite antibiotic development. Book today by visiting the website: www.terrapinn.com/AMR-2015
Pinky Fadullon

General Manager, Life Sciences



Tel: +646 619 1785

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