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HandsOn: Biobanks 2015 - The EXPOnential relevance of Biobanking. Clinical Biobanks for personalized medicine, 29 – 31 July, Italy
We are very pleased to inform you that the next HandsOn: Biobanks (HOBB) annual event of BBMRI-ERIC (Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium), entitled "The EXPOnential relevance of Biobanking. Clinical Biobanks for personalized medicine", will be held in Milan, from 29 to 31 July 2015, in the context of EXPO and under prestigious patronage of the European Commission.
BBMRI-ERIC is a pan-European research infrastructure which provides access to quality controlled human biological samples, such as blood, tissues, cells or DNA, and associated clinical and research data. According to the latest evaluation of research infrastructures of the ESFRI roadmap, BBMRI-ERIC is one of the leading European infrastructures. The strong Member State engagement already achieved in its preparatory phase makes BBMRI-ERIC an important infrastructure to further develop the European Research Area and to achieve the strategic R&D goals of Europe.
The conference will be hosted by the University Milan-Bicocca, one of the most prestigious Italian institutions. HOBB 2015 will discuss the growing relevance of clinical biobanks, essential infrastructure for the development of personalized medicine. The programme will include sessions on quality in all aspects of the biobanking process, pre-analytical conditions, international outreach, partnership between academia and industry. The scientific programme will cover the major topics with plenary and parallel sessions; keynote lectures; posters; ethics café discussions and interactive idea labs. Also, with the help of our sponsors, the participants will follow "The Route", an interactive exhibition where practical aspects of collection, storage and use of liquid biopsies and archive tissues will be presented.
The event will be a chance for people from all over the world to share ideas and to build on international collaborations. The audience will represent academia, industry, medical doctors, patient groups, policy makers, public representatives and legislators to discuss the future issues for biobanking. The HOBB conference will be a part of the Work Programme for BBMRI-ERIC for years to come.
We wish you all welcome to Milano, Italy and to HandsOn: Biobanks!
Marialuisa Lavitrano
BBMRI.it National Coordinator
Jan-Eric Litton
Director General BBMRI-ERIC